Happy New Year Newsletter
Sharing Best Wishes for 2025
Share Resolutions with Families
Daily Gratitude 😍
My goal is to start every day of 2025 with three bullet points!
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1x week, I will schedule in library time with students.
Break the Habit 😬
You read it here! Vowing 1 phone free hour every day!
What Are Your Resolutions in 2025?
"The time is always right to do what is right"
Drawing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. provided by a first-grade student.
Winter Classic Hockey Game
Our very own Mrs. Ghusein, was honored at the Winter Classic Hockey!
2025 Winter Classic Winners
The Future Goals Most Valuable Teacher of the Month award was launched at the 2020 Bridgestone NHL Winter Classic. Three teachers were selected each month to compete for the Most Valuable Teacher of the Year award.
Celebrating Mrs. Ghusein
Mrs. Bigane
Please join us in wishing Mrs. Bigane well as she starts a new role in her teaching career! Mrs. Bigane, your students will miss you. The impact you made on our students' lives is immeasurable! We all wish you a great school year!
Say Hello to our New Faces
Welcome new Staff Members
Please welcome our two new staff members to Dawes!
Mrs. Martinez
Welcome Mrs. Martinez to the 5th grade team! Mrs. Martinez will join the team as an ELA teacher. Mrs. Martinez comes with more than 20 years of experience .
Mrs. Martinez
Special Olympians!
Cheer on our Special Olympians as they participate in a competitive game of Basketball!
Students are having a great time in Science Class Learning about Soil Erosion
Students demonstrate the process of soil erosion.
Look at our future geolist!
Another Science Wiz!
5th and 6th grade Spelling Bee Participants and Winners
Congratulations to all 5th and 6th grade Spelling Bee participants!
All School Spelling Bee Participants and Winners
Congratulations to our Dawes 7th & 8th Winners
Spelling Bee Participants
The Spelling participants were required to study a long list of words and memorize the proper spelling of challenging words. They worked hard all year to accomplish their remarkable win!
Spelling Bee Winners are Eager to share their Spelling Knowledge
6th Grade Student Shares his love and knowledge about Greek Mythology.
Join Principal Frangella on January 22, 2025 at 9:30 for coffee and conversations.