Hornet Herald
Weekly News & Updates - PARENT EDITION 5/13/2024
A Message from Principal Suhl
Hello Hornet HIVE families,
We are down to the final two weeks of school! We are excited to have some many different activities and celebrations happening right now that are testament to the hard work that your students have been doing all year long! This upcoming week is the last full week of instruction and we are busy preparing for end of year MAP exams and final exams next week. We also have been working on Spencesonian projects to showcase their learning in their classes.
On Monday, if your child qualified for Attendance for Credit they will be required to complete the principal's plan to make up their hours/earn seat time through completing projects for the classes in which they lost credit. They will need to complete these plans in order to be promoted to the next grade level. We will have several opportunities over the next several weeks for them to be working on those hours. Please check with your student to see if they received a letter. We will also be sending out call outs to all students who must complete the principal's plan. More details can be found below
Finally, just a reminder, next week we will have ACPs, final exams, and early release days Tuesday through Friday. We also will have our awards ceremony and 8th grade bridging ceremony. We invite you to join us during the ceremonies as we celebrate our Spence Hornets and their accomplishments this year! Please check the newsletter below for all of the details. We hope you have an amazing week!!
Alex W. Spence Preparatory & TAG Academy
Our Mission: The mission at Spence is to increase academic achievement for all students through excellent and innovative instructional practices in order to prepare college and career ready school are who are empowered to take ownership of their learning
Email: msuhl@dallasisd.org
Website: Dallasisd.org/Spence
Location: 4001 Capitol Avenue, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: (972) 925-2300
Facebook: facebook.com/AWspencemiddleschool
Twitter: @AlexWSpence1
Follow us on Social Media:
Spence Leadership Team
Parents Please Fill This Google Form Out!/¡Padres, completen este formulario!
Please Read The Message Below
Parent/Guardian & Visitor Code of Conduct - PLEASE READ / Código de conducta para padres/tutores y visitantes PORFAVOR DE LEER
Registration is now open for the 2023 - 2024 school year.
La inscripción ya están abiertas para el año escolar 2023 - 2024. Mira el video a continuación para obtener instrucciones.
Descargue la políza haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace: Políza de teléfonos celulares DISD
Updated Contact Information Survey
Dallas Independent School District (DallasISD) has implemented a new system for you to officially enroll and register your child. All families need to complete registration annually.
Please visit https://www.dallasisd.org/enrollment using a computer, laptop, or smartphone. Have all necessary documents available to upload to the online registration system.
On this website you will find a YouTube video with instructions on how to start this process. If you still have questions or need help, please contact Ms. Vara at 972-502-2309 or email her at dvara@dallasisd.org to schedule an appointment.
PLEASE NOTE: TAG scholars, you are not required to apply for the TAG academy each year, but you do need to complete the registration process each year.