Marathon Memo
June 2024
Important Dates
Tuesday, June 4
First Grade Night (7 classes)
See below for the schedule*
6:00 - 6:30 pm
Wednesday, June 5
Kindergarten Night (7 classes)
See below for the schedule*
6:00 - 6:30 pm
Thursday, June 6
Kindergarten Orientation
Parents / Guardians of Future Kindergarteners
Marathon Cafeteria
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Thursday, June 7
First Grade Music Celebration
Students only - see below for details
Monday, June 10
First Grade Field Day
Students & Scheduled Volunteers Only
Tuesday, June 11
Kindergarten Field Day
Students & Scheduled Volunteers Only
Wednesday, June 12 & Thursday June 13
Field Day Rain Dates
As Needed
Thursday, June 13
Preschool: Last Day
Tuesday, June 18
Last Day of School: Kindergarten & First Grade
Early Dismissal: 12:20 pm
No Lunch Served
Notes From the Principal
Thank you for a wonderful year! I join in the celebration of your child’s growth this past year.
At our level, student growth is tremendous and the home-school connection is a significant factor. Thank you for your partnership. While the joy of this time of year can be tremendous, so too can apprehension about change. Moving on to a different class and different teacher, students often feel a sense of loss as the familiar routines will soon change. For many students and parents (educators too), this can be unsettling.
Children respond differently to this transition. To support a positive school year end, acknowledge your child’s feelings. Discuss but don’t dwell. Plan a summer get-together while school is still in session. Make plans to meet at the library, at an event on the Common, or to play at a playground. Knowing that you’ll see a friend that you currently see most every day is comforting for a young child who is developing the concept of time, and ‘next year’ seems so very far away.
I wish you a fun-filled summer building memories!
Kindergarten and First Grade Nights
Visits are 6:00 - 6:30 pm
Please do not bring siblings or extended family members to this event as it is a special time to visit your child's classroom and meet their teacher as they show you where they have been spending their school days.
Classrooms will be crowded so it is truly only an evening for your student and parents/guardians. Doors used for arrival and dismissal will be monitored by staff for multiple points of entry.
Tuesday, June 4: First Grade
B204 - Aniello
B206 - Avola
B201 - Davis
B207 - Denault
B203 - Farrell
A207 - Kane
B205 - Kahn
Wendesday, June 5: Kindergarten
B129 - Bennett
B128 - Burgess/Goncalves
B119 - Caffrey
B108 - Chagnon
B103 - Ferguson
B107 - Homan
B117 - Kern
B105 - Murphy
Pumpernickel Puppets
First graders recently enjoyed Peter Rabbit performed by Pumpernickel Puppets. The demonstration of how puppets work after the show was enjoyed just as much as the show! Thank you HPTO for sponsoring this terrific enrichment!
Storyteller Len Cabral
Weaving Words Connecting Cultures
Storyteller Len Cabral recently captivated kindergarten students with his engaging retelling of African, Cape Verdean, and Caribbean folktales as well as original stories. Len’s stories all have a timeless message such as kindness, caring, and responsibility. He empowered kindergartners to find the stories we have in us. Len told students to ask their family members to tell theirs. We thank HPTO for sponsoring this enrichment!
Art News
We have been busy creating in the art room. Recent projects include Model Magic sculptures and space pictures.
In Kindergarten we created collages. The students were encouraged to use their own creativity and the skills we have learned this year to come up with a realistic or abstract picture of their choice. Next, we will be creating artwork based on dinosaurs.
In First Grade, we learned about fiber arts and created larks head knot wall hangings. In the next project, we will be working on a 3-D boat picture inspired by the woodblock print The Great Wave Off Kanagawa by Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai. The students will use paper to create the 3-D ocean scene and boat and will also have the option of learning how to make an origami boat to add to their picture.
Keep creating! Have a great summer! ~ Mrs. Lucy
Marathon Music Celebration
We are proud to share that the Second Annual First Grade Music Celebration will be on June 7th. First-grade students will participate in a music program that will feature many of the song selections they have learned with Mrs. Moran over the past two years.
This program is for students only. HCAM will stream this program, and it will then be available for future viewing on YouTube. The program is at 9:30 a.m. on June 7th. Once the link to the program is available, we will share it with first-grade families.
Mrs. Moran and the students are looking forward to this opportunity to perform together. Mr. Craig Hay, the Music Department Subject Matter Leader, has worked closely with Mrs. Moran to plan for this event. As students move through the grades, this celebration lays the foundation for future music programs. It all starts here!
Music News
Dear Parents:
It has been a pleasure to work with your children this year at Marathon School! Your children have enjoyed a variety of activities and learned many new musical concepts. Most of all - we had FUN!
