Navigator News
Let Your Heart Glow - Friday (girls) & Saturday (boys)
At a Glance...
7: PTO Boys ❤️Let Your Heart Glow Dance, 6:00-7:30pm (ticket order form)
8: PTO Girls ❤️ Let Your Heart Glow Dance, 6:00-7:30pm (ticket order form)
10: 5K Registration and 4K applications open (details)
13: Arts are Elementary, 5:30-7:00pm, Irmo High School
14: Staff Development - No school for students
17: e-learning; Weather Makeup18: Kindness Spirit Week Begins
24: Spring session Chess Club begins afterschool.
Run Hard Spring Season Signups are Open
We’re excited to kick off another season of Run Hard at RSES this Spring! This program is designed for 3rd - 5th grade students, where participants come together each week to practice running and gradually build up to completing a 5K at the end of the season (May 10th).
The registration fee is $90, which includes all practices, snacks, a race shirt, and the 5K entry and completion medal. We have 30 spots available, so be sure to sign up soon!
Practices will take place on Wednesdays from dismissal until 4:00 PM, with pickup in the carline area. We look forward to another fun and active season of running with our students!
Important Dates:
- Participant registration - Feb 1 - March 10
- Practice starts March 12
- No practice spring break week
- Last practice May 7
- Run Hard 5K - Sat May 10th (Columbiana Mall)
Cold and Flu Season is Here
We are starting to see an increase in the influenza virus in our school and community. We would like to be as proactive as possible in the spread of Influenza as we can.
The influenza virus is spread from person to person by droplet contact such as sneezing and coughing. Please reinforce with your child the importance of hand hygiene. Hand washing is the most effective way to help stop the spread of germs. Covering your mouth and nose when sneezing is a second preventative measure. Some symptoms to look out for include nausea, generalized body aches, fever, chills, sore throat, and fatigue. If you suspect your child may have an illness that can be spread to others, has a fever (100.4 or greater), please keep them home and contact your child's doctor. In order for your child to return to school, they will need to remain fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Please contact the school nurse, Penny Bradley, with any questions you may have.
Kindness Spirit Week begins Tuesday, February 18th
Connect with RSES
Website: www.lexrich5.org/rses
Location: 115 Connie Wright Road, Irmo, SC 29063, USA
Phone: 803-476-4400
Facebook: facebook.com/RiverSpringsElementary
Twitter: @riverspringsng