Gator Bites
October 10, 2024
Principal's Corner
We made it! The end of the first quarter is now here. Do not come to school on Friday. Our week was VERY full with our spirit week, fun run, prize day, slime day and end of quarter learning. We hope you all have a restful Fall Break and enjoy the break. We will see you on October 21st!
A BIG thank you to our parents and LASA board who worked so hard to bring in the funds for our Fun Run. Your donations and extra effort brought in over $60,000 and that means a community “glow party” next month. More details will be coming from LASA.
We have the best and most supportive community. I hope you come to Ms Krier’s “homework tips” evening on October 23rd from 5-6 pm. It will be a great evening for parents to get some tips and tricks from our teaching staff and school counselor. Put it on your calendar and join us.
Our next school-wide book study is “The Anxious Generation” with Ms Krier and LA staff. Parents are also encouraged to study this book with us. This book is quickly becoming a “book to talk about”. Maybe a good Fall Break read? We’ll have more details about our community book study night coming soon.
Stay safe and Be Happy Gators!
Upcoming Events
Spirit Week Fun
Thank you Mr. Grover!
Thank Mr. Grover for sharing his djembe skills with the 2nd graders this week!
Pizza Day Change for Week After Fall Break
Mark you calendar! Pizza day will the Monday after Fall Break - October 21st.
Sibling Spots for Kindergarten 2025-2026
The following families are on our priority list for entering Kindergarten fall 2025:
Baker, Bantolo, Beck, Blanken, Burke, Davidson, Elwell, Fletcher, Gillmar, Gwinn, Henkes, Hessman, Johann, Johnston, Jordan, Liu, Parker, Powell, Sabey, Saggau, Thompson, Vairavan, Williams
If you are a current family and have an upcoming Kindergarten sibling and are not on the list, please let Mrs. Childers know in the office by phone or email at kchilders@lps.k12.co.us
After School Art Club for Grades K-6
Join us for a new after school art class hosted by the Createry Workshop Highlands Ranch!
Students will discover different art mediums each week! Each project will be adjusted to fit different age groups and artistic skills. This class is centered around a chosen base project where children will learn art concepts and design elements, learn how to use different materials, and have fun while creating!
October 21-December 9
Mondays from 3:30p-4:30p
in the Art Room at Littleton Academy