Bermudian Springs Elementary School
Dr. Danielle Curzi, Principal - dcurzi@bermudian.org
Mr. Ryan Murphy, Assistant Principal - rmurphy@bermudian.org
Mrs. Tanya Gelb, Counselor - tgelb@bermudian.org
Updates 12/13/20
All Mobile Dentist applications are due no later than Friday - 12/20/24
BSES Holiday Spirit Week Reminder!
House Color Ornament Decorating 12/9 - 12/13
With only 2 weeks now to Holiday vacation, the holiday spirit is alive and well at BSES! Our PTO decorated our classroom doors and have brought so much joy to our staff and students. As we make our way through the next 12 weeks we have so many activities planned:
Staff will enjoy the gift of the “12 Days of Christmas” activities created by building leadership
The BSES decorating committee will be bedazzling our hallways with holiday cheer on 12/9
3rd grade Students will be heading to the West Shore Symphony on December 13th
The HS National Art Honor Society will be continuing their tradition of hosting the Holiday Paint Day in the high school cafeteria December 14th,. Students will be sent home with information regarding this event
Mrs. Feeser’s family has donated 6 trees to our school from the Shower's Tree Farm - our House Color Teams will be creating decorations and our SOAR Ambassadors will be decorating. We will have a contest, with District Administrators voting on the best one on 12/20. The winning tree will be awarded House Color points and will be revealed at our 12/20 assembly.
On 12/20 we will be having our annual sing along at our PBIS assembly. There may be a special guest in attendance that will be giving a treat to all students from the building principals.
At dismissal on 12/20 be prepared to see our HS National Honor Society dressed up in holiday gear sending our students off to a wonderful break!
Mr. Murphy and I are looking forward to a wonderful 2 weeks and a rejuvenating break over the holiday season. We wish you and your families all the best.
Danielle and Ryan
Dr. Danielle Curzi
12/2 - No School
12/9 - 1/2 Day Early Dismissal (12:15 pm)
12/23-1/1 - Holiday Break - No School
1/2 - Students Return to School
1/14 - End of 2nd Marking Period
1/17 - 1/2 Day Early Dismissal (12:15 pm)
1/20 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
House Color Ornament Decorating 12/9 - 12/13
House Color Ornament Decorating 12/9 - 12/13
Before and After School Care at EBACC
Before and After School Care at EBACC
The East Berlin Area Community Center has Before/After School Care available for students of Bermudian Springs Elementary School. EBACC provides your child a safe and fun environment away from the school day. We strive to provide activity options for all students. Our hours of operation are 6:30a.m to Bus pick up and Bus drop off to 6:00p.m. Morning breakfast and an afternoon snack is offered daily. Spaces are available. Please call 717-259-8848 to register or for more information.
Please take time to refer to your school handbook relating to Emergency Closings where you will find a list of radio and TV stations to turn to in the event of inclement weather.
Remember to tune into local radio and TV stations when bad weather is in the forecast to listen for announcements. If you are afraid that you have missed the announcement, call 717-528-4113 or 717-624-4231 and listen to the entire recording. Whenever there is a change in the schedule, the recording that initially picks up your call will give you the information you need to know. Although we hope that the winter is mild and it only snows on weekends, we want you to be aware of our procedures and to be prepared when the need arises.
BREAKFAST WILL NOT BE SERVED WHEN THERE IS A TWO-HOUR DELAY. Breakfast is served when there is a one-hour delay.
With winter weather approaching, we want to remind parents of the importance of having an emergency plan in the event that we should have an emergency early dismissal. Please discuss with your child what they are to do, or where they are to go in the event of an early dismissal. If your child is to go to a different bus stop or to a sitter other than the normal bus arrangements, we must have a note stating the new arrangements. We cannot take your child’s word for it. Calling the school during a snow emergency may be very difficult due to the limited number of phone lines. Do not instruct your child to call you at home or work. We simply cannot accommodate that many calls. You can save your child, yourself, and the office staff a great deal of stress if you send in a note in advance giving us directions in these types of situations. We will keep your direction on file for the entire school year. Notes from last year cannot be used for the 2024-2025 school year. Our goal is to get your child home safely. We do not want to send children to empty homes.
You can also check for emergency closings on Twitter @BSESSupt or @BSES_Eagles or on FACEBOOK @Bermudianspringselementaryschool.
Staff Appreciation Breakfast – Fri, Dec. 13
Sign up at ttsu.me/appreciation-breakfast to sponsor coffee or to contribute a hot dish, baked goods, fruit, or juice for our candy cane themed staff appreciation breakfast on Friday, December 13!
Next PTO Meeting – Wed, Dec. 18
Join us at 9:30am on Wed, December 18th in Mr. Morning’s room for our next meeting! View agendas and minutes at bsespto.com/meetings. Save the Date: our January meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Wed, January 15 at New Horizon Cafe. Be on the lookout for a sign-up sheet to RSVP.
Calling All 4th Grade Parents!
Help us plan the 4th grade picnic on Wed, May 28! Sign up at ttsu.me/4gp2025 to join the planning team to receive info about monthly planning sessions! A sign-up sheet for specific tasks for the day of the event will be posted in the spring.
Staff Favorites List
Looking for holiday gift ideas for our teachers, staff, & drivers? Check out our Staff Favorites List at bsespto.com/appreciation to personalize gifts!
Clearances for Field Trips
Plans are already underway for grade-level field trips! If you hope to volunteer as a chaperone for your child's field trip, your clearances should be submitted before permission slips are sent home! Download the clearance packet at bsespto.com/parents.
Questions? Contact Andrea Everhart (President), Jason Mleczko (VP), Katie Stehr (Treasurer), Molly Gardner (Secretary), or Julie Williams (Appreciation Chair). We'd love to get you involved!
Email: bsespto@bermudian.org • Website: bsespto.com
Facebook: fb.com/BSESPTO • Sign-Up Sheets: timetosignup.com/bsespto
Email: tlaughman@bermudian.org
Website: bermudian.org
Location: 7335 Carlisle Pike, York Springs, PA 17372
Phone: 717-528-5147
Facebook: facebook.com/BermudianSpringsElementarySchol
Twitter: @BSES_Eagles