Huskie Howler

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September 9, 2024
Dear Huskie Community,
We hope to see you Wednesday night at Open House. It is a good opportunity to meet the teachers, see the learning environments, and learn important information about the courses. Please see the important information below.
I'd like to clarify the rules for when a student is called out from class. Students who have been called out for any reason, cannot remain on campus. This includes visiting the testing center, lunch rooms, or our designated blended learning spaces.
Make it a great week and, as always, Go Huskies!
Jay Wachtel
Open House
Please join us at the NNHS Open House on Wednesday September 11, 2024 beginning promptly at 6:45PM. We look forward to the opportunity to meet with you, discuss course content and teacher expectation. To assist you with walking your student's class schedule, please print the attached
Open House Bell Schedule:
Once printed, please have your student enter their courses by class period. Bring the completed course schedule with you when you attend Open House. See you there!
Girls Flag Football
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our Girls Flag Football Clinics, kicking off on Thursday, September 12th, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, all skill levels are welcome to join in on the fun! This is a fantastic opportunity to be part of something new and exciting at NNHS. We can't wait to get the season started!
If your interested please fill out the following google form:
For more information or any questions, please reach out to Alexis Hilgert (ahilgert@naperville203.org), Haley Molidor (hmolidor@naperville203.org), or Dena Shumate (dshumate@naperville203.org) for more information. We hope to see you there!
Boosters Top Dogs & Alpha Dogs Members !!! ALL unclaimed parking passes will be mailed to your home this week. Boosters members who haven't collected their license plate cover can pick them up at the school store MWThF during lunch and Wed mornings.
Fall Huskie yard signs will be available for pick up the weekend 9/28/24. If you signed up to help DISTRIBUTE to your team/activity, be on the lookout for an email from Amy Connolly. If you placed a yard sign order, the designated person or team captain will reach out with the remaining details regarding sign distribution fro you team/activity. We appreciate your patience as the message is relayed to your specific group!! Thank you for supporting Boosters.
Boosters concessions are up and running with a new menu this year!! Check it out out on the site linked here. Concessions can always use a helping hand. Please consider signing up to volunteer during football and soccer games this fall at thttps://nnhsboosters.square.site/volunteer.
Hoodie season is upon us, so show your Huskie Spirit!! Huskie spirit wear has been restocked with on trend items that can be purchased at home football games and at the school store MWThF during lunch. We accept Apple pay, checks, credit and cards.
Still interested in becoming a Boosters member? Sign up today! https://nnhs-booster-club9.mybigcommerce.com/booster-club/
Home & School: News
First Meeting: ALL parents/guardians are welcome to attend our 1st meeting of the 2024-25 school year! The meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 11th @ 9:30am in Room 108. Come meet the 2024-25 Administrative Team and get updates on upcoming activities.
Home & School has several open committee chair positions for the 2024-25 school year. The positions are:
- Blood Drive Co-Chair
- Fundraising Co-Chair
- School Store Co-Chair
Fundraiser: Dining Night Out - On behalf of NNHS Home & School you’re invited to join us and eat out, not only in support of the organization, but to show one of your Naperville restaurants some love too!
- On Wednesday, September 11th, Lou Malnati's Pizzeria (131 West Jefferson Ave.) is donating back 20% of Dine-In, Takeout & Delivery orders to support a great cause -- NNHS Home & School Family Connection!
Fundraiser: Gift Card Donation Opportunity - Support NNHS Students in URGENT Need. NNHS Home and School are teaming up with NNHS Administration to support students in need within our community. We are organizing a donation drive and are requesting $25 gift cards to Walmart or Meijer to help provide essential items for our students.
If you prefer to make a monetary donation, cash or checks should be made out to H&S, or you can use Venmo to send funds to @NNHS-HomeandSchool. All donations can be mailed or dropped off at 899 N. Mill Street, Naperville, IL 60563. Please note "NNHS H&S Family in Need" on your envelope. To contribute, please sign up below: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0F4FADAB2BABFA7-51045214-nnhs. Thank you for your generosity and for helping make a difference in the lives of our students!
Homecoming 2024 is Saturday, September 21st and we need your help! Please use the link below to sign up to volunteer or donate:
How You Can Help with Homecoming 2024:
1. Decorating Team Meeting - Specifics forthcoming as dance details are firmed up!
2. Snack Donation Drop-Off - Bring your donations on Saturday morning, September 21st, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at NNHS.
3. Amazon Wishlist - Coming Soon!
Questions? Please contact, Mia at NNHSDanceDecorations@gmail.com, Heather at NNHSDanceCheckin@gmail.com, Nicole at NNHSRefreshments@gmail.com
Thank you for your support!
Directory Spot: School App for a Cause! **CORRECTED LINK**
DirectorySpot is the primary funding for Home & School programs, such as Young Hearts for Life, dances, wish list funding, special activities for both students and teachers and more!
