Wayland Union Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2024
The Wayland Union School Board met on Monday, June 10th, at the Administration Office for their regular meeting.
Consent Agenda
All consent agenda items were approved.
Facilities & Finance Committee Meeting Report
- Jeff Koon shared that the committee met with Jeff Scott, the Owner's Representative for the district. He went through series 1 and 2 for Bond 2023 projects.
Governance Team Good News
- Pete Zondervan said that Summerfest was a huge hit and he enjoyed seeing a large amount of community members attend. Becky Hohnke agreed and shared that her son decided to start a garden this summer, he recently had his first strawberry harvest. Dan Cassini shared that he had a big compliance inspection at his base, which resulted in a good report. Theresa Dobry shared that her daughter is getting married this Friday.
Public Comment
No public comments.
Administration Reports
Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
- Leslie Wagner shared the budget report as of May 31st, including revenue and expenditure data. Last week maintenance projects began, including Pine Street roof, Middle School cafeteria, bus wash at the Bus Garage, and a wall in place of a partition at Dorr Elementary. In September, a new accountant will be joining the business team, and the business office is hoping to start working on a new software program in July. Food Service still recommends families fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch Form, there has been no notice from the State of Michigan on whether the Free Breakfast and Lunch program will continue next school year.
Assistant Superintendent of Instructions
- Teresa Fulk shared that that we have almost filled all open instructional staff positions for next school year. We are getting close to the start of our summer learning camp. Kids Read Now is already having books reported as being read this summer.
- Tim Reeves shared that he enjoyed the end of year school events. We have recently hired a Baker Elementary Principal and are almost wrapped up with hiring an Assistant Principal for the high school. He also mentioned that the middle school roof is needing to be fixed, beyond the initial plan, but we want to make sure it's fixed correctly. Lastly, he shared that we had members from the Michigan Department of Education come into the district to witness what we do within the district. It was a great opportunity for our district staff to talk with representatives from the MDE.
NEW BUSINESS - Discussion Items
Annual Tax Levy - L-4029 Certification
- Leslie Wagner shared that this is the standard tax form. We levy 4.2% in both the summer and winter.
2023-2024 Food Service Final Budget
- Leslie Wagner shared that our budgets are plans and guidance, but all that depends on what happens at the state level. Our price jump in supplies was due to inflation and the money delegated for free breakfast/lunch. Both revenue and expenditures were around $2 million.
2024-2025 Food Service Budget Discussion
- Leslie Wagner shared the anticipated starting revenue and expenditures would be similar to the 2023-2024 school year. As a school district, we work closely with Chartwells to gather this information.
2023-2024 General Fund Final Budget
- Leslie Wagner shared that we have a zero dollar budget change between revenue and expenditures.
2024-2025 General Fund Budget Discussion
- Leslie Wagner shared an expected revenue of about $40 million, and the same amount for expenditures.
2023-2024 Student Activities Fund Final Budget
- Leslie Wagner shared that these numbers are true as of date. Most of these funds of gathered through fundraisers to help pay for the programming.
2024-2025 Student Activities Fund Budget Discussion
- Leslie Wagner shared that these numbers roll into the next year. If a group is in the negative, they try to get the balance to $0 prior to rolling into the next year.
Administration Contracts
- Tim Reeves mentioned that they will have further discussion during their closed session.
Non-Affiliated Wage Scale
- Tim Reeves said that this is the same as the Administration Contracts.
Student Handbooks for 2024-2025 School Year
- Last school year focused on 6th-12th grade, the focus was on the K-5th handbook this year. The goal was to create 2 handbooks that correspond but still suit the separate age levels.
Property Purchase
- Tim Reeves stated that the district has an opportunity to purchase the old University of Michigan Metro Health Building for an improved Administration Office. The space would allow for the administrative team to be in the same building (communications, maintenance, special education, community education, etc)., while still fulfilling the community space request. Leslie Wagner shared that the district set up the PA 177 back in 2017. We would be able to purchase the building with no hit to any other funds. Community members could utilize the community room without interrupting operations. Purchasing the property is about a 1/3rd of the cost of building the same facility. No impact to the bond, general fund, or fund balance.
OLD BUSINESS - Action Items
Equipment Purchase for High School Kitchen
- Approved
NEOLA Policy Updates
- Approved
Annual Tax Levy - L-4029 Certification
- Approved
Property Purchase
- Approved
Closed Session - Negotiations
- Approved
Board Topics
Jeff Koon shared that he was able to attend the End of Year Staff Celebration, he throughly enjoyed the lunch and witnessing the celebration for staff members. He also shared that he has another licensed driver in the house.
Janel Hott thanked administration members for attending the meeting. She understands that this year wasn't the easiest but appreciates the dedication our staff has to our students. She hopes that teachers feel that our district is good to them despite the challenges. She also heard that the FUTURES program was a huge hit at the HS.
Becky Hohnke shared that that she saw Northern Michigan University gave a shout out to our high school students after a recent visit to their campus. She also shared that she was approached by a community member who requests that a pave block is fixed in the walkway up to the baseball fields at the middle school.
Theresa Dobry shared that she loves when the FUTURES program involves community outreach. She wishes there were more opportunity throughout the year for students to experience those organizations.
Pete Zondervan stated that community members are concerned about the branding of the district. He feels that we need to include community members in that conversation.
Norman Taylor was absent for the meeting.
Meeting went into closed session at 7:25pm.
*Please note: This is a summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting in July. The meeting will be held at the Administration Office.