The Friday Focus
Dec. 20, 2024 - Jan. 2, 2025
From the Office of the Superintendent
Youth Mental Health First Aid:
Over the last several months, Youth Mental Health First Aid training has been brought to interested parents, community members and school district staff. The response has been extremely positive. Final training sessions will be offered this school year on January 16 and February 11, 2025.
This training program is intended for any adult who interacts with youth ages 12-18. It teaches how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents.
If you are interested in attending this one-day training, please complete this form by January 6th. Space is limited and will be on a first come, first served basis.
This training is being offered thanks to a grant from the College of New Jersey and the Hopewell Valley Municipal Alliance. Any questions, please contact Heidi Kahme, Hopewell Valley Municipal Alliance, hvmunicipalalliance@gmail.com.
HVCHS Updates: Please see the HVCHS Updates from Ms. Riley and the December Counseling Newsletter from Ms. Rutt.
Thank you to the HVCHS PTO for a wonderful Winter Wonderland Hot Chocolate Bar! The HVCHS Staff is truly appreciative of your thoughtfulness and generosity!
Alumni Drop The Mic! Tuesday, Jan 7th, 5:30-9pm, hosted by Hopewell Valley Vineyards.
Open to current students and alumni! Enjoy an evening with friends and family celebrating CHS's musical talent from over the years!
The Alumni Day program will take place on Friday, January 10th in the Media Center. All students are welcome to stop-in between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. as recent HVCHS alumni return to share their college experiences, talk about their majors, and reconnect with old friends, staff, and teachers! Any recent alumni who are interested in participating please complete the Alumni Day Interest Form found here. We hope to see you there!
- Winter Athletics: Over 300 student-athletes are involved in our winter athletic programs, which include sports such as track, basketball, ice hockey, cheerleading, and wrestling. Please check out our winter schedule and consider supporting the Bulldogs at an athletic event this season! All fans should remember to follow the HVRSD and NJSIAA guidelines regarding spectator conduct.
- Absences, Late Arrivals, & Early Dismissals: Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number 609-737-4003, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence or late arrival. Please provide a note if your child needs to be dismissed from school early. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors MUST be signed out by a parent or guardian before leaving the building. Please also review our attendance procedures for details about the district policies. *As a reminder, students must be in school for at least four hours in order to participate in all athletic or extra-curricular activities and events*
- What’s Happening at HVCHS? Please follow us on Twitter: @HVCentralHS and Instagram: hopewell_valley_central_hs for pictures, updates, and fun facts. Our daily morning announcements can be found on the school website and via this link. Fundraising activities from our classes, clubs, and teams can be found on our fundraising calendar. Also, check out our HV Student Publications Network page for student-created podcasts, digital videos, and more! If you are a graduate of HVCHS, and you would like to join our Alumni Directory, please complete our Database Form and indicate what type of information you would like to receive from HVCHS.
Save the Date:
December 20: Early Dismissal, Winter Pep Rally
December 21-January 1: Winter Break, Schools Closed
January 7: Alumni Drop the Mic!
January 10: Alumni Day Program
January 22: Choir Concert, PAC
Your donations, wrapped with care, Bring warmth and joy beyond compare.
To teachers, staff, and all who give, Your thoughtful gifts help us to live.
Each present shared, a heartfelt token, A bond of love that’s never broken.
Your generosity, so true and kind, Fills us with gratitude, heart and mind
This holiday season, we say with glee, Thank you for all you've done to make us see,
How wonderful it is, when we unite, To share our gifts and spread delight.
From all the teachers, staff, and crew, Our deepest thanks, we offer you!
-With Love, Timberlane Middle School
We’d like to thank all of our families for helping to make the 2024 TMS Staff Bonanza possible. Every single staff member went home with a gift card and/or gift! They enjoyed treats, music and so much fun, and none of it would have been possible without your support and generosity.
2025 TMS SPRING SPORTS- Registration and medical forms for MS fall sports are due by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28th! Please click here to access the registration page and print medical forms. Any student who is not registered and does not have either a physical form or health history update form on file with the school nurses will not be able to try out or practice until they do.
In-House Physicals will be offered on Thursday, February 13th from 9:00 am-12:00 pm in the TMS school nurse's office. They are open to students in grades 6-8 by appointment only and are $25 a child. (Checks should be made out to HVRSD.) Click here to sign up for In House Physicals
Boys and Girls Lacrosse (7th & 8th Grade Only) , Boys & Girls Spring Track (6th, 7th & 8th Grade),
Baseball 7th & 8th Grade) and Softball (6th, 7th & 8th Grade)
Yearbooks are on sale! The early bird price is $35. Click HERE to order your student's yearbook now!
Back by Popular Demand: TMS Philadelphia 76ers game Friday, March 14th at 7:00 pm. $85 per ticket which includes a private (on-court” experience. Tickets are limited. Email DANAFRAY@aol.com to purchase tickets
- Absences, Late Arrival & Early Dismissal: Parents should call our TeleSafe # 609-737-4004, Ext 2, by 8:00 am, to report an absence or late arrival. If your child is leaving early, please be sure to send in a note when possible. If the need occurs after the start of school, please call the Main Office. Please be aware Timberlane Drive is closed between 2:30 - 3:00 for TMS and CHS dismissal.
