Newsletter No. 12
Principals Message:
Kia ora whaanau,
It has been a packed week of learning here at OAS. On Monday we celebrated our students in a whole school assembly. Principal awards and badges were given to 6 students who show our school values to a high degree each day. St Johns also came along to celebrate the efforts of some of our students during a medical emergency. These students reacted quickly, using their first aid training to support a fellow student in need. Although they don’t see that their actions were important, we are extremely proud of them.
On Wednesday we had Sparx Talk, who spoke to Years 7-9 about mental health and the power of positive thoughts.
The Year 10’s had a busy week with a day of work experience and a visit to the careers expo in Auckland.
We are currently organising a blessing ceremony for the new aspects of our school grounds. Please find the invitation below:
Cheques Exiting the Banking System:
As you are probably aware the Banks are in the process of exiting cheques from the Banking system. We have been notified by ANZ, that they will no longer accept cheques as of 31st May 2021. Therefore, as a School, we are no longer able to accept cheques as a payment option. We accept Eftpos and Cash at the School Office, with Internet Banking being our preferred method of payment. The details for this are;
Onewhero Area School
Onewhero Area School Board of Trustees
Please put your child’s name as a reference and the reason for the payment.
Thanks and kind regards
Vikky Millin
Pink Shirt Day - Friday 21st May
This is a day organised by the Mental Health Foundation that promotes messages about working together to stop bullying by celebrating diversity, and promoting positive social relationships.
By fundraising for Pink Shirt Day, you'll be helping to make Aotearoa a kinder, more inclusive place, where diversity is celebrated, and all people feel safe, valued and respected.
100% of your donation goes towards the Pink Shirt Day kaupapa. Your support enables the Mental Health Foundation to run Pink Shirt Day raise awareness about bullying prevention and provide resources that promote inclusive workplaces, schools and communities.
If your child does not have anything pink the school has a small supply of pink ribbon and stickers to help include them in this day.
Onewhero Ag Day 2021 - Saturday 2nd October:
Onewhero Ag Day Volunteers Meeting
Monday 31 May, 7.00pm
Ag Days, or Calf Clubs, are an annual tradition for rural schools and encourage children to learn about the care of animals by rearing a lamb, goat, calf and/or chickens. Onewhero Ag Day is organised each year by a group of parents who take great joy in keeping this tradition alive.
Half of our Ag Day Committee (including the Ag Day Coordinator) have moved on to other endeavours. This means we need some new and enthusiastic parents to step up and take ownership of the event. The Committee works in partnership with the school (they organise the indoor exhibits, food stalls and refreshments).
To spread the workload, there are five main roles that need to be filled:
· Ag Day Coordinator
Communicate information to the school and wider community and manage the whole event.
· Sponsorship Coordinator
Communicate with potential sponsors (from June), manage donated items, and ensure sponsors are properly acknowledged.
· Prizegiving Coordinator
Order trophies and ribbons, collate results, oversee prizegiving, and arrange engraving of trophies.
· Spud in the Bucket Coordinator
Advertise the competition (from June), take entries (via online form), purchase seed potatoes and buckets (or arrange sponsorship), organise distribution and return of potatoes and buckets, process entries and collate results.
· Chicken Coordinator
Advertise the sale of baby chickens (from June), take orders (via online form), organise pick-up and distribution of baby chickens and feed packs.
The parents who have left the Committee are happy to share their knowledge to ensure Ag Day continues to be a success, and the kids don’t miss out on a unique rural experience. If you're keen and able to help make Ag Day a fantastic event for the kids and community, then come along to the volunteers meeting to find out more. If you're unable to make the meeting, but can help organise Ag Day, then please email onewheroagday@gmail.com
IMPORTANT … If we do not get enough volunteers to coordinate the event, then Onewhero Ag Day 2021 is unlikely to go ahead.
Auckland University Engineering Info Evenings
Auckland University Faculty of Engineering welcome Year 12 and 13 students along with their whanau to attend one of their information evenings.
Online - Wednesday 19 May; Auckland - Wednesday 19 May or Tuesday 25 May; and Hamilton Monday 24 May.
These sessions include presentations about the Engineering (Honours) degree, application process, scholarships, accommodation and student life.
Spaces are limited so registration is essential. Register at http://bit.ly/uoa-eie
Massey University Information Evening
Massey University are holding a virtual information evening on their undergraduate programs on Thursday 20th May, 6-9pm. To register please visit https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/massey-university-2021-virtual-undergraduate-information-evening-registration-152595999743?aff=ca
Waikato University Open Day
Waikato University are holding Open Days for prospective students and their families. Explore study options, take campus tours, attend mini lectures, information sessions, accommodation tours, talk to faculty staff and current students, and get a taste of student life at Waikato Uni. Hamilton Campus Friday 21st May. Tauranga Campus Friday 28th May. To register or for further information visit www.waikato.ac.nz/go/openday
Dunedin Tertiary Open Day
Otago University and Otago Polytechnic are holding their Open Days Sunday 23 & Monday 24th May. Explore study options, take campus tours, attend mini lectures, information sessions, accommodation tours, talk to faculty staff and current students, and get a taste of student life in Dunedin. To register or for further information visit https://www.otago.ac.nz/open-days/index.html
Law at Otago Presentation
Otago University are holding a Law presentation for Year 12 and 13 students considering studying Law. This is a great opportunity to find out if studying law at Otago is the right fit for you.
