Preschool Press
Early Learning Preschool Newsletter | October 28, 2024
A Message from the Principal
Dear Preschool Families,
A friendly reminder to continue to read our newsletters in their entirety for any important information and upcoming events and dates!
Upcoming Events/ Important Dates:
10/28: SCS Greet & Treat
10/31: Halloween (Check with your child's classroom teacher about donating any items)
11/4: No School (Professional Development Day)
11/5: No School (Professional Development Day)
11/27-11/29: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Mrs. Ciara Vanderhoff
Important School Phone Numbers
Main Line: 440-572-7046
Attendance Line: 440-572-7046 choose #2
Bus Transportation: 440-572-7060
Colder Weather Attire
As the Ohio weather starts to change, please ensure you are dressing your child appropriately for outside play (coats, hats, mittens, etc). Continue working with your child at home on how to take these items on and off as well. Additionally, labeling tags inside of your child's garment can ensure that any lost items make them home to you!
Student Health Practices
Trunk or Treat Success!
We had a great turnout for our Trunk or Treat event on Tuesday, October 22nd! Thank you for our PTA for organizing this wonderful event for our students and families!
Safety Event Fun!
Thank you to Strongsville Police & Fire for attending our Safety Event on Friday, October 25th. It was a great event!
SCS Greet & Treat
Strongsville Education Foundation- Casino Night
Holiday Scholarship Dance
Coat Drive- Strongsville Fire Department
We are partnering with "WE CARE" and the Strongsville Fire Department to collect new or lightly used coats to donate to less fortunate families. If you are interested in donating, please drop off coats between now and November 15th. We appreciate your consideration in supporting this cause!
Facts on the Upcoming Levy
School to Home Connection
Fine Motor & Literacy Skills
Put shaving cream or sand on a plastic tray or hard surface and encourage your child to write their name or letter-like forms (lines top to bottom, left to right, circles, curves, slanted lines) using their finger.
Resource Needs- Survey Follow Up
Do you need immediate assistance with securing food? Find the contact information for your local food bank at
Explore food, cash, medical, and child care assistance for your family at
Cuyahoga County Library Events
Check out Preschool story time and other events at our Strongsville public library!