MASD Community Education
March 2025
MASD Community Education program is committed to the unique partnership that exists between our community and school district. We connect citizens and resources, creating lifelong learning opportunities as individuals share their knowledge, skills, and interests with one another.
The district is excited about the opportunities available through community education. Treat yourself! Get out of the house, explore our schools, and learn new skills in a fun, social setting. The program offers a variety of opportunities in a multitude of interest areas. Recreational learning and skill-based ventures are offered in areas ranging from arts & crafts to science, from foods to fitness.
Classes are not held when schools are closed due to inclement weather.
Glass Fusing For Beginners (16+) Waiting list Only
Glass Fusing is a super fun and creative way to make beautiful, colorful pieces of Glass Art! We will learn how to cut and shape colorful pieces of glass using glass nippers, scoring wheels, and running pliers. The pieces will then be fired in a kiln so that they melt and fuse together. After cooling, we can add hooks to make pendants, or just to hang in the window.
INSTRUCTOR: John Grundman
DATES/TIME: Wed., Mar. 12; 6:00-8:00 pm
LOCATION: Section Elementary School (W318S8430 Cty Rd. EE) Art Room
Paint Along with BryTan Expressive Art-Spring Flowers (15+)
Have fun and be creative! Learn some basic techniques for landscape and still-life paintings. We will use acrylic paints to create a simple and beautiful flower still-life. Learn to have confidence in your abilities and to have fun in the process! All materials will be provided.
DATES/TIME: Mon., Mar. 31; 7:00-8:30 pm
LOCATION: Mukwonago High School - Art Room 162
Fun With Clay-Spring Garden Sculptures (16+)
In this class you will learn the pinch pot technique, exploring various shapes and forms and adapting techniques for your own creations for your outdoor gardens. This class is a great introduction to ceramics skills but also a great review for those with experience.
INSTRUCTOR: John Grundman
DATES/TIME: Wed. Apr. 23 & 30; 6:00-7:30 pm
LOCATION: Section Elementary School (W318S8430 Cty Rd. EE) Art Room
The container gardener is limited only by his or her imagination because even the smallest patio, balcony or kitchen counter can reap a crop of herbs, flowers and vegetables. This workshop will focus on herbs which are ideal to clip for kitchen use. Participants will choose between an Italian Herb Garden, Salsa Herb Garden, or a Tea Herb Garden. Planter bowl and soil also provided in cost. Class will cover how to care for your new herb garden year long.
INSTRUCTOR: Thomas Greenhouse Staff
DATES/TIME: Tues., Mar. 18; 6:00-7:30 pm
LOCATION: Mukwonago High School - Room 164
Get Ready for a Sweeter Holiday Season
With Christine's Angelic Treats - Easter Cookies
Each participant will receive pre-baked cutout cookies, ready for your creative touch! You’ll be able to practice mixing and coloring your own Royal Icing, learn how to achieve the perfect consistency for decorating, and practice various techniques to make your cookies stand out. All supplies are included, just bring your creativity and enthusiasm! Adult with child 13+ welcome!
INSTRUCTOR: Christine Dunn
DATES/TIME: Wed., Apr. 16; 6:00-8:00 pm
LOCATION: Mukwonago High School - Culinary Kitchen
COURSE FEE: $45 Single Registrant / Adult with Child 13+ $55
Yoga for Working Stiffs (18+)
Feeling tense, tight, and tired from a long day of work? Try Yoga for Working Stiffs. Yoga helps ease the tension in your body and mind. Focusing on tight areas such as shoulders, hips, hamstrings, and lower back, we will let go of the demands of the day and become mindfully present through our yoga practice. Discover the benefits of yoga: increased flexibility, improved balance, and more energy. Beginners welcome. (10% discount offered to continuing yoga participants!)
INSTRUCTOR: Catherine Selzer-Benavides
DATE/TIME: Session 2-Tues., Feb. 25-Apr. 8 (no class March 25); 4:30-5:30 pm
Session 3-Tues., Apr. 22-May 27; 4:30-5:30 pm
LOCATION: Mukwonago High School, Room 42
COURSE FEE: $60/session
Understanding the Night Sky-Astronomy Night For Beginners (16+) Waiting List Only
This workshop will guide you on an evening astronomical journey where you will search for the moon, planets, constellations, stars, and other objects. You will learn how to read and celestially navigate the night sky using a star map. You will also learn what is meant by the space time continuum and how it applies to star gazing.
If the weather allows, the class will start outside and move indoors for a session and then back outside for an evening viewing. If the weather does not allow for outdoor viewing the class will be held indoors (Section Elementary-Library) for the entirety of the class. Bring your cell phone, a pair of binoculars, and your sense of wonder and get ready to expand your knowledge of the night sky!
INSTRUCTOR: Joe Koshollek
DATES/TIME: Tues., Mar. 4; 6:30-8:30 pm
LOCATION: Section Elementary School (W318S8430 Ctry Rd. EE)-Library & Back Parking Lot
Every Sunday, Noon-3:00 pm until March 16, 2025, community members are welcome to come and walk the halls of Mukwonago High School. Guest are asked to check in at the table when entering through DOOR 4 (front of school -middle set of doors). Children must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older. No Fee and No Need to Register.
Please be aware there may be other events taking place at MHS on Sundays which may require you to park further from the entrance doors. Our walking guests are asked to still enter through Door 4.
Don't wait to register! All classes have a registration deadline and may be cancelled if enrollment levels are not met.
Community Education Kid's Programing at Big Bend Elementary
Guided by Ms. LeMaster and Ms. Teeter, children have the opportunity to get together after school and create unique and colorful creations throughout the school year.
Additional Community Opportunities
Friends of North Prairie Native Gardens
Common Garden Myths
Learn about common myths and mistakes we often make in the garden and how you can do better for your plants, your health and the environment.
Tues., Feb. 25; 6:30-7:30 pm
Common Invasive Plants of Yard & Garden
What makes a plant invasive? Do you have any invasives in your yard? What can you do about it?
Tues., Mar. 18; 6:30-7:30 pm
Planting Guide for your Native Pollinator Garden
This presentation will assist you in plant selection, site identification and preparation, selection
and purchase of native seeds, long-term maintenance and enhancing/restoring an existing site.
Tues., Apr. 15; 6:30-7:30 pm
All presentations held at the North Prairie Village Hall Community Room; Free of Charge
Town of Mukwonago Parks & Rec. (Resident & Non-Resident fees charged)
Winter & Spring activities can be viewed online. If you have any questions, please call or email.
PHONE: 262-363-7077
EMAIL: rec@townofmukwonago.us
SITE: townofmukwonago.us/parks-recreation/
Mukwonago Public Library
The library offers a variety of free programming for Youth and Adults. Join a book group, attend an author event, join an art class, or play board games.
Check online for the most current list of events.
PHONE: 262-363-6411
SITE: https://www.mukwonagolibrary.org/
Are you aware that the Mukwonago School District Posts Flyers for various community events online? Check it out! MASD Community Board -Posting
Community Education (262) 363-6300 x24105
Do you have a special area of interest and expertise that would lend itself to sharing with others?
Imagine yourself teaching a workshop! Through the Community Education program, courses could be offered as evening or weekend workshops or even weekly classes. A compensation model is in place for instructors. We know continued learning for all ages through sharing interests, knowledge and skills adds to quality of life and is extremely important in thriving communities. If you have a passion to share, please contact: communityed@MASD.k12.wi.us or submit a course proposal!
Have your friends follow us, too!