KIDS Corner
A Newsletter designed to support the KIDS pilot project
"Look for Ideas Everywhere. Spark with imagination, fuel with data. "
Susan Wojcicki
KIDS Rollout & Dashboard Updates
Welcome to the second newsletter of the KIDS Pilot Project!
Quarter Two- December 2019
District Partner Highlights
Many thanks to John Mendiburu and Sue Lemon from Rosedale Union School District for being willing to stop and share their work and ideas about their rollout approach for the KIDS Pilot Project. We look forward to connecting with each of our partners in the future, as we share our best practices and “Bright Spots” on this journey together.
Rosedale Union School District
We recently had an opportunity to talk with John Mendiburu and Sue Lemon from Rosedale Union School District regarding their plan developed to support the rollout of the KIDS platform during Pilot participation.
Rosedale Rollout Foundations:
- This is not something new, but is a platform that enhances and/or supports the current system.
- Ensure there are district data comparisons to the current student data system to verify they are aligned.
- Start with the administrative team, introducing the platform to them on a regular basis, and get their feedback throughout.
The decision to start with the Administrative team is based on the premise that successful implementation will rely on the Principal’s comfort level in leading their teams with this work, which will require each to develop expertise with the platform and its capability. When the Administrative team feels comfortable and confident in using the platform, decisions on how the KIDS will be specifically used district-wide and next steps in the rollout plan will be made. It is anticipated that there will be teacher level view by the fall of 2020.
The initial rollout to the Rosedale Administrative team was launched on October 1, 2019- with the KIDS support team present to provide assistance, as needed. Sue and her instructional leadership team designed a KIDS platform scavenger hunt that provided opportunities for every administrator to explore the Essentials module, reviewing information at a district and site level. The district leadership has continued to support Administrators’ understanding and use of the KIDS platform by building time into every Administrative meeting to continue to highlight areas of the platform together, using the following protocol:
1. Review the specific data highlighted, asking the questions- What do you notice?
- What can we do about it?
An example: In the last Administrative team meeting, district and school attendance data was reviewed, using the tools in the KIDS platform and the protocol-
It was noticed that across the district, and in each school, attendance was down on Halloween, this information was used to brainstorm potential proactive solutions as a team to address this issue in the future.
A Lesson Learned
“If we are going to be data driven, then we are going to have to be more specific.”
Sue described how working through this process has provided their team insights regarding the impact of how data is initially entered into the system.
An example: It was noticed when reviewing discipline data that there seems to be a default time for an event when it is recorded into the system. However, it was realized that the data needs to be more specific and in order to truly track this information effectively, the actual time of event will need to be recorded. So, new procedures will be put in place to support that need.
KIDS Features the Rosedale team values:
>New customized dashboard landing page- very user friendly and useful!
>Access to Instantaneous data (with nightly updates)
>A user-friendly platform
- Click and drill down immediately
- Information readily available, easy to understand & navigate
- Discipline
- Inter-district transfers
- Community/School trends
The Rosedale team is looking forward to the introduction of the Digital Cume folder feature on the KIDS platform- the potential for receiving information (attendance, academic) about incoming students immediately is really exciting. They are excited to see what can be done in the EWIS and other modules and look forward to participating in the next round of implementation training the second week of December.
Kern High School District
Thank you to Kern High School District and Cameron Guinn, KCSOS Management Analyst, for sharing the following implementation highlight:
The Kern High School District (KHSD) has championed a district-wide initiative to increase student engagement and reduce the need for student suspension and expulsion through a comprehensive rollout of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The focus and commitment to student safety, staff training, and analysis of stakeholder feedback around the change to more positive structures for students is very evident in KHSD’s LCAP, but the real proof of their effort comes from the data.
The KIDS platform has allowed for real-time data aggregation of data for nearly 40,000 students at all KHSD 18 school sites quickly and easily saving time and effort for the analysis.
The 3 year trend of weekly behavior incidences across the district reinforce the systemic progress that has been made in the implementation of PBIS year over year. Only a data platform like KIDS can offer analytics at this scale, and as more districts onboard, the possibilities for tracking positive longitudinal trends for Kern county students grows exponentially.
New KIDS Features
KIDS Landing Page
Have you noticed the new KIDS Landing page when you've logged in recently?
This customization was developed by your KIDS support team in response to feedback provided regarding how this page could be used most effectively.
The new landing page features a District Snapshot feature, which includes metrics from the following data domains:
- Enrollment
- Attendance
- Suspension
- Academic
Log in and check it out today!
See sample landing page below
Assessment Results- Distance from Standard View
The KIDS support team is pleased to present a dashboard view of the Smarter Balanced assessments results in a distance from standard format. The KIDS team developed this view in order to maintain consistency with the California School Dashboard, which measures student performance in a distance from standard format.
The Distance from Standard dashboard is now available in the District domain within the Essentials module:
See sample distance from standard page below
Early Warning and Interventions Systems (EWIS) module training sessions scheduled for December 9-13, 2019
~coming soon~
EWIS Features
Hoonuit's EWIS dashboards provide systems with the ability to explore at-risk for graduation in a variety of ways:
- OVERVIEW DASHBOARD provides you a quick way to see which students have moved at-risk categories this week
- OVERALL PROBABILITY DASHBOARD- provides overall average of at-risk on your campus
- STUDENT AT-RISK DASHBOARD- provides a student view
- STUDENT DATA WALL DASHBOARD provides both the overall probability of a student’s on time graduation and how their data falls into the different risk categories
- RISK FACTOR DASHBOARD provides metrics to help bring to light the areas of greatest risk in your system
- SCHOOL-WIDE RISK DASHBOARD allows for further examination of how at-risk averages break down across grade levels and different populations
- PROXIMITY TO CUT SCORES DASHBOARD allows you to see how close students are to shifting to a different category
The document below provides additional information and visuals
Digital Cume Folders
Once available, the Digital Cume folder feature will provide participating districts with information (attendance, academic, etc) for incoming students upon enrollment in the Student Profile.
The reduction in wait-time for essential student information provides and exciting opportunity to meet student's needs as soon as they enroll.
The sample digital cume page below shows one students' information from three districts of enrollment
The Data Quality Campaign (DQC) provides a variety of effective tools and infographics that can be used to assist with communicating about the effective use of data.
The video and partnering info-graphic each provide an overview of how data can be used to help all students excel. Like all of the resources from DQC, they quick and easy references, and the information can be used immediately to guide the ongoing work of building and maintaining your own data culture. Please feel free to use these as you add to your own resource library.
Data Can Help Every Student Excel
Data Can Help Every Student Excel