Hamilton, Hamilton Boys High School, Tuesday 25th May, 5.30 – 7.30pm.
Auckland, Aorere College, Thursday 10th June, 2.30-4.30pm.
Auckland, University of Otago Auckland Office, 6.30 – 8.30pm.
To register please email lawcareerevents@otago.ac.nz or phone 03 470 4611. For further information please visit www.otago.ac.nz/law
Otago University Primary or ECE Teaching Presentation
On Thursday 27 May from 5.30 until 6.30 pm an information evening on the Bachelor of Teaching will be livestreamed, which is a great opportunity for prospective students to learn about studying for primary or early childhood teaching.
For further information please see www.otago.ac.nz/education
NZ Defence Force
Defence Force Information Evening – Pukekohe
Thursday 3rd June, 6-7pm; RSA Franklin, 17 Edinburgh Street, Pukekohe
Defence Force Information Evening – Manukau
Thursday 1st July, 6-7pm; Defence Careers Manukau Office, Level 1, Westfield Manukau City, 1 Leyton Way, Manukau
NZDF are currently recruiting for:
Airforce Airmen – applications close 30 August; training starts 10 January 2022.
*Aircraft technician * Armament technician * Aviation fuel specialist * Firefighter * Intelligence specialist * Medic * Logistics specialist
Navy Officers – applications close 20 July; training starts 17 January 2022.
*Hydrographic survey officer * Mine clearance diving officer * Supply officer * Warfare officer
Army Soliders – applications close 4 October; training starts 14 February 2022.
*Ammunition technician * Armoured combat specialist * Chef * Combat driver * Communication systems operator * Electronic warfare operator * Electronics technician * Infantry * Medic * Movement operator * Operational support and information specialist * Steward * Supply technician
Army Officers – applications close 20 July; training starts 9 January 2022.
*Army officer
For further information please visit www.defencecareers.mil.nz or phone 08001FORCE.
Appointments can also be made with a recruiter at the Manukau Recruiting Office, Level 1 Westfield Shopping Centre, Manukau City Mall; phone 09 2360040.
Victoria University of Wellington Information Evening
Victoria University are holding an Information Evening in Auckland, Thursday 10th June, 6-8.30pm at the Aotea Centre, 50 Mayoral Drive, Auckland. This is a great opportunity for prospective students and their families to find out more about studying in Wellington. Academics, accommodation staff and current university students will be there to answer any questions and share their experiences. To register please see www.wgtn.ac.nz/information-evenings or for further information please email course-advice@vuw.ac.nz
Otago University Information Evening
Otago University are holding an Information Evening in Auckland, on Tuesday 22nd June, 6.30-8pm at the Ellerslie Events Centre. This is agreat opportunity for prospective students and their families to hear about Otago University, including accommodation, scholarships and study options.
Tuesday 22nd June, 6.30 – 8pm
Guineas Ballroom 1 & 2, Level 3, Ellerslie Event Centre, 100 Ascot Avenue, Ellerslie. Entrance through Gate3, via Ascot Avenue (off Greenlane East), Auckland. Free on-site parking.
Manukau Institute of Technology Experience Days
Bookings are now open for Year 11-13 who are interested in attending a MIT Experience Day. Experience Days are free of charge and designed to give students a taste of tertiary study at MIT. These days are practical with a series of hands on activities and run from 9.30am to 2.30pm.
Baking, culinary and hospitality - Monday 12 July;
Early Childhood Education - Tuesday 13 July;
Primary Teaching - Tuesday 13 July;
Nursing - Tuesday 13 July or Wednesday 14 July;
Sport - Wednesday 14 July.
Places are limited so please book early, either online www.manukau.ac.nz/expday or see Pam at the Careers Office.
Crown Institute of Studies
Crown are holding a series of Open Days for future students to find out more about working in the Hospitality, Business, Travel & Tourism, and Computing industries, as well as the courses they offer. 22 June, 13 July and 6 August. Visit anytime from 9am to 2pm at their Auckland Campus, 80 Anzac Avenue, Auckland City. Please call into the Careers Office for an Information Booklet or visit www.crown.ac.nz for further details.
Telford Taster Camps
If you are interested in discovering what it is like to live and learn at Telford then these three day action packed camps are for you. Agriculture, Rural Veterinary Tech or Equine. 13-17 July, or 5-9 October, or 7-11 December. For more information email telford@sit.ac.nz or call 0800 835 367 or see www.sit.ac.nz/Telford
If you have any questions or would like further information on any of the above, please feel free to contact Pam McArley on p.mcarley@onewhero.school.nz
OAS Sport 2021:
Please visit our school sport website for all regular updates:
For all draws, match info, ladder and results in the Counties Manukau completion, parents and players should download the My Rugby app on their phone.
