TTAO Fall Newsletter
October, 2024
A Message from our President
Greetings TTAO Members:
There is no better time than the present. Standing in the “here and now” allows us to look back, appraise our past, and make informed, empowered decisions about our future. As we set our sights on 2024 - 2025, we are committed to being far better than we were yesterday, reassuring our membership of our optimistic outlook and unwavering commitment to improvement.
Congratulations to the Texas Theatre Adjudicators and Officials Board of Directors, Standards and Practices Committee, Core Values Committee, and the membership on a year of significant accomplishments during last year’s UIL OAP theatre season. Our organization experienced substantial growth, a testament to our shared commitment and dedication. We introduced a new Adjudicators’ oath and pledge, the Continuing Education Committee played a pivotal role in creating a new professional development model, and the Core Values Committee developed critical initiatives to promote our core values. For example, at the beginning of each TTAO meeting, we complete a ten-minute Core Values Connection session. Additionally, we established a service project entitled. SIOS Service Is Our Signature. In our inaugural year, sixty-three adjudicators participated in our service project.
The plans for the 2024 - 2025 season amplify our commitment to achievement. In addition to our SIOS initiative, we are thrilled to introduce a new service initiative, PWP, Partnering with Purpose. This initiative, designed for Educational Service Centers and districts to partner with the TTAO Membership, promises to provide Professional Development Workshops for theatre educators. Service centers and Title One directors may request services through a database, opening up new opportunities for collaboration and learning collective efforts.
Furthermore, to increase accessibility and transparency, the TTAO Board of Directors will hold its winter board meeting at the Texas Thespians Educators’ Conference, where we will present workshops and celebrate the accomplishments of our TTAO members. Adjudicator and Contest Manager Training and Adjudicator Enhancement Training are set to begin in November. Lastly, we recently updated the Manuel of Operations and the Training Prezi.
Our great organization is now ten years old. The Black and White Cheers to Ten Years Gala held at the TxETA Convention was a resounding success. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the steering committee and all who attended.
Our future feels brighter than ever, and it is because of each of you. Thank you for all that you do for TTAO. And now, let’s roll up our sleeves and return to work. Our students need us.
Yvonne J. Phillips-Dupree
TTAO President
“We don’t know where we’ll end up, but making moments matter - taking a step back to see something from a different vantage point and inventing in our core values - can lead to a world of surprises.”
Nina Tassler
Sign up for the TTAO Enhancement Training 2024!
Enhancement Training Update
The Corpus Christi Marathon Play session has been canceled at Texas Thespians, but we will still be in Grapevine! It’s almost time for the 2024 TTAO Enhancement Experience! Want to gain experience with written evaluations and oral critiques after viewing one act plays from the Marathon Plays at one of the Texas Thespian Festivals? Apply to be a part of the experience at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfX3y694hH20E_1D_g70mPalaUcrkADqYu01LqlWhY9pTEFQ/viewform. Participants must be TTAO adjudicator certified to attend. More information can be found in the application. Hope to see you in Grapevine this November! Any hotel room needs, email Amy.jordan@texasthespians.org. Thanks!
A Message from the Core Values Committee:
UIL One Act Play Adjudicator and Contest Manager Workbook
B.K. Goodman has created this fantastic workbook where you can add your contests as either adjudicator or contest manager. It allows you to stay organized and double check conflicts easily. Just click the button below for access. Please download or make a copy, do not use the original.
A Message from our UIL State Theatre Director
Updates on rules, FAQ – on licensing- also attached, 2024-2025 Academic alignments can be found on the UIL Theatre home page: https://www.uiltexas.org/theatre
For Zone/District Contest Managers -Official Meet Authorization Request form- https://www.uiltexas.org/machform/view.php?id=1015535
Tentative UIL Official Calendar- https://www.uiltexas.org/files/calendars/2024-25-Tentative-UIL-Calendar.pdf
State Meet Judges 2025
* denotes acting judge
1A Jim Rambo*, Kathy Harvey, Gloria Mcluckie
2A Missey Head*, Travis Springfield, Larry Carpenter
3A Jim Mammarella*, Yvonne Phillips Dupree, Carla Schumann
4A Jackie DeMontmollin*, Freddie Buckner, Scott Schumann
5A Robin Robinson*, Rachel Mattox, Aaron Brown
6A Luis Munoz*, Alison Frost, R. Scott AllenArea and Region Assignments coming soon!
