Panther Press
Summer Newsletter June 2024
Summer Office Hours
The office will be closed for the month of July and will open again on August 1, 2021. The office will be checking messages and emails, should you need something immediately.
Tours will be scheduled by appointment only throughout the summer.
FACTs Requirements
St. Margaret Mary uses FACTs for all families to pay tuition and any additional fees. For the 2024-2025 school year, we are requiring all families to link an ACH account or credit card to BOTH tuition payments and incidential billing. Families are reminder to make payment on time and if there are issues with payment or need a payment plan they must reach out to Mrs. O'Hearn. THe school office dosent have the authority to change your biling cycle or create a modified schedule.
Additionally, if you are writing a check of any incidential billing you need to make the check out the "St. Margaret Mary", if checks are not written out this way they will be regected and an additonal check will need to be submitted. This is a bank policy.
If you have any questions or concerns about the informaiton above, please contact Mrs. O'Hearn (bohearn@stmmschool.org)
Used Uniform Drop Off
The uniform exchange will be open during supply drop-off on August 14, 2024.
Volunteer Survey
All families are required to fulfill 20 stewardship hours throughout the school year.
One area that we always need extra support is recess, lunch, and being a room parent. If you are interested in being a volunteer for one of these three things please complete the survey below. This will assist in scheduling for the upcoming school year.
Survey Link - https://forms.gle/kg33PUHL3M4y75LD6
If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please contact Mrs. Brenna O'Hearn (bohearn@stmmschool.org)
Volunteer Requirements:
Attention all Preschool - 8th-grade parents:
We are very excited to welcome a new school year come August 15. With a new school year comes new opportunities to volunteer at St. Margaret Mary. Each family is required to volunteer 20 stewardship hours for the 2023-2024 school year.
All volunteers are required to complete an online VIRTUS training, provided by the Diocese of Rockford and have a background check. The background check form is located at the end of the newsletter under important documents. The form can be sent directly to Mrs. Narusis (cnarusis@stmmschool.org)
When you are prompted to enter your organization's password, please use 2train!
Instructions: https://www.rockforddiocese.org/.../Volunteers-VIRTUS...
School Toolbox School Supplies Information:
Required Health Forms:
Health Form Requirements -
Please contact Mrs. O'Hearn if you have any questions regarding health forms for the 2024-2025 school year. (bohearn@stmmschool.org)
Minimum Immunization Requirements Entering a Child Care Facility or School in Illinois
The Following Forms Are Due On or Before the First Day of School:
Preschool 3 yr old students
State of Illinois Physical Form, the provider must complete the “Diabetes Screening” and
The “Lead Risk Questionnaire” portions of the form.
A complete record of immunizations as required by Illinois Department of Public Health
Preschool 4 yr old students (exempt if former Preschool 3 yr old student)
State of Illinois Physical Form, the provider must complete the “Diabetes Screening” and
The “Lead Risk Questionnaire” portions of the form.
A complete record of immunizations as required by Illinois Department of Public Health.
Kindergarten students
State of Illinois Physical Form, the doctor must complete the “Diabetes Screening” and
The “Lead Risk Questionnaire” portions of the form.
A complete record of immunizations as required by Illinois Department of Public Health.
Dental Exam Form
State of Illinois Eye Examination Report Form. This exam must be completed within one year prior to the first day of school by a licensed optometrist or medical doctor who performs eye examinations. The eye doctor will complete the Eye Examination Report Form.
1st Grade
No specific requirements
2nd Grade
Dental Exam Form
3rd Grade
No specific requirements
4th Grade
No specific requirements
5th Grade
No specific requirements unless a participant in School Athletics (see below).
6th Grade
State of Illinois Physical Form, the doctor must complete the “Diabetes Screening” and
The “Lead Risk Questionnaire” portions of the form.
A complete record of immunizations as required by Illinois Department of Public Health.
Dental Exam Form
If participant in School Athletics, please see below.
7th Grade
No specific requirements unless a participant in School Athletics (see below).
8th Grade
No specific requirements unless a participant in School Athletics (see below).
Student Athletes - Grades 5-8
School Athletic participants are required to have the following forms turned into the school office prior to the start of the first practice, or they will be deemed ineligible to participate. Only one set of forms is required per calendar year regardless of how many sports the student participates in.
Current sports physical, dated within one year of the duration of the sport.
This excludes 6th graders as their mandatory 6th grade school physical will replace the need for having a 6th grade sports physical
Grandparent's Day - September 6, 2024
Grandparent's Day Link - https://forms.gle/2nqADoQEiCWb3nLMA
OKTOBERFESTS: Save the Date - September 14 and 15
Oktoberfest Sponsorship Information:
St. Margaret Mary Catholic School and the City of Algonquin are hosting our 6th Annual
Oktoberfest, Dates are September 14th and 15th! We are excited to bring back this event for the
Algonquin community.
We are anticipating 2000+ guests, including church and schools’ administrations, teachers, and
families, and friends from the community. We will host our guests over the 2-day event in a large
Oktoberfest-themed tent on the school grounds, with live music, kids’ activities, great food, yummy
sweets, and beer. We hope to raise $60,000 for much-needed school improvements.