- TMS Updates: For additional information about TMS, please visit our webpage, or follow us on Twitter @Timberlane_HV, or instagram @timberlane_timberwolves
- The Timberlane ``Principal's Page" is on the TMS Website.
*Dates To Remember*
12/23 - 1/1 - Winter Break/School Is Closed
BT Winter Concert - Wednesday, January 15th at Bear Tavern Elementary School. All 4th and 5th-grade students will perform at our annual winter concert, featuring 4th and 5th-grade choruses, orchestras, 5th-grade band, and the TrebleMakers. Click here for information on 5th Grade. Click here for information on 4th grade.
BT YMCA Winter 2024 Enrichment Programs - Unique program opportunities are provided after school to enrich your child. Registration closes on 1/6. Classes will start 1/13/25. Click here for more information.
BT 3rd Grade Recorder Letter - As a part of the district’s music curriculum, your third grader has begun learning to play the soprano recorder in music class. The students are very excited to bring them home! Our 3rd Grade Recorder Concert will be on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 7:00 pm. Click here for more information.
BT Annual Appeal - We have reached 54% of our Annual Appeal goal, and with your help, we can close that gap. Your support directly funds field trips, assemblies, visiting authors, outdoor learning areas, and classroom technology. Any donation is appreciated. Click here to donate. If you have already donated to the appeal, thank you!
- School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
- Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number:
- 609-737-4005, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
- Changes In Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home (pick up, take the bus, after-school program, etc.), please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4005 btmainoffice@hvrsd.org
Dates To Remember
12/23 - 1/1 - Winter Break/School Is Closed
1/15 - Winter Concert @ Bear Tavern
1/17 - Day of Service-Wear BT T-Shirt, NO PRESCHOOL (Collab Day)
The Principal’s Newsletter - Hopewell’s Happenings is a monthly update with links to all sorts of information and activities.
Hopewell Elementary Mini Theater - This year, Hopewell Elementary School will be offering the opportunity for students to perform in a brand new musical, The Claw Machine Chronicles! All fourth and fifth graders are invited and encouraged to participate! Link HERE for more information.
YMCA Winter 2024 Enrichment Programs - Registration closes on 1/6 for a variety of after school enrichment programs. Classes will start 1/13/25. Click here for more information
Minted Partnership - Please consider using the HES PTO's coupon code for Minted.com for any holiday cards as well as wedding stationery, thank you cards, birth announcements, invitations, and more! You save 20% and we get 15% back! Feel free to share this coupon with family and friends. Minted Code: FUNDRAISEHOPEWELLELEM
- School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
- Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number, 609-737- 4007, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
- HES Changes in Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home, please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4007 hwmainoffice@hvrsd.org
- Lost and Found - Lost and Found items will be donated on Wednesday, December 18th. Be sure to stop by or have your children check for any missing items before then!
Dates to Remember:
December 20th - 12:45pm early dismissal & no lunch is served
December 23rd - Jan 1st - Winter Break - School is closed
Principal’s Newsletter is on the SB website.
YMCA Winter 2024 Enrichment Programs - Registration closes on 1/6 for a variety of after school enrichment programs. Classes will start on 1/13/25. Click here for more information.
SB Governor’s Educator of the Year - Mr. Doug Morrison, our 2024-2025 Governor’s Educator of the Year winner, has taught both 3rd and 5th grade at Stony Brook and has been a pillar at the school for over 20 years. He is the epitome of an inclusive educator, and has the ability to connect with every child and make each one feel welcome. He continually demonstrates an unwavering commitment to creating a supportive learning environment for his students where they feel accepted and develop a passion for learning. As one nomination stated, “His students are lucky to have such a passionate and compassionate educator as part of their school journey.” We are lucky to have him as a member of our community both in and out of the classroom. Congratulations on this well-deserved honor, Mr. Morrison!
- Breakfast - Check out the school breakfast & lunch menus. Students can pick up on the way to class at the beginning of school and eat in the classroom. Student accounts will be charged $3.25 unless your family qualifies for free/reduced meals.
- All Star Donation Drive - While the prize raffle is now closed, you can still donate to the All Star Donation Drive! Click here to donate.
- School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
- Lost & Found - It’s getting cold - please label your jackets, gloves and hats!
- Absences, Late Arrivals & Changes In Students’ Dismissal - Please call our TelSafe line at 609-737-4006, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence, late arrival or last minute change in your student's dismissal. When possible, lease email the main office in advance at sbmainoffice@hvrsd.org about a dismissal change. Refer to our Attendance Procedures details regarding school absences, late arrivals and early dismissals.
- Membership Toolkit - Click here to register for volunteer opportunities, class lists & apparel. Contact StonyBrookPTO@gmail.com with any questions.
