Whitford Newsletter
June 2, 2020
Principal's Message
Hello Whitford community,
As much as I want to have Will Smith’s (Men in Black) flash the pen for me to forget everything from 2020, I don’t want to say everything is worth forgetting. The Whitford staff, students, parents, and community have worked hard to make the best of an undesirable situation. Having the ability to be flexible in life will serve our students well. I never thought the last day of students coming in our front doors would have been Friday March 13th, but it was. So many people have showed resilience, determination, and perseverance. Whitford is built on trust, relationships, rigor, equity, and grit. I’ve said this before, but I’m proud to serve as the principal of Whitford Middle School.
To all 6th and 7th graders, we miss you and can’t wait to see your smiling faces in September,--- we hope. Keep reading, doing math, and exercising. Your brain can’t just sit for 6th months and expect to start back up again when school resumes. Unless you are leaving the district, everyone is allowed to keep their Chromebooks over the summer in hopes it will be used for academic purposes. Now onto the 8th graders.
Dearest 8th graders!
We can't let the year end without seeing you one more time to say goodbye and wish you well as you enter high school. We also want you to meet your new principal.
We have planned a brief 8th grade send off on Wednesday, June 10th from 10:00am -12:00pm. We are asking that students with last names A-L come to school between 10-11am, and students with last names M-Z come between 11am - 12pm (just to keep distancing). If this time will not work with your family schedule, you may come whenever it is most convenient. Most students will arrive in cars with a parent, but some will arrive on foot or on a bike. Either way, we are excited to see you!
Here's our plan for students arriving in cars:
- You'll drive into the large bus parking lot, circling the edge of the lot (folks will be there to guide you). You may or may not be in a small line as you wait your turn.
- PLEASE --- Write your name and the high school you will attend in big letters on a sheet of paper. Be prepared to show this through the window of your car once you enter the parking lot.
- When you pull up to where staff are waiting, we will present you with a t-shirt from the school you will attend next year, a yearbook if you ordered one, any certificates or awards you may receive, and a small treat from your teachers and PTO.
- If you have any books or musical instruments to drop off, this will be an excellent time to do that. If you didn't pick up your locker contents previously, we may have that for you as well. All students (even 8th graders) will keep their Chromebook over the summer and trade it for a new Chromebook in the fall.
Students and parents will need to stay in their cars during this brief event. For those students who will be walking to school, please remain 6 feet apart, and check in with a staff member before proceeding to our various pick up stations.
We look forward to seeing you the morning of June 10th! In the meantime, keep working hard to learn all that you can. If you are in need of any ideas to supplement your learning, visit our "big list of ideas" on the Whitford website.
At this time of the year, our staff celebrates our teachers that will be retiring. We have two remarkable teachers who will be leaving their classrooms for the last time this year. Even though we won't be able to recognize these teachers at our last assembly, we would like to invite students, parents and past students to email these teachers and to let them know how much they will be missed. If you would rather send a card, you can send that to the school and we will make sure to forward that to the teacher.
Dr. A
Cheryl Matthews
These two teachers always held students to high standards while keeping positive relationships. Their dedication to the profession of education is second to none. They are part of the heart and soul of Whitford and they will be missed by students, staff, and families who have had the opportunity learn from these master educators. I wish them well in their future endeavors and spending time with their grandchildren. Cheryl and Rino, you will be missed!!!!
Have a safe and active summer. Read some books and we hope to see you, maybe, in September.
Be well,
Brian Peerenboom, Principal
Whitford Middle School
Book Return and Yearbook Pick up
Book Return June 6-11 Yearbook pickup June 10
Students can return library books, textbooks, classroom books, musical instruments, and calculators next week, June 6-11 from 10AM-12PM. This will be a drive through drop off.
Yearbook pick up will be on Wednesday, June 10th. 8th grade students will get their yearbooks during the 8th grade send off from 10AM-12PM. 6th and 7th grade students can pick up their yearbooks on Wednesday June 10th from 1-3pm. If you would like to purchase one, we still have a few available. You can purchase them now online (by credit card) or in person on June 10th (with cash or check only). The cost is $15.00
Construction at Whitford
Poetry Winners
Congratulations to Ruby Murphy and Claire Frank for winning a poetry contest through Beaverton Libary. Way to go!!
You can read their entries by clicking on the link.
Ruby Murphy, 1st Place - “What Are You<https://www.beavertonlibrary.org/DocumentCenter/View/5608/2020-MS---First-Place---What-Are-You-by-Ruby-Murphy-Grade-8>”
Claire Frank, 3rd Place - “An Itch<https://www.beavertonlibrary.org/DocumentCenter/View/5610/2020-MS---Third-Place---An-Itch-by-Claire-Frank-Grade-7>”
Do you have a textbook or library book?
Whitford will be accepting textbooks and library books beginning Monday June 8th. We will have a cart at the front of the school for you to drop off your items. The books can be dropped off between 10 and noon June 8-11.
Please see the instructions below to check what books you have checked out from Whitford.
To check and see what books you still have checked out, just:
Login with your student ID & password
(the same way you login on your CB)
Click “Circulation” and just type in your name!
If you have any questions or need help, email
Food box delivery
Congratulations 7th grade students!!
Summer Meal Program
This summer, children can enjoy free breakfast and lunches through the Summer Food Service Program sponsored by Beaverton School District Nutrition Services Department. The Summer Food Service Program is a federally-funded nutrition program. All children, ages 1 through 18 years, are eligible for breakfast and lunch. All children and students from the community are welcome to participate. There is no application or registration required. Parents or guardians are able to pick up meals for children who are not present. Adult meals will not be available to purchase this summer.
There are 15 school sites providing curbside grab & go meals this summer. Breakfast and lunches will be served (together) Monday through Thursday, June 15 through August 14, 2020, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the following sites:
Elementary Schools: Aloha-Huber Park K-8, Elmonica, Fir Grove, Greenway, Hazeldale, Kinnaman, McKay, McKinley, Springville K-8, William Walker, and Vose.
High Schools: Beaverton, Southridge, Sunset and Westview.
For more information, and a map of Summer Meal Service sites, visit the Summer Meal Service webpage.
High School Summer School
Summer School will be offered as remote learning for 2020. There are two programs this summer:
Intensive Summer Version Math Courses:
Intensive Summer Version (ISV) courses are designed for students who seek advancement in a course sequence that a standard 4-year high school schedule will not allow. These courses provide the same content coverage and rigor as their classroom counterparts but in a highly accelerated format.
If you have questions regarding ISV, please contact bsd-flex-online@beaverton.k12.or.us
Credit Recovery, Original Credit and 8.5 Courses:
Original credit, credit recovery, and enrichment courses are offered to all eligible students in the district. Incoming 9th graders may take original credit or earn .5 elective credit with successful completion of 8.5.
If you have questions regarding Summer Programs, please contact your school counselor.
Visit the BSD Flex 2020 High School Summer Program webpage for information and to register.