Cheyenne Student Parking 24-25
In order to promote student safety and facilitate construction changes, we are adding parking requirements for CHS students.
Parking for students will be on the left side as you enter school (nearest to Farrell and the bus lane).
Students will obtain a parking permit once all requirements are met:
1. A valid drivers' license
2. Valid registration
3. Valid insurance
4. $10 per semester permit fee
The CHS parking permit must be displayed on the front of the dashboard for easy visibility.
There are no assigned parking spaces, but all students must park on the student side.
Please adhere to these new requirements as we promote a greater sense of student safety on campus. Students without a permit displayed by 9/3/24 will be referred to the Student Success Office (SSO) for Insubordination.
Once cleared by Ms. Thomas, permits may be purchased in the Banker's Office once during both lunches or after school.
If there are any questions, please contact Dr. Watkins in the main office.
Thank you!
Cheyenne High School is Your Community School!
Email: watkijd@nv.ccsd.net
Website: https://cheyennehs.org/#
Location: 3200 W. Alexander Road, North Las Vegas, NV 89032
Phone: 702-799-4830
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCheyenneHS
Twitter: @TheCheyenneHS