HSD News Round-Up
February 8, 2024

The HHS Equestrian Team won Gold (Drill) at the 2024 WAHSET State Finals! Read more on this achievement and other student successes below.
HSD News Round-Up
May 21, 2024
HHS Launch Day (College and Career Fair)
On May 16, HHS hosted the second annual Launching Futures College and Career Fair event in the school’s commons. The event brought together more than 60 organizations, including local colleges, universities, trade schools, military, and industry representatives. Learn more here!
Facilities Planning Committee Survey: Top 4 Facilities Planning Priorities
This afternoon, we notified families of a second opportunity to voice your priorities for school facilities repairs and needs. In the last Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) survey, families let us know which facilities needs are most important to address. We realize that there weren’t detailed plans or facilities project proposals in the first survey, and that’s because we’re in the very early stages of identifying facilities needs at our schools. It’s important to us that we get your input at every step of the way. In this survey, we’re asking more detailed questions about the top 4 facilities needs that Hockinson families prioritized in the first FPC survey:
Addressing the overcrowding at Hockinson Heights Elementary School (80 votes)
Safety upgrades at HHES (51 votes)
Track resurfacing at Hockinson High School and HHS stadium field improvement (48 votes)
Roofing replacement at HHS, HHES, and Community Education Center/ District Office (36 votes)
HSD Leaders Recognized for Inspiring, Motivating Student Growth in HSD
Congratulations to the HSD administrative leadership team! At the ESD 112's Regional WASA Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 17, the group was presented with the 2024 Student Achievement Leadership Award for "exemplifying integrity in words and actions, maintaining a positive image and presence in schools and greater community, evoking hope, demonstrating initiative by seeking ways to enrich the future, and displaying a strong work ethic inside and outside the classroom." Their energy and commitment help to set the tone for student success! "The district and building leadership team is such a strong and united front. Their commitment and dedication to this challenging work is contagious and inspiring," said Gahlya Auel, ESD 112.
Honorees included Superintendent Steve Marshall, Director of Special Education Keila Dean, Teaching & Learning Coordinator Jennifer Sawyer, Director of Curriculum & Instruction Joshua Robertson (not pictured), HHS Principal Tim Fox, HHS Associate Principal Kathy Pacheco, HMS Principal Bess Colpron, Athletic Director and HMS Dean of Students Sid Slom, HHES Principal Meredith Gannon, HHES Associate Principal Michael Olson.
Levy Spotlight: Join us for the 5/23 District Jazz Night & 5/30 District Band Festival!
Looking for an incredible evening music event? Join us for the District Jazz Night on May 23 at 7pm in the HHS auditorium and the District Band Festival on May 30!
On May 30 at 6:30 pm, students in the HHS and HMS bands will come together to perform in the annual District Band Festival. This combined concert is held in the HHS gym, led by HHS Band Director Corey McEnry and HMS Band Director Jennifer Ritenburgh. Hockinson School District’s vibrant music program is supported by the local school levy, which was approved by Hockinson voters in 2022. Band concerts like the District Band Festival display the musical talents of the students while also underscoring our community's support for music education. Thank you, Hockinson families!
“When we do combined performances, it's a great opportunity to highlight the cohesiveness and ‘band family’ aspect of being a member of a Hockinson band program,” said McEnry. “Our younger students get a taste of what it feels like to play with the high school band, and our older students get a chance to mentor and demonstrate their skills for our middle school students.”
Spring Break Send-off
Students and staff began Spring Break on a high note following a send-off performance from the HHS Band.
HHS Wins Top Honors at Columbia Basin Festival
HHS Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble students performed at the Columbia Basin College Band Festival last month and won a total of 14 awards!
HMS Band Hard at Work
This snapshot, taken in February, shows HMS Band preparing diligently for a series of upcoming performances.
HHES Teacher Renae Skar a State Finalist for 2024 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
Renae Skar, fourth-grade teacher at Hockinson Heights Elementary School (HHES), is one of four state finalists for the 2024 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST.) The PAEMST is the highest recognition for kindergarten through 12th-grade mathematics or science teachers in the United States. Read more here!
Hockinson Celebrates Young Artists at Annual District Visual Arts Show
At the annual District Visual Arts Show on May 10, Hockinson families celebrated student creativity across all grade levels. Visitors had the opportunity to view and admire an impressive array of multimedia artwork including pottery, wire sculptures, and watercolor paintings.
The event was organized by dedicated art teachers Sonja Einerson and Nancy O’Neill from Hockinson Heights Elementary, Lori-Ann Marano from Hockinson Middle School, and Tanya Hochhalter from Hockinson High School. This year's exhibition was particularly special as it included works that were nominated for the prestigious 2024 ESD 112 Regional Art Show.
