August 18, 2024
Carroll High School Weekly Community Newsletter

Message From The Principal
Greetings Carroll Community!
Reflecting on the first week of school, I'm very pleased and excited about our start to the 2024-2025 academic year. Our students are responding well to the changes that have been made on campus and by our district. By and large, our dress code is being followed and is improving each day, and students are putting away their cell phones during instructional time.
We are looking forward to our students stepping up and demonstrating great behavior in order for Power Hour to begin. Judging by the amazing support, participation, and outcome of our third Annual Tiger Tailgate, we are poised to continue our momentum and get things started on the right foot.
I'd like to thank our entire community for pulling together for such a great kickoff at Tiger Tailgate yesterday! Please take a moment to watch the video that captures the evening. "It's such a great time to be a Tiger," and I hope each of you has a wonderful week ahead. #TPND #WeAreCarroll
Your Proud Principal,
Mr. Arredondo
Points of Emphasis and Reminders to Start The Year
Strict Dress Code Enforcement Begins This Week
Starting this week, we will begin strictly enforcing the school dress code. It's important for all students to adhere to these guidelines to maintain a positive and respectful learning environment. No halter tops showing the midsection, house slippers, or pajamas are allowed. Parents, please take a moment to review the entire dress code with your student to ensure they are in compliance. You can find it here. Thank you for your cooperation and support in helping us uphold these standards.
POWER HOUR starts with student leadership goals met
We’re thrilled to introduce POWER HOUR at Mary Carroll this year! This program offers students a dedicated hour during the school day for assignments, extra help, clubs, and downtime. We plan to launch it in mid-September if behavior and attendance goals are met - to include dress code and cell phones. It’s up to our students to show they are ready! Your support has shown us the value of this program, and we’re excited to see our students make the most of this opportunity.
No Cell Phones During Instructional Time
It's been a strong start with phones. As a reminder students must keep phones, smartwatches, and earbuds turned off and put away during during instructional time but may use their devices between classes and during lunch. Please help us reinforce the fact that restroom passes during the period is instructional time. Phones are not allowed in the halls during passes. For more details, visit the CCISD website or refer to the Student Parent Handbook. We appreciate your support in helping create the best possible learning environment for all students.
Stay Informed: Check Your Child’s Grades and Attendance
Parents, staying informed about your child’s academic progress and attendance is key to their success. Regularly checking their grades and attendance can help you catch any issues early and support their growth throughout the school year. We encourage you to frequently review this information to ensure your student stays on track. You can find all the details on how to access your child’s grades and attendance through the Home Access Center here. Your involvement makes a significant difference in your child’s education!
Students! Join Academic Decathlon: A Challenge for All Students
Academic Decathlon offers a great opportunity for all students, encouraging them to tackle college-level material, develop new skills, and work together as a team. It's a chance to explore diverse subjects and grow academically and personally. We invite all students to join and discover the rewards of teamwork, learning, and leadership. See your counselor if interested!
Join the PTSA for only $6.00!
Get involved in your student’s education by joining the PTSA for only 6 dollars - for a limited time! Our Parent-Teacher-Student Association supports programs, events, and initiatives that benefit all students. Your participation helps create a stronger, more vibrant school environment! Learn more by visiting their Facebook page and join via cashapp. See the flyer here!
Traffic - Please Continue Practicing Patience
A friendly reminder that traffic around the school will be heavier than usual during the first few weeks. Exercise patience and caution, allow extra time for drop-offs and pick-ups, follow all traffic rules, and be courteous to fellow drivers and pedestrians. Our safety staff will be outside to assist. Thank you!
Find Your Student's Bus Route Information
Parents, ensuring your student gets to school safely and on time is a top priority. To find the most up-to-date bus route information, please visit the CCISD Transportation Department's page here. This resource provides detailed schedules and routes to help you plan your student's daily commute. For any questions or concerns, you can also reach out directly to the Transportation Department through the contact information provided on the site.
Returning Student Registration Reminder
Online registration for your returning Tiger is now available. Please review the email with the subject: "Corpus Christi Independent School District Returning Student Registration" that was sent to the email address associated with your child. Log in to the Home Access Center to start and update registration. Make sure to click the 2024-25 returning student registration form link, verify the information, make any necessary corrections, and submit the form. This ensures that all contact and pertinent information is up to date for your child. Returning student registration needs to be completed by August 7th. If you have any questions about accessing the Home Access Center, feel free to call us at 361-878-5140, option attendance. Thank you!
Upcoming Dates and Events
Monday, August 19th, 2024
Band Media Day: 3:15 @ Band Hall
Basketball Open Gym: 4:15 PM @ Aux gym
Tuesday, August 20th, 2024
Cheer Practice: 6:30 - 8 AM @ Aux Gym
Volleyball vs. Robstown: F/JV - 5PM & Varsity - 6 PM @ Arena gym
Baseball Parent Information Meeting: 6:30 PM @ Cafeteria
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
Basketball Open Gym: 5-6:30 PM @ Aux gym
Thursday, August 22nd, 2024
Student Council Meeting: 4:15 @ Teaching Theater
Football Scrimmage vs. SA Stevens: JV - 6 PM & Varsity - 7 PM @ Cabaniss
Friday, August 23rd, 2024
Volleyball Tournament: All Day @ Sinton
Saturday, August 24th, 2024
Cross Country @ NEISD Meet
Volleyball Tournament: All Day @ Sinton
Monday, August 26th, 2024
Tigerettes Practice 7-930 am @ Dance room
Basketball Open Gym: 5-6:30 PM @ Aux gym
Wrestling JV/V Parent Meeting 6-7:30 PM @ Teaching Theatre
Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
UIL Cheer Practice 6:30-8 AM @ Aux gym
Tigerettes Practice 7-930 AM @ Dance room
Volleyball vs Veterans: 9th/JV - 5PM & Varsity - 6 PM @ Veterans HS
Baseball Booster Club Meeting: 7 PM @ Cafeteria
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024
Basketball Open Gym: 5-6:30 PM @ Aux gym
Tigerettes Practice: 7 - 9:30 AM @ Dance Room
Thursday, August 29th, 2024
Tigerettes Practice: 7 - 9:30 AM @ Dance Room
Friday, August 30th, 2024
Student Holiday - No School
Volleyball Tournament: Varsity - All day @ San Antonio
Cross Country Boys - JV @ Flour Bluff
FAFSA Workshop: 1:30 @ College and Career Center
Football vs. Alice: 9th White/Navy - 5 PM @ Carroll
Football vs. Alice: Varsity - 7PM @ Cabaniss
Saturday, August 31st, 2024
Volleyball Tournament: Varsity - All day @ San Antonio
Cross Country Boys/Girls: Varsity @ San Antonio
Highlighting our Tigers - Meet Your Administration
Dr. Melissa Mondragon
Alpha: A - De La Garza
Mrs. Debbie Fennema
Alpha: De La Rosa - Herman
Mr. Daniel Garza
Alpha: Hernandez - Montgomery
Mr. Stephen Seiler
Alpha: Montoya - Salas
Dr. Meagan Coronado
Alpha: Salas-Quezada - Z
Mrs. Heather Hernandez
Dean of Instruction
Flyers, Banners, and Other Happenings
Connect & Contact Us
Website: carroll.ccisd.us
Facebook: mycarrolltigers
Instagram: marycarrollhigh
Twitter: @MaryCarrollHigh
Mary Carroll High School
3202 Saratoga Boulevaurd
Corpus Christi, TX 78415