Included in the NNHS DirectorySpot:
Student/Parent Directory
Staff Directory
School Calendar
Bell Schedule
Home & School Website
8 to 18 Website (Sports info)
District Calendar
Student Activities Website
Daily Announcements
Online Absence Form
Your participation and support make a huge difference - if you didn't purchase this resource at registration, you can still sign up...click the link to sign up for Directory Spot: https://bit.ly/NNHSDirectorySpot2425
Home and School Family Connections
H&S Family Connection Bake Sale: NNHS Family Connection is having a Bake Sale at the Open House on Wednesday, September 11th from 6PM-8:30PM. All proceeds will help Family Connection meet the essential needs of NNHS families facing hardship by providing temporary means of support.
We are kindly asking for donations of home made or store bought NUT FREE baked goods to sell at the Bake Sale. Please click on the link below for more information and to sign up to donate:
Any further questions, please call or text Carrie at 630-605-9256. Your donations are much appreciated!
Youth World Cafe to Discuss Social Media Use and Personal Responsibility
With support from a City of Naperville SSG Grant and KidsMatter, NNU is hosting a World Youth Café on Sunday, October 6th, from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm at Neuqua Valley High School for students in grades 10, 11, and 12. This event will be facilitated by Illinois Teacher of the Year Dr. Rachael Mahmood and will be based on the book Accountable by Dashka Slater. Through the World Café methodology (theworldcafe.com/), we hope to foster structured conversations around the topics explored in the book. We will facilitate open discussion in small groups and then link to ideas within the larger group to access the collective wisdom in the room.
Although the book is the foundation for the topic, students do NOT have to complete the book to participate. Some of the questions we’d like to explore include:
- How does social media influence our understanding of belonging and exclusion in school?
- What does it mean to hold someone accountable for harmful behavior, and how does that affect a sense of belonging for everyone involved?
- How can understanding our own privilege or experiences with bias help us build a more inclusive school environment?
- What role should schools play in addressing issues of racism and injustice that surface through social media or other channels?
Please see the attached a shareable flyer. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-3G55fQtIK-ZVtnePIgHGY9e5cFDrUyG/view?usp=sharing. We will supply FREE copies of the book. On the registration form, students can indicate if they would like a free copy. We can drop those off at school for them.
Space is limited. The registration deadline is SEPTEMBER 15. Visit https://tinyurl.com/369p42ud or click here for the registration form. We appreciate your support as we work to increase personal growth and self-awareness among Naperville’s young adults, which in turn, strengthens our entire community! Any questions, please contact NNU at https://napervilleneighborsunited.org/
Year Book Photos
Senior Portraits: The last chance to have your Senior Portrait taken is Thursday, September 26 during the school day in Room 108. Photographers will be available from 7:45 - 10:00 am and 10:30 am - 3:00 pm. Students can be photographed during study hall or their lunch hour so they can attend all of their classes. They may go at any time listed. No appointment is necessary. As a reminder, Senior Yearbook Photos must be taken by Lifetouch at NNHS to be included in the yearbook.
Underclassmen Yearbook Photos: Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors this is your Last Chance for Make-up and retake photos for underclassmen will be taken during all lunch hours on Tuesday, October 22 in the Small Cafeteria (garage area near the Courtyard.) Students who did not have their pictures taken by Lifetouch at registration and do not come to this photo opportunity will not be pictured in the yearbook.
National Honor Society (NHS)
The application for the National Honor Society (NHS) is available now. The application is open to juniors and seniors with a cumulative GPA at 3.75 and higher. Applicants should have leadership and service experience. The application is due in September and is available here. If you have any questions, please contact Kyle Girup at kgirup@naperville203.org.
Illinois Seal of Biliteracy Information
The State Seal of Biliteracy is a recognition given to graduating high school students who have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in both English AND in reading, writing, listening and speaking in another language. Students who are interested in learning more about the Seal of Biliteracy should attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 17 at 7:15 am OR 3:15 pm in Room 184. Seniors who intend to apply for the Seal this school year are required to attend. IMPORTANT NOTE: Students currently enrolled in a World Language class will take a proficiency exam in that language during their class and therefore do not need to attend the meeting.
Students, please fill out the registration form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcVCif5IgTbeHtpcNneIWyvwQOoqG4m2j7mTW01-uS5OcvYA/viewform?usp=sf_link if you plan to attend the meeting. More information about the Seal of Biliteracy can be found in this linked document https://www.naperville203.org/Page/5770
Additional Resources
- Check out this month’s Counselor Connection, with grade-level & college/career updates!
- Link to 2024-2025 NNHS Calendar
- Join the principal's community Remind: text @nnhsupdate to the number 81010
- The archived Howlers can be found HERE
Questions or Concerns?
If you have questions about any of the items above or other concerns, please contact Jay Wachtel, Principal, at jwachtel@naperville203.org. or Susan Brown, Administrative Assistant at sbrown1@naperville203.org. Follow NNHS Official on X at wachtel_NNHS and Instagram at nnhs_jay_wachtel.