The Yeti Report
December 2024
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In This Issue
- Dates to Remember
- Notes from Principal Savage
- Winter Athletic Sign-Ups!
- Canvas for Parents
- Community Engagement Survey
- MOA New Location and Office Hours Reminder
December 6 - Mid-Quarter No School
December 10 - Progress reports mailed home
December 16- Sports Sign up
December 16-20 - Student Services Survey
December 23- January 3 - Winter Break - No School
Notes from Principal Savage
Happy Holiday Season, Yeti Families!
I hope that each and everyone of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with loved ones.
For me, it meant getting to see my daughter while she visited from college!
Thank you to all that attended conferences! Getting to have time to talk about your child in specific is valuable in so many ways. It shows your students that the adults in their lives are invtested in their success and it allows time for teachers to get to know their students better.
Thank you, also, for those that attended the At-home Learning Coach session I held in November. I am still hoping to get more feedback on future topics families would like for me to address. A couple of our teachers were on-hand to help fill-in the holes I missed.
Keep in mind, the end of semester one (and quarter 2) is on January 17th. This last Friday marked the mid-point for quarter 2. We will mail progress reports as soon as we are able to get them printed.
In the next couple of weeks, please look for information regarding in-person support on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We cannot make it an open-door policy, as we do not have the space, but a sign-up/request process will be shared with you soon. These will not be social or club sessions, rather they will be dedicated solely to academic support. It should be in addition, and not a replacement for, the support your student gets at home. There is more to come!
Sometimes, the colder, darker months, paired with holiday stress, can lead to mental health struggles for adults and students alike. Please remember that we have resources for students and can help get them counseling services through Stronger Oregon or Options for Southern Oregon. Please reach out to start the referral process.
As always, thank you for trusting us with your student’s education. Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Natosha Savage
Online Learning Coordinator
Wresting and Girls Basketball Sign Ups!
Use the links below to register for winter sports at your student's resident middle school.
Sign up NOW, practices start December 16!
Hedrick Middle School
Register with your resident middle school for electives and athletics!
McLoughlin Middle School
Register with your resident middle school for electives and athletics!
Oakdale MIddle School
Register with your resident middle school for electives and athletics!
Pair your account with your student's account!
Edgenuity is the online learning platform for 6th grade health and 7th and 8th grade self-paced elective courses. It's also where your student logs their PE minutes. Click to set up your log in to track progress and grades.
Feedforward on MSD's Future!
In the Medford School District (MSD), we have a shared vision that ALL are learning and learning is for ALL. In 2022, we surveyed our community on what was going well and what could be improved. That information was incorporated into our most recent Integrated Guidance Plan.
The Oregon Department of Education is requiring another round of feedback on how we are doing, including how we prioritize spending to increase reading and math scores, graduation rates and family engagement. Please take this brief survey (English Survey/ Spanish Survey). Thank you for supporting our students!
MOA Grades 4-8 New Home!
We've moved to our new home in Oakdale Middle School! MOA is located in room 216. Our phone hours are 8am-3:30pm. Please note that due to our small office staff, we will have limited phone coverage between Noon and 12:30pm. If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message and we will return your call!