Field Elementary
Monthly Newsletter - Sunday, May 5th
Thirtieth-Seventh Week of School- Monday, May 6th-Friday, May 10th
Thirtieth-Seventh Week of School- Monday, May 6th
Monday, May 6, 2024, 08:45 AM
Field (Eugene) Elementary School, East Sierra Madre Boulevard, Pasadena, CA, USA
Week at a Glance
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
Monday, May 6th- "A" Monday for Teachers 1:45pm-3:30pm
AAPI Dress up Day for Teachers/Staff/Students
PUSD District Lockdown Drill 10:30am
Early Dismissal for Students 1:30pm
Field Musical ALL Cast & Crew Practice 1:30pm-3:30pm MPR
Tuesday, May 7th- SBAC State Testing
Field Musical Stage Crew and Select Actors Practice 3:10pm-5:00pm MPR
Wednesday, May 8th- SBAC State Testing
New Family Orientation (Parents/Guardians ONLY) 9:00am-10:30am MPR
Student Store Grand Opening During Lunchtime
Field Musical ALL Cast & Crew Practice 3:10pm-5:00pm MPR
Thursday, May 9th- SBAC State Testing
Field Musical ALL Cast & Crew Practice 3:10pm-5:00pm
Friday, May 10th - SBAC State Testing
AAPI Lunchtime Activities
Spring Concert 5:30pm Front Lawn- Bring Your Own Chair/Dinner (Picnic Style)
Saturday, May 11th- Field Musical ALL Cast & Crew Practice 9:30am-11:30am
All Weekly Messages Can Be Found On Our School Website Page Through PUSD
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
This is a state standardized test that is administered to 3rd-5th grade students enrolled and attending school in the state of California on yearly basis. Please see the schedule below. Make-up dates for the assessment are May 21st-May 24th.
Field Elementary Class of 2025 Fundraiser
Field Elementary Class of 2025 Fundraiser
(Incoming 5th Graders)
Purchase a candy lei for your loved ones promoting from
Pre-K, Kinder & 5th Grade
Cost: $15
Promotion Dates:
May 24 - Prek Promotion
May 28 - Kinder Promotion
May 30 - 5th grade Promotion
Leis will be ready for pickup on campus the week of 5/20 - 5/23. Likely before and after school.
Please order here:
Grade Level Cohort Meetings April/May
I will host a series of grade level cohort meetings during the month of April and May. All meetings will be held virtually with the exception of the in-person 5th grade cohort meeting (5pm-5:30pm) on May 2nd which is prior to our scheduled Open House from 5:30pm-7pm on that day. The meetings are to assist with the transition to the end of the school year and prepare families for the upcoming school year. Links for the meetings and Q & A documents are listed below. Our 5th grade meeting will discuss finalized plans for the promotion and activities for the end of the school year. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Tuesday, April 9th 5:30pm-6:30pm Virtually
Pre-K/TK Grade Level Meeting LINK
Pre-K/TK Q & A Document (please feel free to ask or comment prior to the meeting on this document)
Wednesday, April 10th 5:30pm-6:30pm Virtually
Kinder Grade Level Meeting LINK
Kinder Q & A Document (please feel free to ask or comment prior to the meeting on this document)
Thursday, April 11th 5:30pm-6:30pm Virtually
1st Grade Level Meeting LINK
1st Q & A Document (please feel free to ask or comment prior to the meeting on this document)
Tuesday, April 16th 5:30pm-630pm Virtually
2nd Grade Level Meeting LINK
2nd Q & A Document (please feel free to ask or comment prior to the meeting on this document)
Thursday, April 18th 5:30pm-6:30pm Virtually
3rd Grade Level Meeting LINK
3rd Q & A Document (please feel free to ask or comment prior to the meeting on this document)
Thursday, April 25th 5:30pm-6:30pm Virtually
4th Grade Level Meeting LINK
4th Q & A Document (please feel free to ask or comment prior to the meeting on this document)
Thursday, May 2nd 5pm-5:30pm MPR
5th Grade Level Meeting
5th Q & A Document (please feel free to ask or comment prior to the meeting on this document)
RECAP Presentation: HERE
Open House RECAP
What a wonderful showcase of talent and work accomplished from our teachers and students for this year's Open House! HERE
Our Amazing Teachers!!!
