SGB Week Ahead
September 9-13 2024
SGB THEME for the 2024-2025 School Year
Dear SGB Families,
This first message is FILLED with information, so feel free to print it out and go through it thoroughly when you have a chance!
Topics include:
- Value of the Month
- Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
- Attendance/Change in Dismissal Procedures
- SGB's Week Ahead
- September Calendar
- Upcoming dates In September
- Back To School Night
- SGB Forms Due
- HSA (Home & School Association)
- SpiritWear Sale
- Academics Update
Skip this part...and come back later if you'd like:
We are so excited to be back at SGB!
The start of a school year is like coming home and seeing all the familiar faces, as well as some new ones. As I prepared this message to all of you this evening, my focus got re-directed as one of my students who has literally made me into the educator I am today did something that is still giving me goosebumps as I write to you. You see, I met this little girl when she was 9 years old as I was directing the school play in Ridgewood, NJ. Her name is Ali Stroker and she is a force to be reckoned with in every area of her life. She rolled into auditions in her wheelchair. Yup, it was the first time I was working with a performer in a wheelchair and I was nervous. I wanted to do right by her, but also knew my limitations as I had never done this before. Her mom, Jody, was very clear and somewhat of a "Mama Bear" as she introduced herself and told me to "treat her like everyone else." Yikes. We were about to dance and there is this beautiful blond little girl with a big smile ready to go for it. I exhaled and followed her lead. She captured my heart that afternoon in Somerville School's auditorium and I gave her the lead role as DOROTHY in our production of "The Wiz." This would be her first production of many more to come.
Ali went on to follow her dreams of performing, but it wasn't without it's challenges as there weren't any role models for her who were performing on stage in wheelchairs. Many colleges where Ali wanted to study turned her down because they didn't have the vision of what this girl could do and the magic she brings to the stage.
Ali was the first performer in a wheelchair to win a Tony Award for her performance in "Oklahoma!" She has performed at the Kennedy Center, on television, movies and so many other amazing achievements including becoming a mom to her beautiful little boy, Jesse.
Today, Ali sang the National Anthem in Paris as the Paralympic Games 2024 passed the torch onto the LA 2028. She was the voice of our nation and I am in awe.
There is nothing our children can't do. Ali's family, her teachers, her community have all believed in her from day 1 and she is invincible with what she has achieved.
I pray that every child who walks through the doors of SGB has that same feeling and knows there are no limitations. They can do and be anything they set their mind to and we will be their biggest cheerleaders.
Enjoy Ali's performance, it's from her Mom's phone...which makes it even more amazing to me.
God bless and have a great year!
Ms. Clarke
God bless,
Ms. Clarke
That's my girl! Ali...
UPK - ARRIVAL & DISMISSAL (UPK Scott, Kissane, Desch)
1. Go to the SGB's Website and scroll halfway down the home page.
2. Find the area on the far right called "Resources, Forms, and Flyers".
3. Click "Change of Dismissal/Reporting an Absence" and complete for your child.
SGB Week Ahead Info
This Week...
Monday, 9/9
Students wear FALL UNIFORMS.
Specials Begin
Bus Safety Drills
Tuesday, 9/10
FOLK GROUP PRACTICE during recess for Grades 5-8 (Click here for your child to attend)
FOLK GROUP SONGS: Please have your child listen this week to prepare to sing at Mass on Friday.
"Enter Rejoice and Come In"
Wednesday, 9/11
8:15am SGB 9/11 Prayer Service for Students (Auditorium)
Thursday, 9/12
Friday, 9/13
SGB School Mass 10AM (SGB Church) - Families are welcome to join us.
INCOME SURVEYS DUE (English copy click here.). (Spanish copy click here.)
ALL SGB HANDBOOK FORMS DUE (You will receive in a separate email on Monday, 9/9)
Coming up...
Monday, 9/16
- Fall MAP Testing begins
Thursday, 9/19
- 8th Grade Parent Meeting 6pm (8th Grade Classroom)
- Student Assembly (Grades 4-8) Guest: Jim Stroker
- SGB Back To School Night 6:30pm
Friday, 9/20
- BAND demo 2pm
Sunday, 9/22
- SGB Parish and School Picnic - ALL INVITED (after 11:30am Mass)
Tuesday, 9/24
- Sacramental Meeting for Parents in grades 2 and 7 at 6pm (Church)
Wednesday, 9/25
- "Wellness Wednesday" (No homework)
Monday, 9/30
- 8TH Grade Confirmation Meeting 7pm (Church)
For more info on upcoming dates, please use our SGB Calendar located on our website.
Help us meet our deadlines for the Archdiocese of NY!
1. Please complete and send back the INCOME SURVEY. (Due Sept. 13)
2. Please sign and send back STUDENT & FAMILY SGB Handbook Forms (Due Sept. 13). Be on the look out: You will receive an email with our school Handbook and Forms on Monday, Sept. 9.
PARENT VOLUNTEERS & HSA (Home School Association)
How to Donate Volunteer Hours...
This year, SGB is requiring families to volunteer 10 hours to help with SGB events and activities sponsored by our HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION (HSA) or parents also have the option to pay $200 instead of donating time.
All events are scheduled through the HSA.
On Monday, September 9 at 8am all SGB families will receive an email with the Volunteer Sign Up Sheet for September - December 2024.
SIGN UPS are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
This sign up sheet will be how we track a family's volunteer hours, so signing up is important.
Your hours will be recorded and handed in after the event concludes.
Any parent who signs up to be the LEAD VOLUNTEER and run an event...that will fulfill your required hours for the year for your family.
There will be a variety of events available which will occur during weekdays, weeknights, and/or weekends. Please choose the events that work best for your family to volunteer.
SGB Spirit Wear
There are a few changes in the Archdiocese and at SGB this year for our academic programs in order to provide what's best for our students.
a.) All schools within the Archdiocese of NY will no longer have mid-term exams for our older students.
b.) Students in upper grades will continue to have final exams, which will be cumulative and based on the big ideas/themes of units and content covered throughout the year. Teachers will provide study guides for students throughout the year.
c.) SGB will offer the NYS Regents in Algebra to all students in advanced math, those are students who take advanced math in 6-8 grade. The Regents will be optional, as many of our students graduate and go on to Catholic schools in NY or NJ where this is not a requirement. Mrs. Leonard will communicate with families to find out who is interested in taking the exam.
d.) The NYS Algebra Regents will be the only Regents Exam offered at SGB.
e.) MAP TESTING will continue as usual with a Fall, Winter, and Spring assessment. MAP Testing helps provide us with a baseline of your child's knowledge, growth, and achievement. This information along with a student's performance in class will provide a complete profile of your child and his/her academic needs.
f.) RELIGION ASSESSMENTS will now be similar to MAP TESTING in that students in grades 3-8 will have a Fall, Winter, and Spring assessment to identify any areas students may need assistance with in their Religion curriculum.
g.) NYS Testing will continue same as last year, with SGB testing students in grades 3-8 in ELA and MATH using Computer Based Testing (CBT) next Spring.
- Please remain in your cars during ARRIVAL and DISMISSAL.
- Please avoid parking in the teachers' parking lot. There is available parking in the church parking lot if you should arrive early.
- In an effort to keep our school safe and know when guests are in the building at all times, ALL adults will sign in when they enter.
For your convenience, you can sign in using:
1. The NEW SGB APP (Click here to download)
2. The QR Code on the front door.
3. The laptop in the lobby.