*Dates To Remember*
12/20 - 12:45pm early dismissal & no lunch is served
12/23 - 1/1 - School is closed for Winter Break
1/2 - School Reopens
1/20 - Schools/Offices Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Toll Gate Grammar School Website
Toll Gate Grammar on Instagram
Email the Toll Gate Main Office
YMCA Winter 2024 Enrichment Programs - Registration closes on 1/6 for a variety of after school enrichment programs. Classes will start 1/13/25. Click here for more information.
School Spirit Days Sponsored by the Student Council: Wacky Hair Day is coming up on Monday, January 6th. Please bring in a donation of a personal hygiene item (i.e. hair care products, toilet paper, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, etc.) for the Hopewell Valley Mobile Food Pantry by January 15th.
Philly Pretzel Sales: The Toll Gate 5th Grade Committee is offering soft pretzel sales to raise money for 5th grade year-end activities. Pretzels are $2 each and will be delivered to your child’s homeroom by the end of the day for an after school snack on the following dates: 1/9, 1/23, 2/5, 2/20, 3/6, 3/20, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, 5/21 and 6/5. Click here to order! If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Simpson. For nutritional information for Philly Pretzel Factory, click here.
Toll Gate Winter Concert: All 4th and 5th grade students will participate in our winter concert on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00 PM in the TMS Cafeteria. Students should arrive at 6:30 PM with their instruments and music. Performer attire is black (dark) pants/skirt, white dress shirt and black (dark) comfortable, but nice, shoes. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cuesta or Ms. Phillips.
- School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
- Dismissal Changes: If your dismissal plans change on any given day, please email tgmainoffice@hvrsd.org, (this email will go to both main office secretaries, Ashlee Dana and Patricia Jaczko) to inform them of the change. Please also cc' your child's homeroom teacher.
- Reporting Student Absences: Please remember to call the Telsafe line 609-737-4008, option 2) by 8:00am for any absences or tardiness. Emails to a teacher may not be seen in a timely manner. Telsafe is the best way to report an absence. If your child is not at school and you haven’t reported them absent or tardy, you will get a phone call from Mrs. Smith, our school nurse.
Dates to Remember:
Friday, 12/20: Early Dismissal at 12:45 PM
12/23/24-1/1/25: Winter Break - School Closed
Thursday, 1/2/25: School Resumes
Monday, 1/6/25: Wacky Hair Day - (Donate Personal Hygiene Item)
Tuesday, 1/14/25: Winter Concert at TMS for Grades 4 & 5
Monday, 1/20/25: Schools/Offices Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Wednesday, 1/29/25: School Closed - Lunar New Year
Community News & Events
- Arts Council of Princeton, Winter Chalets, Though Dec 22nd: These festive pop-up shops, run by talented regional creatives, offer fun and unique gifts
The Princeton Garden Theatre lineup for the holiday season includes series features cheerful classics. Click here for info and tickets: princetongardentheatre.org/specials
- Palmer Square Full Holiday Event Schedule for ongoing entertainment
- The Watershed Institute: Winter Mini Camps for Grades K-4 12/27, 12/28 & 12/30: A mini-camp experience complete with a day of hiking, exploring, playing, and enjoying nature's winter secrets. Campers should be prepared for a busy day of being outdoors and lots of walking.
The Watershed Institute Welcome Winter Walk, 1/4/25; Join Education Director Jeff Hoagland on a morning walk on the Watershed Reserve to explore a the wonders of the winter natural world. Discover the unique survival strategies of local plants and animals, learn where animals store food and how they survive the season.
Schafer Sports Center: Schools Out Camp, 12/27 and 12/30: Holiday Break Camp Camp is offered for full day or half-day mornings. Please specify which time you are planning to attend!
Hopewell Basketball Girls Basketball Skills Camp II 7pm Session A 5-week program will run from Jan 6-Feb 10. Register: https://hopewellbasketball.demosphere-secure.com/_registration,
The Mercer County Skating Rink is open! Click HERE for lesson information.
Registration for Hopewell Valley Youth Wrestling is open to all students, girls and boys, in Grades K through 6. To learn more and to register, please visit the Hopewell Valley Youth Wrestling website.
- Hopewell Valley Soccer Association: Winter Rec Registration is closing on 12/30! Our winter season runs from 1/12 - 3/16 12th. Children ages 2 to 18 are eligible to participate.
- Music Mountain Theatre: Young Audience Season: Upcoming shows include: The Snow Queen's Frozen Adventure and The Lion King Kids.
- The HVRSD EcoPTO and Hopewell, NJ Native Plant Swap will hold a Native Seed Sowing Extravaganza! on Jan. 18th, 10 AM - 1 PM in the HVCHS Community Room. This event is hosted in partnership with the HVRSD Climate Action Committee, HVCHS Youth Environmental Society, HV Green Team, and the HV Community Wildlife Habitat Program. Use the link to RSVP and learn more about this event. Proceeds will go to supporting the conservation efforts of The Sourland Conservancy and Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space.
Here are the links to the local libraries for upcoming storytimes, events and programs: