Frog Pond Elementary
Volume 1 24-25
Hello Frog Pond Family!
We are off to a great start this school year!
September has come and gone quickly, and our first month of school has been filled with events and positive vibes all around! We started the year with grade level assemblies to review our expectations. We also welcomed all parents to a successful Back to School Night!
Coming up this month, October is always busy here at Frog Pond. School will be closed for students only on October 14th. There are several initiatives we will be celebrating this month! They are the National Week of Respect, Fire Prevention Week, and Red Ribbon Week. In addition, school picture day will be October 10th, and fall parties will be held on October 30th (5th & 6th grade) and the 31st (3rd & 4th grade). Students are allowed to bring their costumes to school for their class parties, but there is no parade at Frog Pond Elementary School. The Scholastic Book Fair will be held from 9/27 to 10/4.
Thank you to all of the parents, students and staff for making this a great start to the 2024-25 school year!
Mr. Denning
Meet Your Child Study Team
The Frog Pond Child Study Team and our amazing related service providers put together a "Meet Your Team" bulletin board that hangs in our conference room. If you want to get to know any of us a little better, please feel free to come down and take a look! We each have a picture and a blurb about ourselves. We all look forward to working with you all this school year!
Meet the Frog Pond Community
Mrs. Wentzell’s 3rd grade class created a bulletin board to learn about the people in our school community. Each month a different group of people in our school will be interviewed and featured on the board. This month we interviewed the special area teachers. Please take a moment to check out the board in the hallway to the right of the office each month.
News from the P.E. Dept
The Health and PE Department is excited to kick off another great school year filled with fun, fitness, and healthy living! Our goal is to inspire students to stay active, make healthy choices, and develop lifelong habits that promote physical and mental well-being. The PE team would like to remind everyone to always wear supportive sneakers on days going to the gym. Let's have a great school year!
Mr. Vliet, Ms. English, and Mr. Martinez
Mrs. Randall's STEAM Class
STEAM is off to a great start!
We have learned rules and procedures and had some fun activities!
We did a team challenge where 5 strings were tied to a rubber band and we could only use the string in our hand as a team to pick up and stack cups!
This week, each grade is doing their own lessons and activities.
3rd grade is learning about x-rays and how they work. Then they are drawing their hand and arm bones. We colored using q-tips and vegetable oil and held them up to the light. They look like a real x-ray!
4th grade is learning about spider webs. We learned about different types of webs. Then we arranged popsicle sticks stacked on a cup with a spider sitting on top. Our partners had to pull the sticks out one at a time and not let the spider fall!
5th grade is learning about simple machines and catapults. We watched some of the “Punkin Chunkin” competitions and then we built our own catapults! We used a tiny plastic pumpkin to try to hit the target.
6th grade is also learning about simple machines. We learned about the different type of pulleys and then had to design a transport system to lift “ghosts”( cotton balls) out of the graveyard!
Ask your students about what they are doing in STEAM!!
Mrs.Randall's Social Media
X-(Randall) @ _Teach_
IG- @MrsRandallsArtCart
YouTube(Randall) @MrsRandallsArtCart
Frog Pond's STEP Class
STEP groups meet with Mrs. Randall in the STEAM room on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every Week B! We have begun reading our novels and are learning how to play some fun math games that strengthen skills and use strategy to play!
Learning about Terrapins
On Tuesday, Sept 17, teachers from FPE and GJM gathered to find this year's group of Diamondback Terrapin foster turtles! We brought 28 turtles back to Frog Pond to be fostered in 4 classrooms. Stay tuned for updates!
Safety Patrol
The Safety Patrol team plays an essential role in creating a positive and secure environment, helping students follow school rules and making sure everyone gets where they need to be safely. Every 2 weeks our safety patrol team rotates between different posts that involve the hallways, the bus, and opportunities to be a squad captain. Being a safety patrol member allows these young leaders to set a great example for our school community!
Reading with Mr. Denning
A group of enthusiastic students decided to brighten Mr. Denning's day by bringing their favorite stories straight to his office. Students took turns reading each page and listening to their peers. Thank you Mrs. Saunders' friends!
Recipe for Success
As we embrace the new school year, we are excited to share our commitment to providing healthy, delicious, and diverse lunch options for our students.We encourage you to review the menu each month and discuss these choices with your children Thank you for your continued support in making our lunch program a success!
National Night Out
Mr. Denning joined Felix the Frog this past summer at National Night out. This was a wonderful opportunity for us to strengthen our community ties, promote safety, and engage with local law enforcement and emergency services.
It was great seeing all the kids!
Please Support our 6th Grade Class
Dates to Remember
9/27 - 10/4
Frog Pond Media Center
9/30 - 10/11
Mrs. Fields Fundraiser
Frog Pond Multi-Purpose Room
School Closed for Students
7:00 pm
11/4 -11/8
No School
News from the PTO
Please Remember to Download Pikmykid
Little Egg Harbor Mission Statement
Through open and collaborative communication among students, staff, parents, and the community, the Little Egg Harbor School District will provide modern facilities that support a culture of high expectations for individual achievement for all students. Students and staff will practice the value of good stewardship of resources by maintaining a sustainable environment for learning. A robust system of support, intervention, and enrichment will include a diverse range of experiences through access to supportive technology, after school programs, township agencies, and health and wellness initiatives that encourages, institutes, and rewards lifelong learning in our students.
Little Egg Harbor Board of Education
Office of the Superintendent
307 Frog Pond Road
Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087
Phone: 609-296-1719 ext. 1010
Fax: 609-296-3225
District Office Administrators
Dr. Lisa Antunes, Superintendent of Schools
Robert Green, Business Administrator
Kelly Lindenfelser, Director of Special Services
Melissa Gallagher, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Jacqueline Truzzolino, Director of Personnel, Planning, and Evaluation
Board Members
Dr. Christine S. Snyder, President
Chris Filiciello, Vice President
Howard Berry
Abby Martin
Laura Erber
Pamela Zeleznok
Allison Laurence