Thundercat Weekly
Parent Newsletter - March 25-- March 29, 2024
Newsletter Contents
- RTMS Parents To-Do List
- Important Dates
- Thundergames Update
- NJHS Applications
- GT Newsletter
- 8th Grade Social
- Dance tryouts
- End of Year Awards
- RTMS Cheer Tryout Info
- Staff vs Student Basketball Game
- Tardy Sweeps
- Become a Thunder Games Business Sponsor
- Thundercat TV Episode - 19
- Nurse's Corner
- 3rd Party Food Deliveries
- Student Dress Code
- Cell Phone Policy
- Attendance News
Links and Resources
Parent To-Do List
1. Submit a 2023-24 FBISD Volunteer Application HERE
2. Add money to School Café Account
3. Log on to Skyward to review your child’s grades in all classes
Important Dates
March 29 - No School – Holiday/Good Friday
April 1 - No School -Holiday
April 2 - RTMS Cheer Tryout
April 4 - Librarian Appreciation Day
April 5 - Save the Date! Thunder Games 5:30-8:30 pm
April 8-10 - RTMS Dance Team Try-Outs
April 10 & 11 ~ Theatre Musical 6-8 pm
ThunderGames Update
Where: RTMS
When: Friday, April 5
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Thunder Games comes in THREE parts.
1. Race and team participants
2. Online Fundraising through FUND HUB
3. Attend the Thunder Games event and have FUN!
It’s time to raise some CASH!
Everyone can participate in raising money & earning prizes! It’s as easy as 1-2-3!
1. Register online at
2. Share with family, and friends, and on social media to raise money for RTMS.
3. Earn awesome prizes!
Help us reach our $20,000 goal!
** The grade level with the highest earning, gets to watch Dr. Kargbo get soaked during 7th period!
Fund Hub is the online platform through which race participants will register. Additionally, Fund Hub is also used to increase giving through participants.
1. Register for FREE at
(school code: 638f61ac62415)
2. Share your student’s page to increase giving and/or donate.
3. Earn prizes and experiences based on funds your student raises.
Q: If my child is participating on a team, when will he/she receive a race bag?
A: Students will receive race bags on April 4, during lunch.
Q: What will be included in my student’s race bag?
A: Thunder Games t-shirt, sponsored items, snacks, & team information.
Q: What if my child is absent on April 4th and doesn’t receive a race bag?
A: Shirts and bags can be picked up on April 5, from 8:15am – 9:15am in the front office. A volunteer will be there to assist.
For all things THUNDER GAMES visit
Have questions?
Email Melissa DeLaGarza at
NJHS applications
Attention 7th graders! NJHS applications will be open from Monday, March 25th until Friday, April 5th!
If you qualify to apply, your parents should have received an email via Skyward. Eligible students may get a copy of the NJHS application from Mr. Watson, Mrs. Joseph (T1), Miss Redmond (822), or the Counselor’s Suite. A digital copy of the application was also included in the email your parents received.
Applications are due by FRIDAY, APRIL 5TH! Should you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Watson, Mrs. Joseph, or Miss Redmond.
GT Newsletter -March
The March Edition of the Gifted and Talented newsletter is now available using the link below.
8th Grade Social
8th grade social will take place on May 3, 2024. We want all our Thundercats to have an opportunity to participate. However, students who earn a disciplinary referral between April 8th through May 3rd will lose the privilege of attending. Please speak to your 8th grader about these expectations.
Dance Tryouts
End of Year Awards
The following awards will be presented at the end of the year. Students receiving awards will be personally invited to the awards ceremony for their grade level. 6th grade awards will be on May 17, 2024, at 9:15 am. 7th grade will be on May 16, 2024, at 9:15 am and 8th grade will be on May 16, 2024, at 6:00 pm. All ceremonies will be by invitation only. All awards ceremonies will be held in the RTMS Commons. All academic and attendance awards are based on Term 1, Term 2, and Term 3.
• Academic Excellence: Students who have maintained an A average in all their classes during each grading period of the 23-24 school year.
• AB Honor Roll: Students who maintained an A or B average in all their classes during each grading period during the 23-24 school year.
• Perfect Attendance Award: Students with zero absences for the school year. School-related absences such as field trips are not considered absences from school.
• PRIDE Award: Each teacher chooses one student, per course they teach, who exhibits the characteristics of the RTMS Core Beliefs.
o People and relationships matter.
o Respect in all we do.
o Inclusion is our priority.
o Diversity is our strength.
o Effort fuels our Growth.
• P³ (Passion, Practice, and Perseverance) Award: Each teacher chooses one student, per course they teach, who exhibits grit and perseverance throughout the year.
• Thunder Clap Award – Students who exhibit significant improvement in academics and/or behavior. Teachers can select 1 student per course they teach.
• Athlete of the Year – Each Athletic Coordinator chooses one female and one male athlete who competes in three of five of the available sports and is a contributing member toward team success.