I hope you will consider supporting this community event and our wonderful school. The
sponsorship levels and the benefits at each level are detailed on the next page of this document.
Your support must be pledged by Sept 1, 2024, using the attached form, and we also need your high-
resolution logo by the same date.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and consideration of this request. If you have questions
or would like additional information, please visit the website at https://stmmschool.org/oktoberfest or contact me at oktoberfest@stmmschool.org.
We hope to see you at Oktoberfest!
Oktoberfest Sponsorship Levels:
Angel Sponsor ($100)
- Personal thank you on STMM Oktoberfest website, Facebook, and Instagram
- Name on gate banner
Stein Sponsor ($300)
ALL Angel Sponsor benefits PLUS:
- Inclusion of Company logo and link on STMM Oktoberfest website, Facebook, and Instagram
- Opportunity to contribute flyers / other marketing items.
- Inclusion of logo and link in our Panther Press School Newsletter for one month post-event
- Inclusion of company logo on customized stein (Must Commit by August 1)
Business Sponsor ($500)
ALL Stein Sponsor benefits PLUS:
- Recognition in sponsor shout-out promotions during fest week to be distributed via social media and emails to participants
- Inclusion of logo and link on all e-newsletters (distributed to approx. 5,000 emails)
- Four complimentary beer garden tickets
Social Media Sponsor ($750)
ALL Business Sponsor benefits PLUS:
- Recognition included in sponsor shout-out promotions to be distributed via social media channels post-event.
- The company logo displayed on our event banner displayed at the entrances to the event during the entire festival.
- Dedicated STMM social media post with logo, link, and short ad
- 10’x10’ booth space at the event for your business (Commit by August 15th)
- Complimentary beer garden tickets (8 total)
Community Engagement / KidsZone Sponsor ($1000)
ALL Social Media benefits PLUS:
- Recognition included in sponsor shout out promotions to be distributed via social media channels post event.
- The company logo displayed on our event banner displayed at the entrances to the event during the entire festival.
- Dedicated STMM social media post with logo, link, and short ad
- 10’x10’ booth space at event for your business (Commit by August 15 th )
- Logo on sponsor Banner in the Food Truck / Kid Zone
- Complimentary beer garden tickets (10 total)
Beer Garden Sponsor ($1,500)
ALL Community Engagement Sponsor benefits PLUS:
- Larger Company Logo on the sponsor banners
- Announced sponsor mentions from the stage before every event.
- 1-hour slot for company volunteers to work in the beer tent.
- Complimentary beer garden tickets (12 total)
Main Stage/Band Sponsor ($4,000
ALL Beer Garden Sponsor benefits PLUS:
- Donor/Company name advertised as top billing and in a prominent position on our sponsor page.
- Band will announce short commercial about business and thank them live during show (please provide script to be read)
- Facebook + Facebook Live session with mentions and calls to action for your specific business needs
- Complimentary beer garden tickets (16 total)
Event Sponsor ($5,000)
ALL Main Stage Sponsor benefits PLUS:
- Donor/Company name advertised as top billing and in a prominent position on our sponsor page.
- Band will announce a short commercial about business and thank them live during the show (please provide a script to be read)
- Facebook + Facebook Live session with mentions and calls to action for your specific business needs
- Complimentary beer garden tickets (20 total)
School Care Program:
Before School Care:
- 7:30 am – 8:40am for Grades Preschool-8
- We meet in the school cafeteria Enter through Before & After Care door located in the back school parking lot.
- No snack will be provided in the morning, however the children are welcome to bring something to eat from home.
- Children will be cared for by a Care Program Provider until the beginning of the regularly scheduled school day.
- 3:00pm – 5:30 pm for Grades Preschool-8
- We meet in the school cafeteria, finish homework and then proceed to gymnasium or playground depending on weather.
- Please provide a healthy snack for your child Children will be cared for by a Care Program Provider immediately after their school schedules school day until they are picked up by parent or guardian.
- Please pick up your child at the Before & After Care door located in the back school parking log.
- Before & After Care Exceptions Before & After Care School Care is held every day that school is in session from August to June.
- No After Care is available on early release days.
- No Before or After Care is available if school is cancelled or dismissed early for special circumstances or emergency situation.
- All families registered with the care program will also receive a Care Program Handbook which includes full details and helpful information about the program including provider contact information.
St. Margaret Mary Catholic School - Before & After Care School Program
School Phone: 847-658-8313
Email - school-care@stmmschool.org
Give Central: Weekly Offertory for St. Margaret Mary Parish
Sunday Mass Schedule at St. Margaret Mary
Saturday Evening
4:30 PM, 6:30 PM in Polish Language
7:00 AM, 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM
1:00 PM in Polish Language
4:30 PM
Contact Us Directly
Email: bohearn@stmmschool.org
Website: www.stmmschool.org
Location: 119 South Hubbard Street, Algonquin, IL, USA
Phone: 847-658-5313