Squawk Talk

This Month's Calendar
All events may not be included on the calendar. Please refer to your Class Dojo for additional dates.
Important Dates
Schools will be closed on September 2nd for Labor Day.
Don’t Forget: September 3rd is a Distance Learning Day for students so school will be closed that day as well. However, students will have assigned tasks to complete AT HOME. Teachers will give additional instructions so please check Class Dojo.
Title I Handbooks Are ONLINE NOW!
Grandparents... You're Invited!
RSVP by returning the permission slip before Friday, September 6th!
All grandparent guests are asked to park in the car ramp/teacher parking lot.
Seating/Book Fair Shopping:
Please arrive on time, as the students will only be out of class for 1 hour. Grandparents can enjoy our Biscuit Bar with their grandchildren and then escort them to the Book Fair to shop with them.
Attendance Awareness Week
Being present for school is how we learn, so attendance matters. This is a fun week in September we get to dress up as we encourage students to continue being at school on time, all the time.
Volunteer @ ESES
Our United Way Campaign Continues...
The Counselor's Corner
From Your Family Engagement Friend
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars for these very special dates!