• Thundercat Spirit (8th Grade Only) – One male and a female student-athlete who shows leadership and work ethic on and off the field/court.
• Outstanding Fine Arts Student of the Year – Each fine arts department chooses 2 students per grade level that exhibit excellence in their program.
• Most Improved Fine Arts Students – Each fine arts department chooses 2 students per grade level who exhibit significant improvement, grit, and perseverance in their program.
• Ronald Thornton Award (8th Grade Only) – A student who exhibits the qualities of the RTMS Vision, Mission, and Core Beliefs; who practices Passion, Practice, and Perseverance; and who lives by attributes of the FBISD Profile of a Graduate in school and the community.
RTMS Cheer Info
Staff vs Student Basketball Game
Staff vs Students Basketball Game will take place on March 28, 2024
Students who earn a disciplinary referral between February 22 - March 28 will lose the privilege to attend. If you purchase a ticket and your child has received a referral during the timeframe above, there will be no refund.
Only 300 tickets will be sold
Cost per ticket is $5
Ticket sales will go live on Monday, March 25th @ 6 pm, via RevTrak. Please see link below
**No Discipline Referrals**No Refunds** No Purchasing Tickets for other Students**
** No Ticket Exchanges**
Tardy Sweeps
Hello parents
We have seen an increase in students in the hallways after the tardy bell rings.
We have spent the last two weeks reiterating our campus expectations on getting to class before the tardy bell. We will have our tardy sweeps beginning next week. Students who are not in class and or do not have a hall pass during the sweep are subject to disciplinary consequences. This will include after-school detention and possible Saturday detention. Please speak to your child about the importance of arriving at class on time.
Thank you
RTMS Administration
Thundercat TV
Here is the link for TTV Ep - 19
Nurse's Corner
Spring is upon us bringing sunshine, showers, and…..bugs!
Yes, Bugs! Biting, Itching, Crawling Bugs!
One bug in particular can be quite a nuisance and one we don’t often think about. Every year millions of kids worldwide become a new host for itchy little bugs called lice. Lice are tiny brown/grey bugs about the size of a sesame seed that feed off small droplets of blood and thrive on the scalp often causing irritation and itchiness. Lice can be easily transmitted from one person to another by close contact and/or sharing bedding, hats, brushes, and hair accessories.
Nursing Tips:
Check hair and scalp for lice or their nits (eggs that appear white or yellow/brown and usually oval in shape).
Don’t share hats, hairbrushes, combs, or hair accessories.
If you find that your student has lice, don’t panic, lice is treatable. Contact your medical provider for guidance. You may also reach out to your school nurse (Mrs. Dietrich 281-327-3886) if you have questions or would like more information.
3rd Party Food Deliveries
Student Dress Code
The District prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other prohibited substance.
Students must comply with the following dress and grooming standards, including in online learning platforms.
Shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Vests
•Shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, sweaters, vests that expose undergarments and/or midriff are prohibited;
•Shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, sweaters, vests must not depict or reference alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, death, violence, vulgar or obscene language or images, and/or insults to race, religion, gender, or ethnicity, or other emblems or writing that may be expected to cause a material or substantial disruption of, or interference with, normal school operations.
Dresses, Jumpers, Skirts, Shorts, Skorts, Pants, and Jeans
•Dresses, jumpers, skirts, and skorts may be worn at a length that is slightly above mid-thigh;
- Shorts, jeans, and all pants shall be worn at the hip or higher and must cover undergarments; •Shorts may be worn at a length that is approximately above mid-thigh; and
•Athletic wear, which may include yoga pants, stretch leggings and fitness tights, are permissible as long as they do not reveal undergarments, do not have sections of seethrough material, or are worn with a shirt that covers the posterior, or are not disruptive to the school environment.
•Shoes shall be worn, and if designed to be tied shall be properly tied; •Elementary students shall not wear flip-flops or shoes with no back/heel strap;
•Unsafe footwear is not permitted (i.e., house shoes, slippers); and
•Appropriate shoes must be worn during PE/athletics classes, as well as during lab activities in science, CTE, etc.
•All hair, including facial hair, shall be neat, clean, and well groomed, and worn in a style that is not distractive;
•Mustaches, beards, or goatees shall be neat, clean, and well groomed, and worn in a style that does not display derogatory remarks, symbols, or statements that disrupts the learning environment. Hair markings must not depict or reference alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, violence, vulgar or obscene language, or images that substantially disrupt or interfere with normal school operations. Drawings, icons, and/or other markings cut into the hair, including eyebrows, and not associated with required religious markings or hairstyles are not permitted.
•Proper undergarments shall be worn at all times;
•Revealing clothing of any type may not be worn;
•No clothing that has been ripped, torn, or cut in a way as to reveal undergarments, midriff, chest, or posterior;
•Clothing including face coverings with profanity, obscene patches, references to alcohol, drugs, weapons or tobacco, or anything that may be construed as violent, vulgar or obscene
language or images, and/or insults to race, religion, gender, or ethnicity, or other emblems or writing that may be expected to cause a material or substantial disruption of, or interference with, normal school operations.