Field Elementary Intent to Return
Greetings Returning PUSD Students/Families,
As we plan for the coming school year, your intent to return to our school and/or another PUSD school site is important for staffing and class configurations purposes. This form is to be completed by all Pre-K-5th grade families. The deadline is Friday, April 26th. Families that complete this first form will receive an additional link to make requests for the coming school year. Your request will be taken into consideration but our class placement criteria (see below) will ultimately be used and implemented to establish all cohorts for next school year.
Field Elementary Intent to Return
Class Placement Criteria:
1. Native Mandarin and Non-native- English-only and balance
2. An adequate gender ratio balance
3. A full range of aptitudes within each class
4. An even proportion of abilities/learning styles across the classes at each grade level
5. An equal number of pupils in each class per grade level
6. An even proportion of children with English language proficiency
Please note that individual requests have been taken into consideration but final decisions and selections of class placements reside with the school officials. All placements are on a “stay-put status” during our enrollment count period the first two to six weeks of school. No changes will be made during this time.
Field Elementary Poetry Competition 2024
If you are having difficulty scanning the QR code, please click HERE to register. Thank you!
Open Enrollment- 3rd Lottery
If you are interested in your child or family being featured on our PUSD school website, please list your information HERE.
Field has hosted 3 Summer Academic Bootcamps since 2021. We will not host a Summer Bootcamp this summer. Both LEARNs and PEF are hosting summer programming for students this summer. Please reference the following links below for information:
PEF Registration
Please let me know if you are having difficulty or hardship enrolling for the PEF Summer Program HERE
PEF Summer Enrichment June 10th-July 11th
The Summer Spark Program Application Deadline is Friday, March 29, 2024. For more information, call (626) 396-3614 or visit
Field's Musical Practice/Production Information
Cast and crew members of the musical please see the practice schedule HERE
Please ensure you pack a snack for your child as they will practice on their respective days from 3:30pm-5:00pm (after snack time from 3:10pm-3:30pm) in the MPR.
Field Musical Practices Week of May 6th-May 14th
We are getting so close to our show! The kids are making good progress. This week we are shifting into high gear with rehearsals. It’s very important to have your kids at each of the practices over the next week. We will be running through the whole show at each rehearsal so the kids know their entrances and exits. There’s a lot of moving parts to come together: technical things we are now adding into the mix like set pieces, props, costumes, sound cues, etc. We appreciate everyone helping make this all happen. Even if kids aren’t in every scene, they are helping to paint sets or help practice lines with other actors. Thank you!
Monday, May 6th
2:00m-3:30pm All Cast and Crew (that means everyone)
Tuesday, May 7th
3:30pm-5:00pm Stage Crew + Select Actors
- Eugene(Corbin H.), Talon ( Michael Y. ), Akeelah ( Jia J.), Chester (Maxine S. )
- Big Mouse (Liam I. ), Little Mouse (Pepper W. )
- Dream sequence mice
- Ms. Hansley (Alanna), Dr. Taylor (Tessa)
- Viserion ( Enzo)
Wednesday, May 8th
3:30pm-5:00pm All cast and crew
Thursday, May 9th
3:30pm-5:00pm All cast and crew
Saturday, May 11th
9:30am-11:30am All cast and crew
5/13 Monday - All cast and crew- Dress Rehearsal
5/14 Tuesday - All cast and crew - Dress Rehearsal
We’re working through costumes but some basics for the kids performing in the larger groups.
Change the Fate Dancers
- White long sleeve shirt and black legging
Ensemble/choir Singers
- Field T-shirt or red shirt and black pants
If someone is playing an acting role, more info will be coming soon. The costume department is hard at work to make the characters come to life.
