RCS Testing Newsletter
Fall 2024
A Word From Your Testing Department . . .
Please use this newsletter to empower and inform you about testing in NC and Rockingham County Schools so that you are able to help your child reach his/her full academic potential. The information here will highlight important dates, test taking tips and general information about various tests given throughout the year.
During this school year, your child will take a variety of tests. If you need more information, your child's teacher and principal can also help you to understand standardized tests. Standardized tests provide a common measure of student performance. A standardized test contains the same set of questions and is given under the same conditions to different groups of people. The answers are scored in the same manner. These tests are designed by commercial publishers or state committees and use state curriculum as their foundation.
Below are descriptions of some of the common assessments we administer at RCS.
Formative Assessments
K - 2 Assessments
Throughout the year, students in Grades K - 2 are assessed in English Language Arts & Math to monitor progress and to assist teachers in making instructional decisions.
Check In's 2.0
The purpose of the Check In's 2.0 formative assessment is to familiarize students and teachers with the process and format of the EOG and EOC tests. The practice tests will inform teachers of the skills mastered by students and those that would require re-teaching and/or remediation.
3rd Grade Assessments
Beginning of Grade 3 (BOG 3) Assessment
This assessment of reading for all Grade 3 students is used to establish a base line measure of beginning 3rd grade student reading comprehension.
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
The Cognitive Abilities test measures both general and specific reasoning abilities. The development of these abilities is influenced by the student's in-school and out-of-school experiences.
Read to Achieve
This assessment of reading is administered to students in Grade 3 who do not achieve a proficient score on the Grade 3 ELA End of Grade test.
End of Grade (EOG) Assessments
EOG Tests are designed to measure Grades 3 - 8 student performance on the goals & objectives specified by NC State Standards. There are two parts to the test, Reading & Math. Reading is assessed by having students read selections & then answer questions directly related to the selections. Math is measured by having students solve content math problems. Grades 5 & 8 also take a Science Test which requires students to demonstrate knowledge of important principles and concepts, understand and interpret laboratory activities and relate scientific information to everyday situations.
High School Assessments
End of Course (EOC) Tests
At the end of each semester, students in Math 1, Math 3, Biology & English II take a state assessment. These tests are based on NC Curriculum Standards. EOC scores count as part of the student's final course grade.
Grade 10 Pre-ACT
The PreACT is a multiple choice exam that familiarizes students with the ACT which features questions in 4 areas: English, Math, Reading & Science.
Grade 11 ACT
The ACT measures general educational development in core subjects that students typically study through 11th grade (English, Reading, Math & Science) & student ability to complete college level work.
Grade 12 ACT Work Keys Concentrators
The WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate measures & certifies essential work skills needed for success in jobs across industries & occupations. The NCRC is an assessment-based credential issued at 4 levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze.
WIDA for English Learners
The WIDA Online Screener Placement Test will be administered to all initially enrolled language minority students. This test functions as a screener that is used for the initial identification and English as a Second Language (ESL) program placement for students who are identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP). Every initially enrolled student identified as a language minority student by the Home Language Survey process will be assessed on the WIDA Screener to determine if he/she is identified as Limited English Proficient. ACCESS for EL's is a secure assessment given annually during the spring semester. This test is used to satisfy state and federal requirements for the annual assessment of the English language proficiency of English language learners.
Testing Tips!
- Communicate regularly with your child's teacher.
- Ask what they suggest you do at home to help your child strengthen academic skills.
- Make sure your child does all of his/her homework & assignments which will help ensure your child is prepared.
- Mark test dates on your calendar so both you and your child are aware of important dates.
- Encourage your child to do well, but don't pressure him/her. It is important for the child to stay relaxed during the test.
- Keep a positive attitude with your child about the tests.
- Make sure your child gets enough sleep, especially on the night before the test.
- Ensure your child eats a healthy breakfast on test days.
- Make sure your child gets to school on time.
Testing Department Staff
Jason Hyler ~
Director of Secondary Schools, Testing & Accountability
Suzanne Lee ~
Assistant Director of Testing
Kathryn Madkour ~
Department Administrative Assistant