The Newsletter for SUHSD Teacher Induction
July 2016
Enroll in SUHSD Induction
Enroll via "Interest List" linked here. Note: you must be logged on to your SUHSD Google Drive account first.
SUHSD Induction Canvas Course
Click here to access the course.
Quarterly UCSD Extension Course
See here to enroll. Registration deadline for First Quarter course is 8/1/16.
Over 200 Beginning Teachers are SUHSD Induction Candidates!
Induction candidates serve students at nearly all SUHSD sites in varied content areas.
Induction Mentors serve students at nearly all sites and in all content areas.
Mentors are organized by school group in proportion to the number of candidates.
Orientation and Workshops for Mentors and Candidates
July 13 & 14
Nearly 60 Induction Mentors spent two days preparing to work with Candidates throughout the SUHSD. See Google Slides here.
Induction Mentoring Agreement
Candidates and Mentors meet to review and submit the Agreement by August 5, 2016.
July 18 & 19
Approximately 180 Candidates gathered to begin Induction. See Google Slides here.
Induction Candidates and Mentors May Choose between Dates for Regular Workshops
Induction is based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and an Individual Learning Plan for each Candidate
Not Your Grandma's BTSA Program
New SUHSD Induction Standards (December, 2015)
"BTSA" (Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment) no longer exists. In the past, BTSA at the State level allocated money specifically for implementation of a CFASST (California Formative Assessment and Support System for Teachers)-driven induction program. With transition to the LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula), funds previously earmarked through BTSA were rolled into the LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) informing district-level programs to include support for beginning teachers.
SUHSD Induction Leadership Team
Katrine Czajkowski - Program Manager, Induction
Courtney Kleffman - Induction Mentor (ELA, H/SS)
John Patel - Induction Mentor (H/SS, ELA)
Aly Martinez - Induction Mentor (math, science)
Email: katrine.czajkowski@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: http://professionalgrowth.sweetwaterschools.org/btsa-induction/
Location: 1130 5th Ave, Chula Vista, CA, United States
Phone: 619-407-4995
Twitter: @suhsdinduction