Weekly Happenings
Week of 10/14/2019
A Message from the Administrator
Sorry for the overload of emails today!
Just a heads up that tomorrow morning we will begin the major portion of construction. They are planning on bringing about 50 dump truck loads of fill so that they can dig footings and pour concrete within the next few days. They will have a spotter to help keep traffic flowing and keep the area as safe as possible for our students and families.
I appreciate everyone following the directions of our new traffic patterns. All should run well in keeping with that. Have a great evening!
Tony Bonuccelli
Administrator, Moscow Charter School
208-883-3195 w
Fun Run Update
Box Top Competition
The Box Top Competition has started and will end on Friday, November 15th. Please have your child bring in all the Box Tops that you have as the class that collects the most Box Tops will win a donut party!
You may have noticed that a lot of the products no longer have a physical Box Top on it, but a "Scan your Receipt" instead. For the sake of the competition, we will be counting the physical Box Tops as we do not have a way of keeping track of which grade earned the digital ones yet. However, I do strongly encourage everyone to scan their receipts by using the Box Tops mobile app as it is a great way to earn money for the school which will benefit the kids at Moscow Charter School.
Teacher Appreciation Brunch - October 31st
Parent-teacher conferences are coming up soon and the Parent Action Team has arranged for a teacher appreciation brunch. If you would like to help out and show your appreciation to our wonderful teachers and staff, please sign up to bring something delicious on our signup page below.
Amazon Smile
About us
Email: office@moscowcharterschool.org
Website: moscowcharterschool.org
Location: 1723 East F Street, Moscow, ID, USA
Phone: 208-883-3195
Facebook: facebook.com/moscowcharterschool