Hockinson School District’s vibrant K-12 art program is supported by the local school levy, which was approved by Hockinson voters in 2022. This annual showcase displays the artistic talents of the students while also underscoring our community's support for arts education. Thank you, Hockinson families!
View a sampling of student artwork in this slideshow, linked here!
HMS & HHS Marching Bands Participate in 5/18 Hazel Dell Parade
On Saturday, May 18, students in the Hockinson High School and Hockinson Middle School bands participated in the 58th annual Parade of Bands! Enjoy the snapshots from this event below. Parade participants marched down Hazel Dell Avenue and up Northeast Highway 99. It was an incredible morning of fun, as band students joined over two dozen local school bands to demonstrate their musical skills. The HMS Marching Band dedicated every Friday morning beginning at 7:45 am since the return from Spring Break to practice for this performance, and their hard work truly paid off.
HHS Band Director Corey McEnry spoke to the remarkable dedication and excellence of student musicians and band parents. Band parent volunteers fitted students for uniforms, hemmed pants, repaired buttons, and replaced gloves. This support from our music boosters and parent volunteers has doubled the lifespan of HHS marching band uniforms, allowing us to reuse the same ones that debuted HHS over 20 years ago. Thanks to the care of our band students and families, they are still in great shape!
Hockinson Summer Camps & Adult Programs
Join us for youth and adult programs this summer! The Hockinson Community Education, a department of Hockinson School District, offers recreational and educational opportunities of all kinds for the Hockinson community.
Summer Youth Tennis Programs are $150 per week-long (Monday through Friday) session at Hockinson High School. For youth ages 5-10, sessions are at 9 am to 12 pm each day. For youth ages 11-17, sessions are at 1 to 4 pm each day. Sessions are offered for eight weeks, from June 24 to August 23. Learn more here!
Hockinson Youth Summer Camps are $99 per half-day or $188 per full day session at Hockinson Heights Elementary School. The following summer camp sessions are available:
July 8-11 Soccer & Flag Football (Grades K-4)
July 22-25 Baseball, Tee Ball & Basketball (Grades K-4)
August 12-15 Basketball & Soccer (Grades 3-6)
Camp Hockinson: Enjoy fun themed days and group activities with us at camp! This camp is for HSD residents only. Follow these steps to sign up. A registration fee of $30 per student or $50 per family (2+ kids) is required to secure your spot in the camp.
Summer Evening Dance Workshops are open to youth ages 4-17. Practice movement and choreography at these interactive sessions. Cost is $17 per youth ages 4-7 and $24 per youth ages 8-17. Learn more here!
To Infinity and Beyond! Art Camp: Strap on your space gear and join Miss Einerson for an exciting week of art making! Open to youth in 2nd through 5th grade, July 29 to August 2. Fee is $120 per child. Learn more here!
HHES Summer Garden Club: Help Ms. Perry and Mr. Tracey to weed, water and harvest at the HHES garden. Then, expand your creativity by making paint, clay, weaving and origami artwork in the art room. Open to grades 3-5. Learn more here!
Summer Tennis at Hockinson High School: Get active and connect with adults in Hockinson at summer tennis programs! Tennis 101 and 201 sessions are available. Sessions are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Enjoy six 1.5-hour sessions for $101. Learn more here!
Hockinson Fun Days & Spirit Wear
Hockinson Fun Days is just around the corner on May 31 & June 1! This community tradition includes a community bingo night as well as a pancake breakfast, marketplace bazaar, Fun Days parade, carnival games.
The event will also include an Apparel Pop Up Shop for school spirit wear on Saturday, June 1st from 9:30am-3:30pm. The booth will offer a variety of adult and youth gear available including a never seen before community design that is sure to sell out fast. Check out a preview of the design below!
Kindergarten and New Student Registration Open, TK Registration
Now is the time to register students for kindergarten. Visit our website to find enrollment steps and save your child a seat for the 2024-25 school year! Note: For those students who will turn 6 years old before August 31, 2021, but were not enrolled in kindergarten this year, we recommend that these students enroll in kindergarten, not first grade for the 2021-22 school year. The Skyward student enrollment system will automatically register your 6-year-old in first grade, so you will need to reach out to HHES to place your student in kindergarten. Contact HHES at (360) 448-6430.
Hockinson offers a state-funded Transitional Kindergarten program for 4 year olds in our community. Visit our website for more information on this new program and how to enroll.
Since enrollment largely determines funding for our schools, it's very helpful for us to know how many students we can expect to welcome next school year as early as possible.
