The Eagle Express
September 15, 2023
Important Dates
Fri., Sept. 15 - Teacher Professional Day (NO SCHOOL)
Mon., Sept. 18 - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Mason!
Tues., Sept. 19 - 2pm release and Spirit Tee Tuesday!
Thurs., Sept. 21 - SALT Kick Off at School mass - 8:15am
Sat., Sept. 23 - Happy birthday, Mrs. O'Donnell
Sat., Sept. 23 - Happy birthday, Mrs. O'Hern
Sun., Sept. 24 - Youth Group
Tues., Sept. 26 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Fischer!
Tues., Sept. 26 - 2pm release and Spirit Tee Tuesday!
Tues., Sept. 26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (after school)
Thurs., Sept. 28 - All school Rosary (no school mass)
Fri., Sept. 29 - Morning Conferences (NO SCHOOL)
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
Thanks for a GREAT Eagle Run!
Fall Conferences
Art Club - Monthly Saturday Sign Ups
Enrichment Clusters Are Returning!
Eagle Excellence!
Congratulations to #cssealumni Lillie Rainbolt and Benji Silvernail on their nomination to the BMCHS Homecoming Court!
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
PTO News
Upcoming Eat & Earns - always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a percentage back to our school!
Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler (Britton & May locations) - Wed., Sept. 27th all day
* * * If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site or Facebook group for more info. * * *
Parish News
Volunteers Sought for Advent By Candlelight
Front Desk Volunteer Needed!
The church office needs a front desk volunteer for Monday afternoons, and subs for slots throughout the week. If you like general office work, answering phones, filing, greeting people, etc. then this is the job for you. Shifts run from 12:30-4:30. Email Sharon Blakely. Service hours available.
A Celebration of Early American Hymns!
Around the Arch
News on Repeat
Safe Environment - ALL ARCHDIOCESAN/PARISH/SCHOOL EMPLOYEES & ADULT VOLUNTEERS who have contact with minors or vulnerable adults must complete the online Safe & Sacred Training including a background check. Until all steps have been completed in the online training portal, employees and volunteers may not serve at the parish/school or organization. Safe Environment must be renewed EVERY YEAR. If you have used the online training portal in the past, you should be able to login and verify your status. Please contact CSSE’s Safe Environment Facilitator, Jennifer Goodrich -, to access the Safe & Sacred Training Portal.
Please Pray For...
Please pray for the father of Mrs. Metz. He will be having surgery in the coming week. | Please pray for Phuong Truong, Mrs. Hattaway's aunt, that she will be healed of cancer.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Quick Links
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067