Oster Newsletter
June 7, 2024
Message from Mrs. Taormina
Dear Oster School Community,
As I prepare to bid farewell to Oster, I am filled with a mix of emotions. Serving as your principal for the past five years has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. I have truly enjoyed every moment spent working with our incredible students, dedicated staff, and supportive community.
Oster is a special place, one where talented educators come together with a shared commitment to nurturing and guiding students. The dedication and care that our staff members show every day towards student learning and well-being are nothing short of inspiring. It has been a pleasure to witness the passion and professionalism that define our school.
I will deeply miss the students and the relationships we have built over the years. Watching our students learn, grow, and challenge themselves with new experiences has been a highlight of my tenure here. The smiles, the breakthroughs, and the countless moments of joy and discovery are memories I will carry with me always.
As I move forward in the next phase of my career, I am excited to return to where I began my administrative journey as I will be joining the Cupertino Union School District, continuing to lead with my passion for education and commitment to excellence at a new school site.
Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to be part of your lives and this wonderful community. Oster will always hold a special place in my heart.
With heartfelt gratitude and one last GOOOOOO Cougars,
~ Mrs. Taormina
Thank you Oster Students, Staff, and Community for a Great Year!
Congratulations 5th Graders on your Promotion
KUDOS to our fifth graders as they transition to middle school next year! You have shown incredible courage and strength, inspiring us all as you navigated this year's challenges. We hope you'll come back to visit, and always remember—once a cougar, always a cougar. Congratulations to both our students and their parents! Great job!
5th Grade Mural
Every year, Oster's 5th grade students leave behind a beautiful mural, a testament to their creativity and a gift to our school community. This vibrant artwork not only brightens our walls but also our hearts. We extend a heartfelt thank you to the parents for their invaluable assistance in bringing this project to life. Your support ensures that this wonderful tradition continues, and the mural will be enjoyed for years to come. Thank you for helping make our school a more colorful and inspiring place!
Lost and Found
We're putting the cart out by the cafeteria each day. Please check for lost clothing, water bottles, etc. Everything that isn't claimed by the last day of school will be donated to charity.
Oster Needs Your Help for the 24/25 School Year
For the 24/25 school year, Oster needs Lunch Duty Supervisors and a Crossing Guard (AM and PM). Please consider offering your support and making a difference for our school community. These positions can be a fun way to meet more students, parents, and staff. Volunteer or paid positions are available ($16 per hour). If you are interested, please fill out this form, and Oster school will contact you prior to the beginning of school.
2024/25 School Supply List
Each year, schools send out recommended supply lists for your child’s classroom. We appreciate your generous donations, however please note they are not required for your child to attend school. All students will receive supplies to help them be successful throughout the year.
Mark your Calendar
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
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To use eScrip, there isn’t one special card, but rather it’s activated by registering store club cards, loyalty cards and community cards for grocery and drug stores, and by registering the credit cards and debit cards that you use when you shop.
Oster Elementary School
Principal: Lisa Taormina
Email: taorminal@unionsd.org
Website: https://oster.unionsd.org
Location: 1855 Lencar Way, San Jose, CA, USA
Phone: 408-266-8121