OCS Intermediate School Newsletter
September 12th, 2024
Reminder: Tomorrow is a Formal Wear Blazer Day! Blazers may be warn over uniform tops. Students who wear a blazer will receive three free dress down day passes!
Parents picking up students in the afternoon must use the Intermediate School carline.
*Parents parking in the middle school lot will be directed to join the carline. Thank you for your cooperation.
Upcoming Events
9/13 - Optional (but highly encouraged) Formal Wear / Blazer Day! Students who wear a uniform and blazer will receive 3 FREE Dress Down Day passes!
9/17 - Back to School Night Grade 4. From 4:30-6PM
9/19 - Back to School Night Grades 3 & 5. From 4:30-6PM
9/20 - Intermediate School Picture Day
11/8 - Save the Date for the OCS Gala
3/26 - Save the Date for the 76ers Greek Heritage Night fundraiser (the day after Greek Independence Day)
Back to School Night - September 17th & 19th!
- Parents with students in 4th Grade should attend on Tuesday, September 17th.
- Parents with students in Grades 3 and 5 should attend on Thursday, September 19th.
Homeroom teachers will be hosting two sessions that will run from 4:45-5:15pm and 5:25--6pm. Specials teachers and Greek FLES teachers will be available in their classrooms to share details about curriculum for Specials, Greek language, and Math in Greek. Administrators will be available in the cafeteria to answer any questions.
*If possible, please arrange for childcare for this event.
An optional Title 1 Meeting will be held in the high school cafeteria on Tuesday, September 17th, beginning at 5:00pm. Please email Jackie.McCutchon@odyssey.k12.de.us for more information on this optional meeting!
Code of Conduct - Sign-Off
Owl's Club (Before & After Care Program)
LAST CALL: Band / Orchestra Sign-Up Form (4th & 5th Graders ONLY)
Last call for any 4th & 5th grade students interested in participating in band this year, please fill out the interest form here by Sunday, September 15th!
Picture Day Dates / Info
Girls On the Run
Girls on the Run is back at Odyssey! Please see the flyer for information on how to sign up your daughter for this great program.
Field Hockey Clinic
For any interested students in our Field Hockey Clinic, please see flyer below and registration form here.
Yearbook for School Year 24-25
Intermediate School (ONLY) Yearbook Initial $25 offer.
Important Documents to Review
Important Documents to Review Before the First Day of School
Important Safety Reminders
School Safety Drills: This is friendly reminder that our school and our students comply with safety drill protocols required by Delaware’s Comprehensive School Safety Program through the Delaware Emergency Management Agency, DEMA. These requirements include two (2) annual lockdown drills and monthly fire/evacuation drills during the school year to meet. We appreciate your ongoing support of these proactive safety measures.
Intermediate School Policies & Reminders
Last drop off without signing in: 8:40 AM
Last early dismissal: 2:45 PM
Last car rider pickup: 3:40 PM
Students who are not picked up at school or bus stop are taken to aftercare (Bldg 22)
All dismissal changes must be communicated to the front office in writing. Please reach out to Courtney Saxton with any questions.
Please review the OCS Uniform Policy and Dress Code.
Patches can be purchased at the main office.
*Please note: During dismissal times of 3:20 through 4:00, the Intermediate School Office may not be able answer all phone calls while working through dismissal details. Thank you for your patience and support.