Holy Rosary
The mystical heart knows there is a fellow Fisherman nearby who is always available for good advice. He stands and beckons from the shores, at the edges of every ordinary life, every unreligious moment, and every “secular” occupation.
—Richard Rohr
Hi Everyone,
Thankyou! Children bounded into school on Tuesday. It was fabulous to see them in such great form!
Together on Monday, our staff spent the day in the presence of Peter Mitchell, or Mitch as he is better known.
Mitch is the creator of Making Jesus Real, or MJR. It is much more than a programme. It is a way of being, and his timely wisdom, along with the gathering we had together on Tuesday morning, has provided us with the impetus to continue on the journey. Your children can and do bring the messages home. MJR is a big deal at Holy Rosary!
Mass this morning led by the Year Six gang was really lovely. The message and the reverent response to it made for a beautiful liturgy. We thank the Year Six students, choir, Father Peter and Father Tom for such a beautiful start to the term.
A reminder about the short week next week, where school days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. ANZAC Day Thursday, and Staff day on Friday.
Have a good weekend
Holiday Maintenance
A lot of work was completed over the break and our place is refreshed and ready for the term. Sincere thanks to everyone involved - a remarkable effort.
- The new roof on our Arts Building is complete, and we can now proceed with our plans to use the room for our Art lessons! This has been a long time coming.
- The Basketball courts look magnificent! Grateful thanks to Rose and the P&F Committee for driving and funding this project. The courts have never ever looked better.
- Aine our specialist teacher of Science has been busy preparing and setting up the raised garden beds in front of the Year One classes, planting them out with our children. A big job Aine, thankyou! Reticulation experts John and Gemma Forrest added the new garden beds to the retic system.
- Repainting of some of the school’s outside facilities was completed.
- Clearing, pruning of trees and tidying of grounds in Preprimary, in front of the Year Three classes and along Angelico Street makes a real difference to the look of our school.
- Plenty of general maintenance in and out of classrooms was also undertaken.
Party Time in Siena
On the last day of last term, we were pleased to welcome some special visitors - Christine Tonkin MLA, member for Churchlands (our local member) and Don Punch MLA, member for Bunbury, Minister for Regional Development; Disability Services; Fisheries; Seniors and Ageing; Volunteering.
They joined our Siena Gang for lunch, and each of the children brought a friend or two as well. It was a really wonderful experience. Christine attended and was involved in the official opening of the Siena Centre in 2022 and never forgot the model used here whereby our Siena Gang spend part of their time in the Centre and part of their time in their class. It is also used by other children not in the Centre for a number of different purposes. Christine felt that Don needed to see this centre and how it worked as it would inform his Disability Services portfolio. Both were most appreciative of the visit.
It is great to acknowledge that others see the good in the Centre. We have also had visits over the last 12 months from school principals and architects building or renovating centres so see the structure and function of Siena. It is fair to say that their Siena experiences have influenced the design and use of their spaces and that forms part of the purpose of our Centre - to support our children, as well as advocating for the support of children in other schools in the best way possible. Sincere thanks to the Siena team, and the Siena children and their friends for making this such a special day.
Parking on 23rd April and 1st May
The Parish have advised us that funeralsare taking place on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd April and the morning of Wednesday 1st May.
Making Jesus Real
Our MJR award winner for Week 1 is Orlando M. who is recognised for displaying the MJR values at Holy Rosary on a daily basis. He has displayed kindness and compassion to those around him. Congratulations!!
School Photos
Our school photos are taking place on Monday and Tuesday of Week 3. Please make sure you take the time to read through the documentation below, to ensure you are aware of the processes around ordering photos. Online ordering forms were sent home today (Friday 19th April) for students in Pre Primary to Year 1; students in Pre Kindy and Kindy will receive these forms on Tuesday 23rd April. Please note that order forms for family or sibling photos can be collected from the front office.
Thurs 25 April
School Closed - ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Fri 26 April
School Closed - Student Free Day
Mon 29 & Tues 30 April
School Photos
Thursday 2 May
CPSSA Swimming Carnival
Important Dates
Term 2, 2024 - Tues 16 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3, 2024 - Wed 17 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4, 2024 - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Welcome back to Term Two. There is so much going on in the library this term – ANZAC Day, Scholastic Book Fair Week Four and National Simultaneous Story Time Week Six . It was wonderful to see so many students have been reading through the holidays. Pre-Primary and Year Five will miss their library sessions next Thursday for the public holiday but the Year Five students are welcome to borrow at lunchtime on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again in Week Three.
Mrs Butson
“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”
― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
Locavora Lunch Orders
How to setup an account
Please read the attachment below on how to setup an account to order lunch for your child/children from Locavora.
Mothers Day Breakfast
80's Night - Friday 7th June
80’s Night is going ahead!!! Thank you to everyone who has purchased their tickets… it’s not too late to grab yours. Link below 👇
GUESS WHAT?? Thanks to the Blackman Family/Holy Rosary Dad Kane who is the Good Sammy CEO….
Good Sammy are supporting our 80s prom attendees by offering a 25% discount on 80s prom outfits at their op shops!
This applies to the Balcatta, Osborne Park and Subiaco Good Sammy’s stores only (the 3 stores closest to school).
Just show your prom invitation at the counter and receive 25% off your outfit …and anything else in that transaction! Valid from now until the ball. (Your prom invite is above)
Good Sammy’s core mission is to provide employment and development opportunities for people with disability, which aligns nicely with our school’s inclusive ethos.
Thank you Kane!! Happy outfit shopping and see you at the prom! 💃 🪩 🕺
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.
Sacramental Dates for 2024
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
Parish Newsletter
Holy Rosary School
Email: admin@hrs.wa.edu.au
Website: hrs.wa.edu.au
Location: 35 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA, Australia
Phone: (08)9203 4500
Facebook: facebook.com/holyrosaryschooldoubleview