Seawell Peek At the Week
September 22, 2024
Seawell Elementary School Updates!
So much appreciation for all who joined us for our Curriculum Night event Thursday evening. It was a fun, well informed opportunity for parents to learn about all of the wonderful things happening in their child's classrooms. If you were unable to attend, please reach out to your child's teacher for any presentation information that you missed. For those who would like to view either the exceptional children's or gifted presentation, you can find it in the classroom section of this week's newsletter. We appreciate the work and efforts of all our Seawell staff to make the evening such a success for all!!! Seawell Seahawks Soar!
The character trait for the month of September is RESPONSIBILITY!
Responsibility- Being dependable in words and actions.
PTA Updates
Seawell PTA News
Get Seahawk news and a calendar of events at PTA website and PTA Facebook
Check out the October edition of the Seahawk Scoop newsletter!
Join the PTA! Reminder: memberships expire each year so rejoin to stay current!
It’s easy to jump in on PTA activities! Check out the current volunteer opportunities—bring a friend or make a new one!
Upcoming PTA Meetings
It was good to see many of you at the general membership meeting! For those that couldn’t make it, here is the slideshow we presented. Take a look!
The next PTA Board Meeting will be on Wednesday, October 2nd at 8am in the Seawell cafeteria. All are welcome to attend.
Are you an accountant? Good with numbers? Want to volunteer from home?
Come join the audit team! The PTA must conduct a financial audit every year and to do that, we need help from parents. The audit committee reviews finances on a monthly basis and prepares a report at the end of the fiscal year (June 2025). If you’re interested, please email
PTA Parent Social
The PTA would like to invite you to a parent social on Sunday, October 6th from 3-5pm at Wilson Park in Carrboro. This is a great chance to bring the whole family and get to know some other Seawell Seahawks. Feel free to bring a snack for yourself, or one to share. Look for the PTA board members at the park - they will be wearing Seawell t-shirts! Kids are free to play at the playground while parents connect. See you there!
State of the Schools Address
CHCCS Superintendent, Dr. Hamlett, will give a State of the Schools address to our community on Tuesday, October 8 at 7:00pm at Phillips Middle School Auditorium. The event is open to the public and will be available via livestream as well. More details to come, but please save the date!
Big Fall Play Day
Mark your calendars Seahawks! Our annual fall festival is coming to Seawell campus October 27th, 2-4pm. If you attended last year you know it was a blast. Take a look at the sign-up sheet: Anyone can help...alumni, siblings, family members & friends all welcome to attend and pitch in on the fun. The more the merrier...let's BIG FALL Y’ALL!
Family Fall Portraits
We’re happy to welcome back local photographer Trevor Holman for fall family portraits. Sign up for a 15-minute session on Oct 12,13,19 or 20. Any photos purchased, along with the $20 reservation fee, will support Seawell programs and staff via the PTA.
Family Night Out
Our October Spirit Night will be Wednesday, October 30 at Carrburritos in downtown Carrboro. Enjoy some good food before the Halloween candy arrives! No need to mention Seawell when ordering. 10% of all proceeds from dine-in and take-out orders will go to the PTA. If you’d like to help plan these Family Nights Out, we’d love your help! Let us know at
Seawell’s Critter Corner is Orange County’s ONLY School Farmyard!
In operation for 30+ years and 100% parent-run. The Critter Corner benefits families in many ways from social emotional learning to biology and life skills. Bring the kids to get to know our furry & feathery friends. Questions or want to get involved? Email the Critter Corner crew at
In order to keep all of our students safe, we must have any parent/visitor sign in at the front office. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this safety policy. The sign in process does require a government issued ID, i.e. driver's license.
Be sure to follow our social media and school website to keep up with all of the amazing things happening with our students and staff at Seawell!
Instagram: sesseahawks
Twitter: @SeawellES
September 25
- Picture Day
September 27
- Teacher Workday (No School for Students)
September 30
- Progress Reports distributed
October 3
- Teacher Workday
October 31
- End of First Quarter
Greetings parents,
Please only complete the Parent communication OPT-OUT form if you do not want room parents to have your information. Note that our room parents only reach out in the event that your input/support is needed for specific activities/events related to your classroom and that your email will not be shared with anyone else.
September 19th Curriculum Night Highlights:
Exceptional Children's Curriculum Night Presentation
Gifted Education Curriculum Night Presentation
Periodically this section will include educational acronyms/phrases along with their meaning in order to ensure clarity for upcoming parent conferences, Tier 3 meetings, etc.
Assessments for September
Sept 1-Oct 2 IRLA Assessment - Teachers are assessing the Independent Reading Level of your child within the literacy program/framework utilized within our district (ARC)
Sept 4 -Sep 24 BOY mClass Assessment (K-3) Assessment - State literacy assessment that is administered at the beginning, middle and end of the school year for students in Kindergarten thru third grade.
Aug 30-Sept 26 BOY: STAR Reading (4-5)
Aug 30-Sept 26 BOY: iReady Math (K-5)
Second Grade Author Visit
Parent Volunteers Enrich Our Learning!
Fifth Graders' Focus
In the upcoming weeks this section will feature photos of items that have been found on our campus. Please monitor this section and alert your child that their lost item can be recovered in out lost and found area typically located in the cafeteria.