High Plains School
EC-8th Grade
September 29, 2024
October Counts
Conference Save the Date
Family-Student-Teacher Conferences take place October 15th-16th from 4pm-7:45pm and Oct. 17th from 8am-4pm. A sign up genius for all teachers will go out on Friday, Oct. 4th and again in our Sunday weekly newsletter and via teacher communication channels prior to conferences.
Thespian Troupe
Monday, September 30 will be the last day to sign up! Please make sure you have completed this form in order to continue coming to Thespian Troupe on Tuesdays!
Here is the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0zBE1UjWhlGJ7fHREVthYUOoCD2ZOrBTvhmxg_vYaHUDHBA/viewform
Hearing and Vision Volunteers Needed
Looking for volunteers to help with Hearing and Vision Screening on Thursday, October 10th from 8:30 - 3:00. Please contact Anna Carroll (volunteer@highplainsptco.com) or Miss. Laurie our Health Aide (laurie.bridges@tsd.org) if you can help.
Chromebook Insurance
Don’t forget to let your families know about the new chromebook insurance option! Details can be found on our Tech 4 All website. Let us know if you need a flier with information to send home.
High Plains School
Follow us: @highplainsk8 @hps_athletics @_hpsmusic @hps_artofthebison
Website: hps.tsd.org
Location: 4255 Buffalo Mountain Drive, Loveland, CO, USA
Phone: 970-679-9800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/highplainsareaschool