Our boys are playing Pukekohe High school Frist XV this Saturday at 12pm at Pukekohe High.
Come and support them!
Our Senior boys and Open Girls have started their secondary school league at Franklin Basketball. For all draws and results click here:
Open Girls manager: Kristin Glass 0272396634
Senior Boys manager: Andrea Wareham 027 3268665
ALL three junior teams will start games tomorrow Friday 21 May:
Draw and results click here:
U11 Yr 5/6 manager: Stacey Mahoney 021885711
U14 Yr 7/8 mixed manager: Anna Ronaki 0212455117
U14 Yr 7/8 AIMS manager: Kirsten Eady 021885359
Good luck to all players!
Lunchtime trainings have started, please remind your children to attend:
Monday Break 1: Year 7/8 mixed After school: Open girls
Tuesday Break 1: AIMS boys basketball
Wednesday Break 1: Open girls After school: AIMS boys
Friday Break 1: Year 5/6
Teams are on the website now. If your child’s name is not on there, and he/she still wishes to play, please contact Anke van Dijk.
Our Hockey team has fused with Strathallan for their first few weeks of 11 aside hockey. Their competition has started. Trainings are Wednesday after school at the Tuakau College Hockey Turf. Any players still wanting to join or give hockey a try, you are more than welcome!
For draws and results:
Good luck to all players! Have fun!
Sport Dates 2021
A lot of dates have been added to the school calendar so far. More will be added as information becomes available. Please check the calendar regularly for any updates.
17 July to 22 July
NZ Area Schools Tournament – Dunedin
5 – 10 September
AIMS Tournament Week
16-17 September
Whangamata Sports Exchange Years 9-13
22-26 November
Junior Volleyball Championships
General Information:
New Uniform (available at school office):
Polar Fleece Vests (size 8, 10) $15.00
Cargo Shorts (size 4 - 1 only left) $22.90
Culottes (size 4, 8, 10, 12, 14) $26.60
Boys & Girls belt loop shorts (size 10, 12, 14,) $22.90
Boys & Girls belt loop shorts (size 76, 96, 100, 104, 108) $22.90
Boys & Girls trousers (size 76, 80) $30.70
Girls poly viscose skirt (size 52, 57, 92, 97) $39.20
Boys short sleeve white shirt (size 12 x 3 only) $33.90
Boys & Girls blue polo shirt (size M x 2 only) $25.90
Second Hand School Uniform:
Thank you to the families that have donated second hand school uniform to sell. All money raised is being used to purchase new books in the Junior School. If you have any old uniforms, they can be dropped at the school office.
We still have lots of items for sale. You can come to Room 7 at 3:00 on Mondays to have a look, or send an email to b.mclean@onewhero.school.nz to request items. Each item is $10 and can be paid in cash or by internet banking to 06 0405 0217064 00. Please reference child’s name and “2nd hand uniform”
Auckland Regional Dental Service:
Kia ora
For information about the Children’s Community Dental Service (Auckland Regional Dental Service) during COVID-19, please refer to our website: https://www.waitematadhb.govt.nz/home/ards/.
Our website will always contain the most up-to-date information for our service at each Alert Level.
Kind regards
The Children Community’s Dental Service
Computer & Network Engineer:
J & D Computer Services - Jane Young
Phone: 09 2328 007 Mobile: 021 067 1195
Email: support@jdcomputers.co.nz Web: www.jdcomputers.co.nz
We offer a wide range of services to help you get the most out out your computers...
- computer repair & upgrading
- virus removal
- business documents
- sales - new & used
- data recovery
- internet security
- networks
- tuition
Community Notices:
Free Parenting Helpline:
Parenting Helpline
Do you need specific parenting advice you can implement right away? Are you carrying a lot on your shoulders? Speak to our warm and supportive parenting experts. Call us for support on any parenting issue. Call now for free on 0800 568 856. Available from 9am – 9pm 7 days a week.
Affordable counselling
Do it for yourself and for your family. Our counsellors offer therapy in person and via Zoom. They have helped hundreds of families to restore peace and balance in their lives. Call 0800 568 856 to book an appointment or read more here: www.parenthelp.org.nz/counsellingParenting Toolbox for Teens:
We are pleased to have another two courses being offered this year.
26th May to 30th June
25th August to 29th September
All these courses are on a Wednesday evening 6pm to 8:30pm at our Community Hub, 201 King Street, Pukekohe.
This is a great course focusing on building positive relationships and helping parents develop new ways to communicate and work with their teens.
Download The Onewhero Area School App
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"Being The Best We Can - No Limits!"
Email: office@onewhero.school.nz
Website: www.onewhero.school.nz
Location: 29 Hall Road, Onewhero, RD2, Tuakau
Phone: 09 232 8866
Facebook: facebook.com/Onewheroareaschool