Levy-Funded Athletic & Activity Programs
This edition of News Bites recognizes some recent achievements by HHS students in athletics, activities, and the arts as well as the community support that makes it all possible...
- HHS Equestrian Advancing to Regionals! Congratulations to members of the HHS Equestrian Team for their success at the WAHSET State Finals in Moses Lake, WA this past weekend. A total of ten HHS equestrian members advanced to the PNWIC regional competition that will be held in June, including: Evi Vossler (Gold Medal in Jumping), Ethan Wilcox and Chloe Hinderliter (Gold Medal in Team Birangle), Braden Roth and Mae Domingos (5th in Team Birangle), Braden Roth, Mae Domingos, Ethan Wilcox, Chloe Hinderliter (3rd in Team Canadian Flags), Trent Roth (Gold in Cow Daubing), and Brooklynn Slaby, Evi Vossler, Liz Connors, Emilie Willis, Ethan Wilcox, Chloe Hinderliter, Jewel Atchley, Avery Reed (Gold Medal in Drill)!
- HHS Golfers Advance to State Tournaments: Congratulations and good luck to the four HHS golfers who qualified for the State Golf Tournament in Liberty Lake, WA: Junior Sophia McLean, who is currently competing at the Meadow Wood Golf Course, and Seniors Grant Gumringer and Branden Correy and Junior Ethan Wall, who are playing at the Liberty Lake Golf Course. The tournament runs through tomorrow, May 22 and results can be followed here.
- Track and Field Athletes Run, Jump, and Vault to State Track Meet: Five members of the HHS Girls Track Team qualified for the State Track Meet at last Friday’s District Track Meet held at Tumwater High School. Representing HHS at the State Track Meet at Mt. Tahoma HS Thursday, May 23-Saturday, May 25 are: Sophomore Lyla Taylor (1600m PR and 3200m); Junior Zieynita Stidum (100m); and Senior Celia Racanelli (Pole Vault and Triple Jump). Stidum and Racanelli will also join Senior Tara Thorner and Freshman Dannika Grant to compete in the 4x200m Relay. Go Hawks!
- Bravo, HHS Theater! A well-deserved shout out to the cast, crew, and pit orchestra of Mean Girls-The Musical. It takes a lot of dedication to pull off a successful run of six performances and these students combined their talents night after night to entertain Hockinson audiences with their top-quality acting and musical skills. A special shout to Stephanie Evans, who is wrapped up a successful first year as the Director of the HHS Theater program.
- Thank you, Hockinson Voters! Athletics, arts, extracurriculars, school safety staff, and more are funded by the Hockinson School Levy. The levy supports opportunities for students to explore their interests, develop talents, and share their passion with the community.
Upcoming Events:
5/23 District Jazz Band Night @ HHS
Mon. 5/27: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
Tue. 5/28: HSD School Board Regular Meeting at HCC @ 6:00 pm & Zoom
Thu. 5/30: HHS Color Wars
Thu. 5/30: HHS and HMS Band Concert @ 6pm at HHS MPR
Fri. 5/31 - Sat. 6/1: Hockinson Fun Days
Mon. June 3: BizTown - Grade 5
Tues. June 4: HHES Field Day
Tues. June 4: 8th Grade Visit to WSUV and Clark College
Wed. June 5: Jr. Rose Parade
June 6th & 7th: HMS Spirit Days
Thurs. June 6: Graduation Walk at HHES
Fri. June 7: 5th Grade Visit to HMS
Fri. June 7: HHS Graduation @ 7 pm
Mon. June 10: 5th Grade Bottle Rockets at HHES and HMS Color Run (ASB Fundraiser)
Mon. June 10: HSD School Board Regular Meeting at HCC @ 6:00 pm & Zoom
Tues. June 11: Grades 1/3/5 Family Picnic at HHES (class lunchtimes)
Tues. June 11: TK Graduation @ 5 - 6:30 pm
Tues. June 11: 8th Grade to visit to HHS
Wed. June 12: 5th Grade Field Trip to Lewisville Park
Wed. June 12: 8th Grade Promotion
Thurs. June 13: Grades K/2/4 Family Picnic at HHES (class lunchtimes)
Thurs. June 13: First Grade Field Trip to Zoo
Thurs. June 13: 5th Grade Fire Truck
Fri. June 14: 8th Grade Party at HMS
HHS Spring Sports Schedule available HERE
Contact Us
Email: justine.hanrahan@esd112.org
Website: https://www.hocksd.org/
Location: 17912 NE 159th St, Brush Prairie, WA 98606, USA
Phone: (360) 448-6400