Kindergarten students had a lively time while I played the bass xylophone! They jumped, galloped, and tiptoed around the room, according to the directions of the music. Your children also had a fun time with some musical bean bag games: tossing, passing, balancing, etc. Kindergarten musicians learned many concepts through the use of familiar nursery rhyme songs: They wrote the rhythms and also learned how to notate the simple melodies on the staff. They were delighted to learn the new ‘Mrs. Moran Way’ of playing ‘Ring around the Rosy’. Ask your child about this fun, different way! Other singing games included: ‘Sally Go Round the Sun’ and ‘Bow Wow Wow, whose Dog Art Thou?’. Their favorite song this spring has been ‘Spring has Sprung’, which is all about playing in the sunshine surrounded by birds and flowers.
Grade One musicians completed their study of The Carnival of the Animals. They learned many musical concepts and delighted in this unique music which depicts the characteristics of many different animals. They are experts with their understanding of the terms ‘legato’ and ‘staccato’, and even learned songs describing these terms while singing the songs either legato (smoothly) or staccato (short and choppy). We completed our study of The Carnival of the Animals with a word search, coloring a picture of our final animal (‘The Swan’) as well as a portrait of the composer, Camille Saint-Saens. Your children worked hard together as they learned songs for our end-of-the-year Music Celebration honoring our two years together. They proudly learned songs with words in Spanish, French, Hindi, English, and Japanese - and also a dance from Ireland! Some classes had a chance to play the barred instruments along with a Chinese Song.
As we prepare to say goodbye for the summer, all your children will be singing our special song: ‘Memories’. I have so many fond memories of the time spent with your children. I hope they have happy memories as well - and that you might hear them continue to sing some of their favorite songs after the school year ends. Have a relaxing summer!
Musically Yours,
Mrs. Moran
Hopkinton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
June 2024 SEPAC Events
SEPAC Parents End of Year Reception
Parents and care partners, take the night off and join us for a light dinner at our end of year get together. RSVP is preferred, but not required. RSVP to reception here or on our website
We will be holding board elections at the reception. Please fill out a ballot form by 6/2 or reach out to with questions.
When: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 6:30pm
Where: Hopkinton Public Library, Betty Strong Room (Large Event Room)
Hopkinton SEPAC Parents and Care Partners Coffee Hour: Medical Complexity
Hopkinton SEPAC is hosting a coffee hour for parents and care partners of special needs students. All are welcome, but we would like to extend a special invitation to families affected by medical complexity. Come to meet other special needs parents and learn more about Hopkinton SEPAC. We will be serving coffee and donuts.
When: Friday, June 7, 2024 at 10AM
Where: Hopkinton Public Library, Betty Strong Room (Large Event Room)
Breakfast Update
Marathon will begin offering grab ‘n go breakfast during the 2024-2025 school year. Breakfast was phased in at the Hopkins and Elmwood this past year; however, staffing challenges prohibited this at Marathon. We look forward to expanding Food Service offerings!
Report Card Access
Report cards will be available for parents to access on the last day of school, June 18, through the PowerSchool Parent Portal at 3:00 pm. It is strongly suggested you promptly print or download a copy for your records. Please be aware that the Portal will be disabled for a few weeks beginning August 1 as we prepare for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
We are asking parents to be mindful to have a report card on hand as it is often requested for athletics, camps, or other student activities. The school office will not be able to provide a printed copy of report cards for these circumstances.
Summer Reading 2024
Hello Marathon Families,
This year the Public Library’s Summer Reading theme is Read, Renew, Repeat. Families can pick up a reading log beginning Monday, June 10, 2024.
Summer Reading Recommendations for Future First Grade Students
Summer Reading Recommendations for Future Second Grade Students
Marathon Library has online resources (eBooks & PebbleGO) available all summer!
Username: marathones
Password: school
If you have any questions please let us know!
Donna Mason, M.Ed LMS
Susan Mello, MLIS
Get to Know Marathon
Lauren Dubeau, Principal, and Eric Mitchell, Assistant Principal, will host a transition event for incoming kindergarteners and new-to-Marathon first graders. Times will be assigned by class. An August tour of the building and bus experience will introduce students to Marathon on August 20, 21, or 22 from 9:00 - 12:00. Details will be shared over the summer. Students and 1-2 adults will attend at the assigned time.
Hopkinton Education Foundation: HEF
If you cannot wait to thank your child(ren)’s teachers and staff for making the year so educational, fun and safe, the Hopkinton Education Foundation would like to give you that opportunity! HEF will send a lovely thank you card with your child(ren)’s name on it, to the teachers and staff members they wish to thank. Please click and fill out the form below, and do not forget to make a donation to HEF as part of Thank-A-Teacher!!
Contact us at:
Lauren Dubeau, Principal
Eric Mitchell, Assistant Principal
Mark Campbell, Administrative Assistant
Rosemary Tabakin, Administrative Assistant