Wednesday, May 15th 9am and 2pm
Thursday, May 16th 6:30pm
Personal Items, Toys and Sports Equipment/Personal Balls
School is a place for learning and students should bring items that are necessary to fully engage and enrich their minds in the lessons and projects their teachers spend countless hours preparing for them every single week. Our focus and perspective should be geared toward areas of growth within our program and the academic areas that we have for all students at Field Elementary. Personal items and toys that could potentially be a distraction from the education happening during school hours are not permitted on campus. We have allowed personal sports items and/or sports balls on campus as long as these items are held and used appropriately during school hours. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule on a case by case basis if a homeroom teacher has a "show and tell" or event that permits personal items or toys on campus. Please note these circumstances are under the direction of a teacher and/or staff.
In the last few months the number of stolen personal items, personal injuries to innocent bystanders due to improper use of sports balls, and general disruptions to the school day has increased exponentially. This has also resulted in several items being confiscated and an increase in staff time spent investigating stolen or destroyed personal items. I do not want to completely prohibit these items on campus moving forward but compliance with the following rules and standards must be met immediately or I will move to restrict all items on campus.
Personal Items (not school related) and/or toys are only permitted on campus if your teacher (Homeroom or English) permits these items on campus for an event.
Personal sports balls and/or equipment are permitted on campus if the following occurs:
1. The owner of the sports ball and/or equipment item(s) takes full responsibility for the proper use or misuse of the item brought to campus.
2. The owner of the item(s) should be in charge of the item(s) at all times while on campus.
3. Sports balls and/or sports equipment are not permitted to be used in the hallways, or classrooms at any time. Students should hold their item(s) in their hands without bouncing, tossing, throwing and/or utilizing any other movement until they have successfully made it to the playground area and/or sports courts during their designated time at recess and/or free time during school hours.
4. Sports equipment for structured PE classes will be solely determined by the teacher in charge of the class. The teacher will be the sole person to determine if a personal sports item(s) and/or equipment item(s) will be used during a structured class.
5. If item(s) are confiscated for misuse the item will be stored until such time a parent/guardian can come to retrieve the item from the front office. Additionally, the student will need to speak with Dr. Tucker regarding the violation reported.
6. All teachers/staff on campus can enforce the measures put in place to keep all students and staff safe on campus.
7. Continued reports of violation to the measures put in place will result in further consequences for the owner of the sports ball and/or sports equipment.
I will be visiting all classrooms to discuss these items and measures with the students and staff. If I do not see a marked improvement in the number of unnecessary injuries or there continues to be a blatant disregard for the rules put in place for safety, I will be forced to take further action.
Expensive or sentimental items with significant value and meaning should not be on campus for any reason.
American Chess Academy Spring Dates
New School Year!
We look forward to seeing you in the coming week!
You can now follow us on Instagram
If you would like your child excluded from all posts for Instagram, please complete the form HERE.
Parent Involvement/Leadership Groups
African American Parent Council (AAPC)
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Direct LINK to Field Flash (PTA Newsletter)
Annual Fund
School Site Council (SSC)
Extra-Curricular Activities/Events UPDATES
Upcoming Events/Activities
School Site Council (SSC) Meetings: April 30th; May 14th & May 28th (tentative meeting)
State Testing: April 30th (start date- see schedule above)
New Family Orientation: May 8th 9am-10:30am (Parents/Guardians only)
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week: May 6th-10th
Spring Concert: May 10th 5:30pm Front Lawn
Field's 1st Musical- Eugene's Adventure May 15th (School Performances) & May 16th (Evening Performance)
Field Volunteer Appreciation Celebration: May 14th 2:30pm MPR
Pre-K Promotion: Friday, May 24th 9:30am MPR
Kinder Promotions: Tuesday, May 28th 10am/10:30am/11:00am (Yuan/L.Wu/Wei) MPR
5th Grade Promotion: Thursday, May 30th 9:30am Front Lawn (west)