WMS Parent News
September 12th, 2023

WMS Parent Newsletter - Tuesday, September 24th
Reminder: There is no school next Monday, September 30th.
Upcoming Calendar
Mark Your Calendars - click on this link to see the full calendar on the WMS Website.
September 30th - NO SCHOOL
October 3rd - Annual Chocolate Sale Kick-off
October 7th - Culver's Night 5-7:00pm
October 8th - PTO Meeting 6:30pm - Office Conference Room
October 10th - Fall Conferences (in person) - 3:30-7:30pm
October 12th District Marching Band Showcase – 8th grade band – 12:00-3:30 (at ERHS)
October 15th – Fall Conferences (in person) 3:30-7:30pm
October 16th – No School
October 17-18th – MEA Convention – NO SCHOOL
October 23rd – Fall picture retakes
Student Involvement Opportunities
**Students must be logged in to their school google account to complete the applications**
Student Leadership
Student Leadership Application Link
WMS Ambassadors
WMS Ambassadors are the student voice of WMS and have an opportunity to help at the district level to improve our school and district culture.
WMS Ambassadors Advisor: Josh Eidem - jeidem@sowashco.org
Wildcat Crew
The Wildcat Crew helps new students, welcomes new families into WMS, read with elementary school students, present to 5th graders and help welcome WMS guests for conferences, open house, concerts etc.
Wildcat Crew Advisor: Rebecca Crislip - rcrislip@sowashco.org
WMS Student Council
Student council is a student-led organization that focuses on community building through school events and service projects. For example, planning and setting up for school dances. Meetings will be held every other Wednesday during the school year from 2:30-3:30.
Student Council Advisors:
Erica Swanson - eswanson3@sowashco.org
Natalie Herzog - nherzog@sowshco.org
Brittany Beebe - bbeebe2@sowashco.org
WMS Wildcat Weekly
The Wildcat Weekly is our weekly WMS news program shown in Advisory class that provides WMS news, events and little bit of fun entertainment too.
Wildcat Weekly Advisor: Rebecca Crislip - rcrislip@sowashco.org
WMS Student Phone Line
Our students have been doing a great job with the new personal technology rules. If students need to use the phone in the main office, the number is 651-425-4518. Pro tip: As parents, you can put that number into your cell phone so that you know it is the student line that is calling. Please know that most calls that being 651-425-XXXX will be from school.
The below message was sent out recently to all WMS students via Schoology:
Hello students! You have been doing awesome following our personal technology rules. Way to go WMS!
If you need to get in touch with your parents during the day for an emergency, please come to the main office or the counseling office and we will help you. We have a student phone here in the main office you can use. If for some reason you need more privacy for your conversation please just ask us.
Thanks again for doing an amazing job!
Student Spirit - Week of October 1
Sign your child up if they are interested in weightlifting. Please read the details in the sign up to make sure weightlifting if right for your child.
Starts: 10/3/24
Ends: 5/30/25
Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Time: MORNINGS - 6:30am - 7:15am
Attendance Reminder for picking your student up early from school
If you are planning on picking your student up early, please submit an absence request or make a phone call well ahead of the pickup time. By doing this, we can have your student ready when you arrive and it will prevent a back-up at the welcome desk. Thank you!!
PTO Information
PTO Sponsored Back to School Supply Drive
Thanks to folks who have already donated to our Back to School Supply Drive. The PTO asks staff each year what is needed for supplies to help students. Each year, it's the same 3 things! So, we are sponsoring a Back to School Supply Drive focusing on Pencils, Kleenex, and Ear Buds (with jacks). Please consider donating in any of the following ways:
1. Donate online. All donations received between Sept 10 and Sept 27 will be used to purchase pencils, kleenex and ear buds. WMS Online Donation Link
2. Purchase items and drop off in the main office.
3. Order via Amazon or any other platform and have them shipped directly to the school! Please see our Amazon Wish List for ideas (these are only a few ideas - any pencils, ear buds with jacks, or facial tissue is welcome). Delivery address for the school is:
1425 School Dr
Attn: Donations
Woodbury, MN 55125
Questions? Email the Woodbury Middle School PTO at woodburymiddleschoolpto@gmail.com
Order Your 2024-2025 Yearbook TODAY!!
Click on this link to purchase your yearbook https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A09894243
SoWashCo Community Education Youth Activities
SoWashCo Community Education Youth Activities
South Washington County Schools (SoWashCo Schools) offers activities and classes for youth through SoWashCo Community Education. Activities and classes are conveniently offered at your child's school, partner locations within our community and online.
The latest activities and classes can be found on our website under Get Involved > Youth Activities.
Register Today for Fall Classes!
Fill your fall with SoWashCo Community Education classes and activities!
Discover Activities Happening at Your School
Find your school's flyer at sowashco.org/flyers or on your school's website under Get Involved > Community Flyer Distribution.
Featured Course
Non School Day Open Swim, All Ages, $16.26 per person
No School? No problem. Join us for a fun time in the pool. Noodles, balls and life jackets are available for use. Pre-registration required, sorry, no walk ins. (Non-swimmers will need to be accompanied in the water by a paying adult.)
- 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday, Sept. 30, Cottage Grove Middle School
- 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 17, Lake Middle School
- 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 5, Cottage Grove Middle School
- 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday, Dec. 2, Lake Middle School
- 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday, Dec. 30, Lake Middle School
Counselors for the 2024-2025 School Year
6th grade Counselor - Natalie Herzog 651-425-4514 nherzog@sowashco.org
7th grade Counselor- Rebecca Crislip 651-425-4512 rcrislip@sowashco.org
8th grade Counselor - Karlie Lehmann 651-425-4524 klehmann1@sowashco.org