Fredericktown Elementary
Family Newsletter

Principal Letter
Dear Families,
Fall has arrived and with it all the fun of crisp autumn days, falling leaves, and of course the First Grade Pumpkin Festival here at Fredericktown Elementary! The first graders were immersed in learning about pumpkins across all subject levels. They conducted pumpkin science experiments, wrote about pumpkins, and even held tasting stations to try a variety of pumpkin foods! They concluded their Pumpkin Festival week by inviting their families to a Pumpkin Festival Show where they entertained their guests with songs, poetry recitations, and dances all of which were pumpkin themed! Our first graders were a smashing success!
Two high school students from the year book were at the Pumpkin Festival Show to take pictures. When I asked them if they remembered the First Grade Pumpkin Festival, their faces lit up with smiles as they nodded their heads and began to share their memories.
Making learning meaningful and connecting to our community is a focus for our school. And we have a lot more planned throughout the year! Our learning adventures are just beginning.
Stay curious and keep reading,
Gina Sackman, Principal
Fredericktown Elementary
Looking ahead
Hobby Fair November 15th
Fourth Grade Terra Nova Testing November 14th and 15th
PTO Holiday Bazaar November 16th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Fifth Grade Spelling Bee November 21st
PTO Spirit Day Wear your Pajamas to school November 22
Thanksgiving Break November 27th through December 2nd
Volunteers are needed for the PTO Holiday Bazaar on Friday and Saturday.
There will be an early volunteer shopping time on Friday evening and Saturday morning for those who volunteer.
We need people to help with the following:
Friday, November 15th:
*Setting up tables and chairs for the vendors
*Hanging signs in the school
*Helping vendors unload their merchandise
Saturday, November 16th from 3:00-4:30
*Taking down tables and chairs
*Helping vendors load their merchandise
*Removing tape
*Taking down signs in the school
If you are able to help or have questions please email the Fredericktown PTO at
Elementary Learning Adventures
First graders practice recognizing high and low sounds as we move with scarves to "Personages with Long Ears (Donkeys)" from the Carnival of the Animals. We use scarves to imitate the sound the donkeys made in the music. (Pictured are students in Mrs. Perrine's classroom)
"It was a dark and stormy night..." <Thunder!> 3rd graders wrote stories this week incorporating "Story Sound Effects" into their writings. (Pictured are students in Mrs. Grieser's classroom)
Freddies Stick Together! All music students in Kindergarten through 5th grade earn stickers during music class for outstanding classroom behavior. We add stickers to the mosaic poster. Can you guess what the image might be?
Gifted Education
Explorations through Reading
5th grade reading students continue to deepen their knowledge of the Holocaust by reading Lois Lowry's Number the Stars. Students recently visited Mrs. Grimm from the High School English department, where she provided more insight into the Holocaust.
4th grade reading students continue their adventures into a land beyond the wardrobe in C.S. Lewis's "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." Recently, the students completed a lengthy writing enrichment prompt where they were asked to rewrite an entire chapter of the book and explain how it affects the rest of the story.
3rd grade reading students are finishing up their adventures with Nick Allen and Mrs. Granger in Andrew Clements Frindle. Students have been answering discussion questions that go along with the book, and are working on an end of book writing prompt, where they have the choice to create an alternate ending or a fictional story involving the characters in the book.
Exploring Forces and Motion!
5th grade watched videos and learned about catapults. They put their learning into action by designing and constructing miniature catapults! Students tested their creations by launching marshmallows and candy pumpkins. They then used their measurement skills to see how far things went. The competition was fierce, but all of our young engineers were successful!
Engineering Treehouses
4th and 3rd grade students collaborated on constructing treehouses. They learned a lot about improving their design when there is a problem. They also worked on persevering when challenged!
Introduction to coding
2nd grade students utilized unplugged Coding and developed code for their own characters on Scratch Jr.. They enjoyed their first venture into coding.
Batty for nocturnal flying mammals!
First grade delved into a unit of study on bats. They conducted research to learn about the physical features of bats, what makes them an unique mammal. The first graders then applied their new knowledge along with their art and engineering skills to create a bat that has wings and can hang upside down.
Young architects
What happens when you give a group of kindergarteners a set of construction tools? They build the most amazing structures! During STEAM the kindergarteners have honed their teamwork and collaboration skills while building their STEAM challenge projects.
Kindergarten has been busy! Student have been learning about working together and showing their Freddie pride. They've learned about apples and have had apple taste tests.
First grade students had a great time with Pumpkin Week. They did pumpkin experiments, read pumpkin books, measured pumpkins, and learned how pumpkins grow. One of the highlights was trying new pumpkin foods every day. They also enjoyed their Pumpkin Show, where they sang, danced, and recited poetry.
Grades K-2 got to have the Fredericktown Fire Department come and share basic fire safety rules. They also got to look at the truck and got firefighter hats. Thanks for helping us learn valuable information that will help keep us safe.
Third graders have been expanding their vocabulary and learning that words have power! Wayne Grange #262 recently came in to give us their annual donation of student dictionaries. Students have been using them often. Our third graders were excited to get this generous gift. Thank you Wayne Grange.
Wayne Grange #262 is having an open house on November 17th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at 6491 Mount Gilead Road, Fredericktown, Ohio 43019.
Fourth grade has been working on Map Skills in Social Studies. This day they were measuring distances and working on Map Scales.
Fifth grade students are on the move!! In English & Language Arts class, they have been using the R.A.C.E strategy to answer text questions. Ask your fifth grader what R.A.C.E stands for!!! What's new in fifth grade math? Place value of decimals! Science class is all about the flow of energy in ecosystems..Can you find the praying mantis in the picture? Students learned about negative and positive electrons to create a "dancing" ghosts then headed outside for some fun with balloons.
Outdoor Recess
We will continue to have outdoor recess during the winter months. Please encourage your child to wear weather appropriate clothes.
Lost and Found
If your child is missing jackets, sweatshirts or other items you may want to check the lost and found. We have many lonely items waiting to be reunited with their owner.
General Monitoring of School-Issued Devices
Please be aware that the Fredericktown Local School District, either directly or through a technology provider, is electing to generally monitor all school-issued devices (as that term is defined by R.C. 3319.325). The monitoring will include the following features: location tracking and student interactions with school-issued devices (e.g., keystrokes and web-browsing activity). The District generally monitors these features for the noncommercial education purpose of instruction, technical support, and/or exam proctoring. Additionally, these features are generally monitored as a necessary precaution for preventing and/or responding to threats to life or safety.