Zeta Beta Newsletter
October 2024
TSO 2023-2025 Biennium Theme and Goals:
Seek new members and opportunities
Open your heart, mind and attitude
Act to serve and share
Reach to renew, respond and renew
Delta Kappa Gamma Mission Statement:
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education
Delta Kappa Gamma Vision Statement:
Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide
Important Dates:
- October 10 meeting @ Johnny Carino's at 6pm
- December 7: Zeta Beta Social at Tammy's house at 12pm at 15208 Needles Ridge 78245
- Bring: $10 ornament and 2 dozen cookies
- December 11: Drigger's Elementary at 4:30pm-deliver presents/food to teenage families
- January 4 meeting@ Johnny Carino's at 12pm (Jenn)
- February 12: Drigger's Elementary at 4:30pm-Literacy workshop
- March 1 meeting @ Johnny Carino's at 12pm (Ninfa)
- April 9:
- Drigger's Elementary at 4:30pm-Dental Workshop
- Meeting: Henry's Puffy Tacos @ 6pm (Lulu)
- ***Area 6 Coordinator will attend
- Sat, May 3 at 1pm @ Region 20: 1314 Hines, San Antonio, TX 78208
- Cost: $15
- June 24-26: 95th TSO Convention 2025
- Denton, Tx
- Embassy Suites & Convention Center
Meeting Agenda/Discussion:
Members present for meeting: Jennifer, Ninfa, Blanche, Pam, Tammy, Lulu
-Approve Financial Report presented by Ninfa Poole
-It will be moved to file for audit
New Business:
- Newsletters:
- October: https://secure.smore.com/n/gzw0a
- SACC update:
- Founder's Day:
- Sat, May 3 at 1pm @ Region 20: 1314 Hines, San Antonio, TX 78208
- Collect registration: $15
- Leadership Seminar: applications are due October 15
- February: book/theme:
- Book to be used: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Lulu/Jenn: colors
- Ninfa/Pam: textures
- Marissa/Tammy: counting
- Blanche: sign language
- Recording of book: Jenn
- Fundraiser:
- February 1-9th
- Delivery: February 12th
- Pass out/email order forms (January meeting)
Old Business:
Schools for Africa collection:
-We collected: $56.28 total last year
**Update: No project yet, but saving money for next project
***If nothing is stated via International, we can decide as a chapter who to donate it to in May
- Past Newsletters:
Get update on:
Extra stuff: Achievement Award for DKG/Zeta Beta: Blanche gave update. Stated that she will give more info stating who is eligible from Chapter for these awards consisting of Chapter, State and International
Lending Library: Awaiting response