Coming Soon-
- Revised OAP Handbook
- Contest Manager Scripts
- Revised Judge’s Evaluation form
2024-2025 Deadlines:
For Contest Managers & Meet Officials
Aug 10
First day to contact a single adjudicator or the first member of a panel for District or Zone contests
Aug 10
First day to draw performance order
Aug 31
Deadline to report bi-district information and adjudicators to state office
Nov 1
Deadline to hold director's planning meeting
Nov 1
First day to contact and contract the second and third members of a panel for zone and district contests
Paula Rodriguez, UIL State Theatre Director.
Service is our Signature!
Did you know Service is one of TTAO's CORE Values? Our CORE Values guide us in the decisions and actions we take to continually better our organization and the goals we set. We are thrilled to announce in its' inaugural year SIOS serviced 63 Texas schools with free OAP Clinics. It is overwhelming to think of all the hardworking students and dedicated theatre educators who were served through this initiative. These are schools who may not have had a clinic opportunity otherwise.
What is SIOS?
The SIOS (Service is our Signature) is an initiative which encourages TTAO Members to provide one free OAP clinic per year. Educational service can be any K-12 school program. Special consideration for Title 1 schools or schools with new directors is encouraged. This is not a requirement. This is an opportunity to LIVE our Core Values of Service and Education.
Learn more about SIOS here: SIOS Presentation
We are excited to launch our newest service initiative, TTAO-PWP (Partnering with Purpose). This new initiative is off to a bang of a start with three PWPs already scheduled!
What is TTAO PWP: PWP is to provide schools in need with theatre workshops.
This initiative offers the opportunity for Educational Service Centers and districts to partner with TTAO Membership in providing Professional Development Workshops for theatre educators. This is not a TTAO membership requirement. It is an opportunity to LIVE our Core Values of Service and Education.
Learn more about TTAO-PWP here: TTAO PWP Presentation
We hope you will join us in forging forward in one of the many ways TTAO Members make a difference in Texas Educational Theatre.
Jill Ludington
TTAO-BOD Member At-Large
Fall Adjudicator Training is Full!
TTAO New Adjudicator Trainings
TTAO is planning one fall training in Plano ISD on November 7, 2024.
Plano ISD 9th Grade OAP Contest
Robinson Fine Arts Center1800 Alma Dr, Plano, Tx 75075
Dr. Phillip Morgan, TTAO Host
We will again offer a continued training for current adjudicators at the State Thespians Festivals; Corpus Christi, November 15-18 and Grapevine, November 20-23.
As always, we will offer training at the 2025 UIL OAP State Contest.
Thank you to those interested in becoming TTAO Adjudicators! Stay tuned for more information!
TTAO Contest Manager Fall 2024 Training
November 6-7, 2024
Wednesday 1:00-6:30 pm
Thursday 8:45 am – 6:30 pm
(Training schedule on Thursday is dependent on the contest schedule which may vary.)
Application Link: https://forms.gle/VZMComDHuRjamPS79
Complete the application prior to the deadline (October 11th or until slots are filled) to be considered for participation in the certification workshop. This event is limited to 25 participants. You will be notified if your application is approved and you are eligible to participate, by October 14th, and a more detailed schedule will be available at that time.
Plano ISD 9th Grade OAP Contest
Robinson Fine Arts Center
1800 Alma Dr, Plano, Tx 75075
Dr. Phillip Morgan, TTAO Host
WORKING SCHEDULE: Participants should plan to arrive on site by scheduled times listed above for both days and remain throughout the duration of the training and contest.
FEES: There is no fee for the workshop, however, following the workshop, new adjudicators will be required to pay a TTAO membership fee online to be added to the list of contest managers once certified. New contest managers must also complete an online bio to finalize their eligibility.
Questions may be directed to Larry Carpenter @ larry.carpenter@wacoisd.org.
TTAO Dues for Adjudicators
If you have not paid TTAO Dues by December 31, your account will be deactivated. To reactivate you will need to re-certify as an adjudicator.