Principal's Corner
What's Going On At Veritas In May!

May 2024
Welcome to the month of May!
Thank you to all parents, families, and community members who assisted and cheered on our students at the Pacific Northwest Music Festival! Students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 each presented two class poems. Grade 4 students presented individual Sacred Readings. Students in grades 5 and 6 wrote and presented speeches. All students in Kindergarten to Grade 5 performed class songs, the grade 6 students performed as a band, and the extracurricular grade 7-9 band performed. Every performance was amazing. We are so proud of our students!
We are looking forward to an active May and June. Some of our classes have local field trips planned in May and our grade 6, 7, 8, & 9 classes have longer overnight trips planned. Please watch carefully for notes and information from your child’s teacher. If you wish to volunteer in the coming months, please ensure all your volunteer paperwork, including your criminal record check and driver's paperwork, is complete. If you are unsure of the status of your volunteer paperwork, please call the school office at 250-635-3035.
May Dates
Wednesday, May 1 - Hot Lunch (McDonalds)
Monday, May 6 - Hot Lunch (Pizza Hut)
Monday, May 6 - VPSG Meeting at 7:00 pm in the Grade 1 classroom - all are welcome!
Wednesday, May 8 - Growing Smiles delivery expected
Wednesday, May 8 - Hot Lunch (Hot Dogs)
Thursday, May 9 - School Council Meeting at 7:00 pm
Friday, May 10 - Mother's Day Lunch
Friday, May 10 - Saturday, May 11 - Grade 8 Bottle Drive
Monday, May 13 - Hot Lunch (Pizza Hut)
Tuesday, May 14 - Dino Lights Presentation (see below)
Wednesday, May 15 - Hot Lunch (Boston Pizza Pasta)
Friday, May 17 - Half Day, Noon Dismissal
Monday, May 20 - Victoria Day, School Closed
Tuesday, May 21 - Hot Lunch (Pizza Hut)
Wednesday, May 22 - School Mass at 9:00 am led by Grade 6
Wednesday, May 22 - Hot Lunch (Chicken Strips)
Saturday, May 25 - Garage Sale / Flea Market in the Veritas Gym
Monday, May 27 - Hot Lunch (Pizza Hut)
Wednesday, May 29 - Hot Lunch (Pasta)
Friday, May 31 - No School for Kindergarten Students
Friday, May 31 - New Kindergarten Open House 10:00 - 2:00
Friday, May 31 - Yearbook Order Forms Due
Veritas Parent Support Group
VPSG Executive: The VPSG Executive includes Birke Araujo (birkepferd@hotmail.com) as Chair, Ashley Medeiros as Vice-Chair, Gillian McCutcheon as Secretary, and Joan Iamele as Treasurer. The next meeting is on Monday, May 6 at 7:00 pm in the grade 1 classroom. Coffee, tea, and babysitters will be provided. All parents are encouraged to attend!
Fundraisers: Thank you to all those who ordered through the Growing Smiles fundraiser! The expected delivery date is May 8th, just in time Mother's Day! Extras were ordered for sale on the delivery date in the school parking lot.
Fundraising Monies: This year's fundraising goal is $30 000! To date, we have raised approximately $20 000. A large portion of our fundraising this year will go towards installation costs of the next playground phase!
Hot Lunch Class Volunteers: Thank you for your Hot Lunch orders. Grade 1 parents are responsible for volunteering for Hot Lunch prep for the month of May! Thank you to everyone that is able to help out! Grade 2 parents are responsible for June's Hot Lunch. If you are able to help out on any of the Wednesdays in May or June from 11:00 - 12:20, please reach out to Birke at birkepferd@hotmail.com or call the school office. Orders must be placed at least one week prior to the lunch day being ordered for. The order link is: https://www.munchalunch.com/
Items of Note!
Illness: This spring, our number of sick children has been much higher than normal. We do our best to encourage students to sanitize, wash their hands, use tissues, etc. We also are cleaning high touch surfaces more frequently to reduce the spread of germs. Please keep your children home when they are sick out of concern for the health of other students and staff!
Playground Supervision: Please remember that morning supervision begins at 8:20 with a teacher outside near the parking lot supervising children as they arrive. Students are not allowed in the playground or field before school as there is not adequate supervision at this time. During both recess breaks (10:15 - 10:30 and 12:20 - 12:55), there are four staff members supervising students on the school fields and playgrounds. After school, there is parking lot supervision from 3:00 - 3:15.
School Council: The next School Council meeting is on Thursday, May 9 at 7:00pm at the school. The meeting begins with an open invitation to all, before we move to the in-camera portion of the meeting. The mandate of School Council is to oversee the operation of Veritas School, including finances and staffing.
Absentee Notes: Please contact the school explaining your child's absences with a Seesaw message to Office Staff and your child's teacher. Absentee reports are crucial to our school's funding, as numerous unexplained absences throughout the school year can mean less government funding for your child.
Catholic Corner
In the Catholic Church, the month of May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This year, the liturgical season of Easter ends on May 19, Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost Sunday celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. White is the liturgical colour represented until Pentecost Sunday, which is why you will see the church altar, our entrance prayer table, and each classroom’s prayer table adorned in white. White is the colour of light and a symbol of joy, purity, and innocence. After May 19, we move out of the Easter Season and into Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical colour green.
Kindergarten presented their poems wonderfully at the PNMF . . .
Grade 4 had great reviews from the adjudicator during their Sacred Readings at the PNMF!
Congratulations to the Grade 5 and 6 participants at the Veritas School Speech Competition!
Grade 9 cooked fish and chips from scratch in Foods!
. . . and Grade 1, as well as most other classes!
Congratulations to the Veritas students who ran Centennial Christian School's Spring Classic Fun Run!
Congratulations to Alyssa, Penelope, and Trishan who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place at the Regional Speech Competition, hosted by St. Anthony's School in Kitimat!
About Veritas
Email: veritas@cispg.ca
Website: www.veritascatholicschool.com
Location: 4836 Straume Avenue, Terrace, BC, Canada V8G 4G3
Phone: 250-635-3035