Jefferson Journal
May 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Jefferson Families,
It’s hard to believe that in less than a month, our students will complete another school year. I can’t believe how fast it has gone! The last day of school is Friday, May 24. Our faculty and students have been working extremely hard to finish the school year strong! At this point in time we are in full state-testing mode. If you have any questions pertaining to testing, please call the school at (321) 453-5154.
Next week, May 6—10, is teacher appreciation week. I would like to thank our AMAZING JPO, our SGA students and sponsor, and our parents for their contributions. I realize that with 7 teachers it would be difficult for parents to provide individual gifts during teacher appreciation. In lieu of that, I would encourage all parents to suggest to their children that they write a brief, positive note to each of their teachers. Our Jefferson teachers are some of the most dedicated I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and I know that a kind note from each of their students would go a long way!
If your child is in 8th grade, we wish them well as they transition to Merritt Island High School. If your child is in the 7th grade, we look forward to having them return to Jefferson next school year. Our registration will take place on Saturday, August 3rd from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please complete all registration documents through FOCUS when they become available in July. In this way, all you will need to do at registration is pick up your child’s schedule and pay fees.
Wishing you an enjoyable and fun filled summer break!!!
Mrs. Meara Trine
Representative Posey Visits Jefferson
US Representative Bill Posey visited with Team Yale Galileo students last month. He spoke to the entire team about his experiences in Congress and answered questions from students. Afterwards, he met with our student government members to discuss how to be a good leader. We are grateful he took the time out of his day to meet with our students.
Extra Saturday School Dates Announced
In order to help students make it through the end of the year, we are adding more Saturday School dates. School will be open and teachers will be available to help students from 9:00-12:00 on the following dates:
- May 4
- May 11
- May 18
No need to sign up, but students do need to be on time.
Theater Happenings
Happily-ever-after gets turned on its head in this comedic retelling of Snow White’s classic princess fairy tale. When the seven forest dwellers reminisce about their recent run-in with a royal run-away, they each have a different take on how the story unfolds and who the real hero is. But which is the real ending? The only thing they agree about is that the Prince shouldn’t get the credit! Don't miss this enchanted performance by JMS Advanced Theater students on Wednesday, May 8th at 6:30pm in Drama room at JMS. Tickets are $7/person and will be sold at the door beginning at 6:00pm.
Jefferson's Performing Arts Department is excited to be participating in an educational partnership with Cocoa Village Playhouse. Your family is invited to join us for JMS Day at Cocoa Village Playhouse for SpongeBob, the Musical on Saturday, May 11th. We will attend the 2:00pm show. Tickets can be reserved on CVP's website, using the code JEFFERSON24 to purchase reduced price tickets. Interested JMS students can sign up to experience a talkback session with cast members following the show. Ticket can also be purchased by calling the box office directly. Make sure you tell them you're with Jefferson to receive the special price. Informational flyers can be accessed via the links below:
Chorus and Theater students will also be invited to participate in an on-campus "field trip" with the production team at JMS on Friday, May 10th. Permission forms will be sent home with students.
JMS Music Program Events
Volleyball Clinic
New NJHS Students Inducted
On April 16, the Jefferson Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society held its annual induction ceremony where we welcomed students who had achieved this honor. Students must have earned an A average for first, second and third quarters, had no discipline issues and have at least two teachers recommend them in order to be invited to join. This year over 50 students earned that honor. We are proud of their their diligence and hard work.
Harvard Students of the Week
Team Harvard would like to announce our Students of the Week for the month of April. Shiloh Abbey was selected by Ms. Hartley for being attentive and respectful during class and working hard during drama performances. Mr. Z. Scull recognized Liliana Barrial for being a model student in Geometry by always being prepared, turning in exemplary work, and being respectful to all. Jade Demeter was honored as student of the week by Mr. Turner for being a rockstar student and getting a 100% on the Great Depression Test. All of our Team Harvard students are excellent young people and all of their teachers are proud of how hard they worked this year. Many wishes for a successful high school career to you all.
Free Summer Fine Arts Theater Workshop
NJHS Honor Society Presents Gift to the Music Department
ALEKS is a research based, online learning program. It helps students master course topics and bridge learning gaps. The goal is for each student to fill their ALEKS Pie by mastering skills. Students can earn PRIZES for mastering topics and filling their ALEKS Pie! Students can find ALEKS on their Launchpad.
May Events
5/2-3 - 8th Grade Election Orientation
5/2 - Spring Orchestra Concert
5/3 - Last Day for Checkouts in the Media Center
5/4 - Academic Support Saturday
5/4 - Stumpy's Fundraiser for Drama
5/6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
5/6-8 - 8th Grade Dance Tickets On Sale
5/8 - Drama Performance - Snow White and the Seven Endings
5/9 - SAC Meeting
5/9 - Orchestra Spring Concert
5/10 - All Books Checked out of the Media
5/10 - Student/Teacher Basketball Game
5/10 - 8th Grade Dance
5/13-14 - Cheerleading Tryouts
5/14 - Chorus Spring Concert
5/15 - End of the Year Awards Ceremony
5/16 - SGA Elections
5/16 - Band Spring Concert
5/17 - 8th Grade Sendoff
5/17 - Gradventure
5/21-24 - EXAM DAYS
5/22-24 - Early Release
5/24 - Last Day of School - HAPPY SUMMER!
Thank You to Our Business Partners
Janine Means Clean
* Interested in becoming a JMS business partner? Please contact Ms. Clevenger at
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Location: 1275 North Courtenay Parkway, Merritt Island, FL, USA
Phone: 321-453-5154