• Any attire, tattoo, icons, or markings on body, e.g. bandanas, shoelaces, chains, t-shirts, etc., that is distractive, causes a disturbance, or identifies a student as part of an unauthorized group, gang, or society are not permitted that includes but is not limited to virtual background choices. No pajama wear of any type except on-campus designated days;
• Body piercings that are distractive or that pose a safety concern are not permitted;
• No hats, caps, doo-rags, wave caps, bandanas or hoods worn indoors, except on campus designated days or during designated times permitted by the campus; and
• No sunglasses may be worn inside the building unless there is a medical note on file.
Cell Phone Policy
We are a cell phone-free school.
Reminder: All cell phones/earbuds/air pods must be put in students' backpacks before they walk into RTMS.
Cell phones may be used for educational purposes with the teacher's permission. Students not adhering to cell phone expectations may have devices confiscated for the day. Third confiscation will result in a $10 fine through RevTrak. The parent/guardian may then retrieve the device at the campus during normal school hours after the fine has been paid.
Please speak to your child about the cell phone expectations at RTMS.
Attendance News
Below are some frequent Q & A’s and resource information from our RTMS Attendance Clerks to help alleviate your attendance concerns:
1. What should I do if my child is absent? Do I need to call the campus or my student’s teachers?
If your child is absent from instruction, please submit an excuse note (with documentation attached, if available) via email within 5 days of the absence to, or have your student drop a note by the attendance office. Phone calls regarding a student’s absence are considered a courtesy, but not an excuse. Please follow up with a written parent note or medical note for the absence to be excused.
2. I believe my child was incorrectly marked absent or tardy.
Please contact the teacher who marked the absence or tardy. If it is incorrect, the teacher will either edit the attendance or contact the Attendance Clerk to make the correction.
3. What is considered Tardy, Late, and/or Absent within the day?
Tardy: 19> minutes since class started
Late: <20 minutes since class started
Absent (W): <40 minutes since class started
4. How do I pick my child up early for an appointment?
Sign in at the Front Office with your state issued I.D. to get a Visitor’s Badge for the Attendance Office. Sign your student out with the Attendance Clerk. Remember to bring a doctor’s note back to school the following day for the absence to be excused. Please note that should you pick your student up during their PE class or lunch time, wait times may be longer than usual, as we are unable to contact a classroom.
5. What is the latest time I can pick up my student?
Please arrive to the school before 3:30 pm to check your student out for an appointment. The end of the school day can be chaotic, as students are shuffling from classes to their dismissal areas; therefore, student pickup is suspended from 3:30 p.m.-4:10 p.m.
6. Can someone else pick my student up early from school?
Yes, provided they are listed as an emergency contact for your student in Skyward. To add someone to your ER contact list, email their name, phone number, and relationship to your student, along with a copy of your ID.
7. Why is my student’s absence still showing unexcused?
Once documentation has been submitted, it can take up to 48 hours to be reflected in Skyward. Notes MUST BE SUBMITTED within 5 business days after the absence. If they are turned in outside that timeframe, the absence will still be considered unexcused.
8. What information should be included in the absence note?
Please include your student’s first name and last name, date/s of absence, grade level and reason for their absence.
9. How many days can my student be absent before they need a Medical Note?
According to the FBISD Parent/Student Handbook, a student can be absent 3 consecutive days with a parent written excuse; after the 4th day, a medical note will need to be provided.
10. My student is sick and leaving from the clinic; do I need to check out with the Attendance Office?
You will sign your student out from the clinic only if the nurse or nurse’s assistant has specifically requested that you pick up your student. The nurse will inform the Attendance Office, and your student will be excused for the missed classes. Otherwise, you may sign your student out from the Attendance Office, and they will be called directly from class.
11. Can my student wait for me at the school entrance if they know I am coming to pick them up?
Due to safety reasons and the constant flow of students entering and exiting the building, please DO NOT ask your student to wait for you at the entrance of the school. Students must be checked out according to FBISD policy.
12. My child forgot an item (lunch, band instrument, technology, etc.) at home. How can I get it to them?
We do not deliver items to students, nor will they be called out of class to retrieve them. A table is set up in the vestibule for parent drop-offs. Once you text your student to inform them the item is there, their teacher will determine whether they are allowed to retrieve it. If not, they can pick it up during a passing period.
Links and Resources
FBISD Instructional Calendar (2023-2024)
FBISD Volunteer Application & Background Check
PE Uniforms
Immunization Information - FBISD Health Services Webpage
FBISD Student Parent Handbook
Connect to RTMS
Ronald Thornton Middle School
Location: 1909 Waters Lake Boulevard, Sienna, TX, USA
Phone: (281) 327-3870
Twitter: @RTMSThundercats