Timber Talks
River Mill Elementary - January 19, 2024
Dear River Mill Families,
Looking ahead to next week, we are definitely looking forward to a regular school week. On Thursday, January 25th, we have two exciting opportunities. During the school day at 1:00pm, our staff and students will walk over to Estacada Middle School's auditorium to preview Estacada High School's rendition of Beauty and the Beast. We know our EHS team does an incredible job with their shows and we encourage to get your own tickets to one of the shows next weekend. In addition, we will host our Family Night on Thursday evening at 5:30pm. During this time, we will be serving pizza and will have many games set up for you to participate with your child in varied reading and math activities. Please download your free HomeTown Tickets to the event, which is in link below.
Have a great weekend and thank you again for your ongoing support.
Next Week's Schedule!
This Week:
- Jan. 22nd: Regular School Day
- Jan. 23rd: Regular School Day
- Jan. 24th: Regular School Day
- Jan. 25th: Regular School Day - Family Night at 5:30pm
- Jan. 26th: REID Day, by invitation only
Upcoming Events:
- Feb. 2nd - No School, Grading Day
- Feb. 9th - REID Day, by invite only
- Feb. 14th - Kinder & 5th Grade Family Breakfast
- Feb. 16th - REID Day, by invite only
- Feb. 19th - No School, Presidents Day
Counselors' Corner
It's time for a Penny War!
The penny war is a fundraiser that has been organized by our PTO to help raise funds for a new popcorn machine. The popcorn machine is used at some of our family and school events. Once that goal is reached, additional funds will support classrooms and saved to help raise funds for a future purchase of an electronic reader board outside our building. Thank you for your consideration and support of this event.
Family Night, this week!
State Testing Opt Out Forms (3rd - 5th Grades)
Follow us on Facebook!
This Month's Standard of Excellence:
Meal Prices for the 2023-24 School Year
Attendance Matters - Every Day Counts!
Technology Needs Survey - Please Fill this out!
We know that weather can sometimes be unpredictable in Oregon and at times, students may need to access their learning from home for the day if we need to close school. In order for us to be prepared to best support you and your child, please take a couple minutes to fill out the technology survey below so we can get you connected with the right items. If you do not want your child to bring home a device, this is your chance to tell us. We plan to begin sending devices home the week of October 30th. Thank you!
Weather Changes & Clothes
If your child gets super wet at recess or has a bathroom accident, we do not have extra clothes for them. For all students, Pre-K to 5th grade, please have a spare outfit (including socks) in your child's backpack. This will help make them more comfortable while they are at school.
Birthday Celebrations at School
Student Safety - arrival & dismissal
Please remember that our doors open on Monday through Thursday at 7:20 and on Friday at 7:50. We do not have supervision until those times so please do not drop your child off sooner than that time.
When it comes to dismissal, it is imperative that you update pick up patrol. We have several after school clubs and we need plans to be accurate. In addition, we still use pick up patrol on Friday, REID days and we need plans changed in that system on that day as well. If you need any support with this, just let us know. If we have not heard from you, we use the student's default plan in Pick Up Patrol to know where to send them. Thank you for understanding.
Drop Off and Pick Up Information!
River Mill Elementary
Principal Corinne Johnsen
Go Timbers!
Email: johnsenc@estacada.k12.or.us
Website: www.rmes.estacada.k12.or.us
Location: 850 North Broadway Street, Estacada, OR, USA
Phone: 503-630-8517
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverMillElem
Twitter: @RMTimbers