Arctic Blast
October 22nd, 2024
As we enter into November, we have a few opportunities to gather. Next week, we have a Glacier Ridge Eats Out (GREO) on Monday. We are also hosting a Glacier Ridge Reads! On Tuesday, we will be hosting Trunk or Treat. We hope to see everyone.
We also look forward to Parent Teacher conferences in November. Be on the look out for signing up for conferences available on November 1st.
Dr. Gruper, Mrs. Hensley, and Mrs. Evans
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Important Dates
- October 23rd - Early Release Day
- non-attendance day for Pre-K
- K-5 students dismissed at 2:00pm
- October 28th - GREO at Guzman Y Gomez - 4:00-8:00pm
- October 28th - Glacier Ridge Reads - 6:00-7:00pm
- October 29th - GRS Trunk or Treat - 4:30pm
- October 31st - Halloween Parade & Classroom Parties
- November 4th - Teacher Institute Day - No School
- November 5th - Election Day - No School
- November 11th - 5th Grade Veterans Day Assembly
- November 13th - Early Release Day
- November 18th - GREO at Lou Malnati's - 11:00am-10:00pm
Community Harvest Food Drive
Glacier Ridge is proud to support the Crystal Lake Food Pantry and looks forward to participating in the Community Harvest Food Drive again this year, a combined effort of the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce and the Crystal Lake Community. Monetary donations are also accepted: checks can be made payable to the Crystal Lake Food Pantry.
Donations will be accepted through Friday, November 22nd.
Holiday Assistance
Throughout the school year Glacier Ridge works with community organizations that are interested in helping families who are in need around the holiday season. If your family would like to receive assistance with food or clothing, please complete the Holiday Assistance Consent form. Please note that resources are limited and filling out this form is not a guarantee of assistance. Please contact your student’s teacher if you would like a paper copy of the forms or feel free to click the link, fill out the forms, and return to your student’s teacher.
Please return the completed forms to your student’s teacher by Wednesday October 23th, 2024.
Glacier Ridge Reads
Disquise a Pumpkin
Help a pumpkin avoid getting carved by decorating it to look like a character from a book you love. Click Here for directions, pumpkin outline, and to print an entry form.
Trunk or Treat - 'Trunkers' needed- signup today!!
Please SIGN UP HERE to be a 'decorated trunk' for our 2nd Glacier Ridge Trunk or Treat! If we don't have enough 'trunks' we will have to cancel this event.
Trunk or Treat is Tuesday, October 29th. Trunker's will need to arrive between 4:00pm-4:15pm. Trunker's will provide some treats. We are also asking for donations to be sent to school during school hours this week, and be placed in the Candy Monster bin outside the front doors.
All students, families, staff, and community are welcome to Trunk or Treat at this event.
- From 4:30pm - 5:00pm we have our Sensory Friendly experience where treaters will stay in their car and the trunker's will come to you!
- From 5:00pm - 6:00pm for all treaters to go up to the trunkers.
We can't wait to see the creativity of all the decorated trunks, and all the halloween costumes!
Glacier Ridge School Directory - Last Chance!!!
Crystal Lake School District #47 cannot furnish data for a school directory. If you would like to be a part of a directory for Glacier Ridge, please fill out this form. The deadline has been extended until Wednesday, October 30th. This directory is assembled by volunteers in the PTA and is not associated with the school office or school district. Fill out as much information as you would like to share. The school directory includes: contact information for GR families (for those who wish to contribute) AND information on GR staff - including photos, favorite things, and other tidbits to help you get to know the GR staff (for the staff who wish to contribute). The directory will be distributed in early November to all that have entered their student's information. This is just in time for the holiday season! It’s also a great place to get contact information for play dates or birthday parties! Click the link to submit your family’s information into the directory!
School Directory Sign Up
GREO - Glacier Ridge Eats Out
Don't feel like cooking? Join us on Monday, October 28th from 4-8pm for our October GREO at Guzman y Gomez in Crystal Lake. The PTA will get 20% of all sales, just make sure to mention Glacier Ridge PTA when you order. See the flyer for additional information.
Butter Braids - Just In Time For The Holidays!
Butter Braid forms will be sent home on Thursday, October 24th. Please check backpacks. Orders can be done via the form, or online! See the attached flyer for how to register for online sales! Orders must be returned to school or completed online by Friday, November 8th at Noon! Pickup is Friday, November 22 at school from 3:30-5:30pm, at first entrance to school.
PTA Committee Sign Up
PTA Members needed
Please join our PTA!
Glacier Ridge PTA - Supporting Glacier Ridge PreK-5th grades
Spirit Wear
Order your Glacier Ridge Spirit Wear today!
A percentage of the proceeds will go back to the students at Glacier Ridge!
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to join us on:
- Facebook: Glacier Ridge Elementary Parents Group
For any questions please email us at:
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your elementary school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.
Elevate Award Nominations
Nominations for the Elevate Award are now open for the 2024-2025 school year. Don't forget to nominate a deserving District 47 staff member for the Elevate award.