Bear Necessities
McReynolds Middle School Newsletter
October 22, 2023
McReynolds Mission Statement
McReynolds Vision Statement
McReynolds Core Values
Excellence is Expected
Resiliency is Learned
Collaboration is Welcomed
Integrity is Honored
Community is Necessary
October Dates
25 - Football vs Holland @ Cowart
30 - Homecoming vs Forest Brook @ Dyer Stadium
November Dates
1 - STEM Night
10 - Student Holiday ( Staff Workday)17 - Report Cards
20 -24 - Thanksgiving Break
30 - SDMC Meeting @ 5:30
Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Celebrating Principals Month
National Stop Bullying Day - October 11, 2023
Bullying Resources:
Daily Attendance is necessary for all students to be successful for the 23-24 school year!
All Building Visitors
Counselors Corner
Thanks to all the families that participated in LITERACY NIGHT!
RED RIBBON WEEK/Homecoming Week
October 23- October 30
Monday students are allowed to wear RED Shirts with appropriate jeans
Tuesday - Thursday students will need to be in regular school dress code with theme day
Friday students will be able to wear school appropriate jeans/clothing for Tacky Day.
Monday, October 30, 2023, students are allowed to wear jeans with Maroon colored shirts.
If students are found not within district/campus approved clothing Parents/Guardians will be called to bring appropriate clothing.
Due to unforeseen circumstances The HOMECOMING DANCE has been cancelled. Students will still participate with homecoming voting for the homecoming court and the winners will be announced on Friday during lunches.
Football Schedule
Basketball Schedule 23-24
Cybersecurity Poster Infographic Contest
Artwork must be submitted by November 13, 2023. Winner will be notified on November 17, 2023.
Artwork cannot contain the following:
•Artwork that contains trademarked images or brands, such as Characters, HP, Google, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc… • Do not put personal identifiable information on the artwork (This is being cybersafe) • No professional assistance allowed, must be student’s own work • No inappropriate or offensive language, images.
Winners will receive campus recognition, teacher recognition, and printed poster and flier to display at their campus of their artwork.
Criteria for greeting card:
- Art elements are balanced and work well together/Art is inviting (Composition)
- Art is unique and conveys thoughts of the holiday experience (Creativity)
- Art is well made, balanced, and has adequate signs of thoughtfulness and artist self-reflection.(Craftmanship)
Parent Pulse Checks from the District
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Students will eat breakfast in the cafeteria and will be released at 8:15 to their respective classrooms. Breakfast starts at 7:00 a.m.
There will be one car rider line for students to exit safely. Students should be on the passenger side of the car so that it is easy for them to exit the car. Please watch for guidance from Staff members that are assisting with traffic.
The Entry gate to the courtyard will be closed promptly at 8:25 a.m. Students who are not in the building by 8:30 will need to go to the front of the building to enter through the front office. Students arriving after 8:30 will need a PARENT/GUARDIAN to sign them in at the front office. Students will be counted TARDY if they are not in their 1st period classroom at 8:30 a.m.
Walkers will be released first from the building through the dismissal exit ( Courtyard). Students will be walked to the intersection of Zindler and Market. Students will be instructed to stay on the side and part in the direction of their destination at the the intersection.
If there is a train on the track at dismissal ALL WALKERS WILL BE HELD IN THE CAFETERIA until it is safe to release. Students may receive disciplinary consequences for failure to comply with adult directives. Please know that this measure is put into place for the SAFETY of your child.
Car Riders - will be released after clearing the way of all walkers to Zindler. Please be patient as we will be working to make sure that all students are safe at dismissal.
Car-Rider Tags - All students will receive a car rider tag for inclement weather dismissal days. This will help to alleviate students having to walk in the weather or waiting for longer periods for dismissal. Please review the assigned car number with your student so that they know their car rider number should they need to use the car rider line.
Fall Afterschool Dinner Program
Dress Code
McReynolds School-Wide/District Policies and Procedures
This Student Code of Conduct is adopted by the district’s Board of Education; it has the force of policy. In the event of a conflict between the Code and a campus-specific Student Handbook, the Code shall prevail.
The Code’s Jurisdiction:
- while at school or 300 feet from the school’s property line,
- at school sponsored or school related activities,
- certain criminal felony violations away from school, and
- cyberspace and social media activities that directly and substantially impact the school environment.
This Code was developed to protect the rights of all students by:
- providing a districtwide discipline management plan,
- specifying the behavior that is expected of all students,
- describing the range of student misconduct and providing appropriate disciplinary consequences or options for the various forms of misconduct,
- outlining student rights relating to school participation, and
- listing procedures that must be followed when applying consequences.
HISD staff, students, and parents/guardians are expected to become familiar with and abide by the provisions of the Code of Student Conduct and the rules and regulations adopted and implemented by individual schools based on their School-Based Discipline Management System.
Title 1 Information
Telecommunications Policy
1st - Offense - Phone will be confiscated and student will pick up at the end of day
2nd Offense - Parent will need to pick up phone at the front desk at the end of the day
3rd Offense - $15.00 Administrative fee paid to school and phone returned to Parent Guardian
Food and Drinks
Students should not have food/drinks in the hallway or classroom. Students should keep all food and drinks in a lunch-kit or backpack. If items are outside of the backpack or lunch kit the items will be confiscated and not returned. NO GLASS containers. Students should bring individual sized food items, FAMILY SIZED/PARTY SIZE items will be confiscated and not returned.
VAPE/Prohibited Items
Students in possession of Illegal items will receive appropriate consequences per campus/district policy.
District/Campus Communication
John L. McReynolds
Location: 5910 Market Street, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 713-671-3650
Twitter: @McReynolds_HISD