LCISD PAC Newsletter
Special Education Parent Advisory Committee
What is the LCISD PAC?
The Lapeer County Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of educators and parents representing our local school districts whose primary focus is to stay informed regarding Special Education plans and changes, current trends in Special Education at the County, State, and Federal level, and if needed, to assist and promote partnerships among parents and educators that benefit students with disabilities.
The PAC takes an active role in the development of the Lapeer County Special Education Mandatory Plan, a document which describes the delivery of special education services in Lapeer County. The PAC provides workshops and speakers from the county and Statewide programs which can richly serve not only the parents of children with special needs, but in many instances the individual with the disability.
Summer FUN!
- Tips to get your child outside!
- A free printable scavenger hunt
- Ideas for sidewalk chalk, scooters, trampolines, or even core strengthening with "wheelbarrow walking"
- "Bored" activity cards
- Ideas for creating a sensory calm-down area at home
Summer Camps For Those With Unique Needs
Special Needs Summer Camps
The Resilience Breakthrough
An Evening with Why Try Founder Christian Moore
Respite Care
ARCH National Respite Network
Presenter: Jill Kagan, Program Director
ARCH National Respite Network
Jill's PowerPoint Presentation
Link to the ARCH National Respite Network: https://archrespite.org/
Respite During COVID Guidelines
ARCH National Respite Locator Link
Jamie Calabro, MCSI S.I.P./Respite, Program Manager
Michigan Community Services Inc. (MCSI)
MCSI provides respite workers in Lapeer, Genesee, and Bay Counties
Other Respite Organizations Mentioned Last Night:
Helping Hands: https://helpinghandhealthcare.com/
Life Skills Centers Inc.: http://lifeskillscentersinc.org
A Family Guide to Respite in Michigan
Michigan Kids' Wivers Information Website
Steps to TEFRA - Parent to Parent (resource share)
Lapeer Community Mental Health-
Customer Service and Access Center: 888-225-4447
This is the number to call if you do not have any services through Lapeer CMH and would be the first step in the process. This is the number you would call for children's services as well as adults.
Advocacy Organization In Michigan:
Mental Wellness
Mental Health Toolkit & Virtual Calming Center
Jennifer Kortge, School Social Worker, at the Consortium for Exceptional Children (CEC) created a wonderful online resource. She developed a virtual calming center, where everything pictured in the room is an interactive resource; just click and explore. Parents, I encourage you to try it out for yourself! Click on any item in the virtual office and you'll be taken to a helpful strategy to decrease stress and increase wellness. I challenge parents to explore this resource with their kids, click and discover the great resources together. The calming center explored together by parents and children can create rich conversations. Try some of the yoga poses, sing a song together, listen to the soothing sounds for a 2 minute meditation, or explore a strategy card. The options are endless!
Virtual Calming Center
Created By: Jennifer Kortge, LMSW, ACSW
Parent Resources For Students With Disabilities
Agencies That Can Help
Michigan Alliance for Families
Check out MAF's pre-recorded webinars, upcoming events, and parent resources on everything related to special education.
Joyce Dearhamer- Parent Mentor
Lapeer and St. Clair Counties
joyce@michigan allianceforfamilies.org
"Family Matters"
Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education
The Family Matters website has an A-Z list of one page fact sheets on all topics related to special education. Have you ever wondered what a BIP is, or what a Personal Curriculum is, how about what ESY means? These one page face sheets give simple and easy to understand answers. Take a look at the link below:
Special Education Mediation Services
Call: 833-KIDS-1ST
Did you know Michigan Special Education Mediation Services (SEMS) is a FREE service offered to schools and parents? SEMS can help improve communication by facilitating complex meetings, or mediate to resolve disagreements. Parents, you are not alone. SEMS will gather information about your concern, provide information about services to help your situation, contact the other party for agreement to participate, and coordinate services with your local resolution center. For more information, call the number listed above or complete the request services form on their website.
As part of the Lapeer ISD's General Supervision System Grant, the special education administration team has been hard at work to develop a policy and procedures guidance manual. The General Supervision System supports improvement efforts to build capacity within local member districts to fulfill the responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to ensure the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for all students with an Individualized Education Program.