Middle School Update

December 19, 2024
Dear Selwyn Community,
The 2024-2025 school year in the Elementary School is off to a strong and impactful start. Under Mr. Lajoie’s leadership, and supported by his dedicated team, several meaningful improvements have already been implemented.
Reflecting our VERITAS values, Mr. Lajoie has worked diligently during the first half of the school year to ensure every student feels a sense of belonging and every educator—whether in teaching or support roles—feels a clear sense of purpose.
As we begin planning for the 2025-2026 school year, we are pleased to announce that Mr. Lajoie has committed to continuing in his role throughout that academic year, encouraging stability and supporting the well-being of our students.
Please join us in expressing our gratitude to Mr. Lajoie for his ongoing dedication and contributions to our community.
We wish you all a pleasant Holiday season and look forward to welcoming you in the new year!
Michael Downey
Chère communauté de Selwyn,
L'année scolaire 2024-2025 à l'école primaire démarre sur les chapeaux de roue. Sous la direction de M. Lajoie et avec le soutien de son équipe dévouée, plusieurs améliorations ont déjà été mises en œuvre.
Reflétant nos valeurs VERITAS, M. Lajoie a travaillé avec diligence au cours de la première moitié de l'année scolaire pour veiller à ce que chaque élève ressente un sentiment d'appartenance et à ce que chaque éducateur(trice) - qu'ils exercent des fonctions d'enseignement ou de soutien - se sente clairement investi d'une mission.
Alors que nous commençons à planifier l'année scolaire 2025-2026, nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que M. Lajoie s'est engagé à poursuivre son rôle tout au long de l'année scolaire, encourageant la stabilité et soutenant le bien-être de nos élèves.
Veuillez vous joindre à nous pour exprimer notre gratitude à M. Lajoie pour son dévouement et ses contributions à notre communauté.
Nous vous souhaitons à tous de joyeuses fêtes, et avons hâte de vous retrouver dans la nouvelle année!
Michael Downey
Upcoming Events
Monday, January 6: PED DAY - no classes for students
Tuesday, January 7: Classes resume
Friday, January 10: Friday Night Ski Club (Mont Olympia) 3-10:30pm
Wednesday, January 15: Gryphon Sale of (gently used) SHS clothing from 7-11am.
Need to Know
Trivia Afternoon Fun! On Thursday Dec. 12, ten girls from Traf and Sacred Heart and 20 middle school boys used their brain power to compete in a Pub Style Trivia competition. Congrats to "Team Rock, Paper, Scissors" made up of Justin Behr, Vincent Laundry, and John Sabbagh for winning the four rounds.
Avis à tous les griffons du Middle School: Tu veux t'exposer en français à la maison? Tu veux faire partie de la communauté francophone de Montréal, du Québec et même du Canada? Tu veux devenir un griffon francophile? Nous avons LA solution pour ta famille et toi! Les enseignants et enseignantes de français du Middle School et Mme Soukhodolskia ont créé un document rempli de suggestions: des séries, des films, des livres, des balados, des chaînes YouTube et même des sorties à faire à Montréal! Voici l'édition pour décembre... juste à temps pour le congé des Fêtes!
Holiday Baskets: Thank you to all students, parents, and teachers who brought in non-perishable food items for our holiday basket program. Without our food shoppers, box-packers, and volunteer parent drivers, we would not have been able to help so many families this holiday season.
Messages from the PVA:
The PVA would like to thank all the many volunteers and staff who worked so hard to make our first Holiday Marketplace a big success, and to the larger Selwyn community for supporting this fun and festive event. We received car loads of games, toys, puzzles and books, and our sale generated more than $4800 to benefit Resilience Montreal, a day shelter in the area. Thank you so much for your support and generosity, and we look forward to doing it again next year. Happy holidays!
Save the Date for Selwyn Staff Appreciation Week 2025 which will take place February 11-14, 2025. There will be different ways for parent volunteers to participate over these four days so stay tuned for more details and sign up info in January!
Happy holidays from the prefects: Our Grade 11 elected leaders would like to wish our whole community a Happy Holidays! Thank you to all the incredible parent volunteers, students, and staff who have helped make our programs so far this year a success. We look forward to ensuring that the rest of the 2024-2025 school year is filled with fun and meaningful experiences that enhance student life at Selwyn!
Visit our MS Update page for news and action items you may have missed, such as:
Clubs, Tutorials and Activities for Middle School Students - descriptions and calendar
Des ressources pour devenir un griffon francophile - L'édition pour le mois d'octobre
Contactivity: Calling all students! We are looking for students to join our Contactivity Programs this winter. If you enjoy connecting with senior citizens, please fill out this sign-up form by January 10. Middle and Senior School students can be paired with a Senior citizen for the winter term to chat weekly in person or on Zoom. Middle School students can also join our Crafting Club to learn how to knit, make jewelry, and more from Contactivity members.
Save the Date! A Gryphon Sale (of gently used uniform and apparel) will be hosted by the Parent Volunteer Association (PVA) the morning of Wednesday, January 15 in the Rossy Agora at Selwyn House. Gently used uniform donations are always welcome, and can be dropped off during school hours in the bins located just inside the front doors of the Lucas building (at reception).
Judges for Grade 8 Science Fair: Selwyn House is holding our annual Grade 8 Science Fair Thursday, January 23, between 8-10:30am and we are currently looking for judges. Extensive knowledge of science is not required. If you are interested or have any questions please contact Ms. Haneefa Corbie (corbieh@selwyn.ca).