Hembree Highlights
August 2, 2024

January 24, 2024
Message from Ms. Lahey
Greetings Hembree Families,
Wow, January has certainly been an eventful month! A big thank you to all of our parents for being so flexible with the unpredictable weather and for your continued support. We truly appreciate it!
We’re excited for Math Night at Tres Hermanos on Tuesday, January 28th, from 6:00-7:00 PM. It’s such a fun way for students to engage with hands-on math activities inside a grocery store! Plus, there’s a delicious restaurant in the back of the store—an added bonus! We hope to see you there.
ACCESS testing for our ESOL students is underway, so please continue helping us by ensuring your students are on time and present.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Thursday, February 13th, from 5:00-7:00 PM for our “Soaring to New Heights” event. We rely on your participation to make these events a success, so please take a look at the flyer below for more details.
Lastly, I hope everyone enjoys a fantastic weekend and stays warm. My furnace broke this week (what a bummer!), but thankfully I was able to get a quick replacement.
Take care!
Nancy Lahey
ACCESS Testing Information
Important Dates
1/28 Math Night @ Tres Hermanos from 6:00-7:00pm
2/6 General PTA Meeting on TEAMS @ 6:30pm on TEAMS
2/11 Title I Assessment Workshop (Donut Stress About the Test!) @ 7:40-8:40am
2/13 Soaring to New Heights Learning Celebration @ 5:00-7:00pm
2/19 Spirit Night at Village Burger 4-8pm
2/28 Family Dance & Silent Auction @ 6:00-7:30pm
3/6 Future Titans Night at Elkins Pointe Middle School
3/11 Rising 6th grade Parent Information Night at Northwestern Middle School
3/18 FY25 Parent Title I Input Meeting @7:40-8:40am in the media center
3/18 FY25 Parent Title I Input Meeting @5:15-6:15pm on TEAMS
Student Art Exhibit Celebrating Black History Month
Roswell City invites you to City Hall to view the Student Art Exhibit celebrating Black History Month and the powerful legacy of African Americans in our country. Each Roswell school will be represented at the Art Exhibit. Hembree Springs' Art Club worked together to create a work of art honoring Mary McCleod Bethune and her contributions to the education system. There will be a reception Thursday, January 30th at 3:00pm in the City Hall Rotunda.
Think First Stay Safe
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
We all share a common and critical goal for our children to be safe and protected from all harmful things. In support of this goal, students at Hembree Springs Elementary will soon receive annual lessons designed to increase their personal safety & protection. The Think First & Stay Safe™ program is a research-based program that teaches specific personal safety education by way of interactive classroom lessons, classroom posters, role-plays and corresponding activities. Think First & Stay Safe™ enables students to take an active and necessary role in protecting themselves from harassment, abduction, bullying, exploitation, and various forms of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional). The Health Advisory Committee reviewed and approved this program and selected components will be implemented as part of the elementary curriculum.
Due to the importance and sensitivity of this topic, you are being informed that this material will be presented to your child's class during the second semester of the 2024-25 school year. Please contact your child's School Counselor, Shannon Reynolds at 470-254-9456 or reynoldssn@fultonschools.org if you have any questions. The materials can be made available for preview if needed. Think First & Stay Safe™ prevention lessons will be implemented for all Fulton County Schools K-5 students, unless an opt-out response is sent to Shannon Reynolds.
You can also learn more about the detailed lesson plans and research behind this program at www.childluresprevention.com. Please be aware that more information is provided on the website than is actually used in Fulton County Schools. The plan for Fulton includes: key concepts taught at all grades; each grade reviews what was learned in the previous grade(s) and then builds upon that knowledge.
Key Concepts
You can use your built-in computer and make safe choices.
People are like the weather. Most are safe, but they can change.
Lures are tricks used to get children away from safe adults and safe place.
Laws help protect children and there are adults who can help you.
Your instincts help keep you safe.
A stranger is someone you don’t know.
Someone may even use threats to trick you.
No one can take away your dignity.
If you prefer that your child NOT participate in the program, please send an email to the School Counselor, Shannon Reynolds at reynoldssn@fultonschools.org. Unless written opt-out documentation is received by January 31st, 2025, your child will be a participant in the Think First & Stay Safe™ program during this semester.
As always, our administration and counselor(s) are available to discuss any questions you may have about the Think First & Stay Safe™ curriculum.
Estimados padres y/o tutores,
Todos compartimos el objetivo común y fundamental de que nuestros hijos estén seguros y protegidos de todo lo dañino. En apoyo de este objetivo, los estudiantes de la escuela primaria Hembree Springs pronto recibirán lecciones anuales diseñadas para aumentar su seguridad y protección personal. El programa Think First & Stay Safe™ es un programa basado en investigaciones que enseña educación específica sobre seguridad personal a través de lecciones interactivas en el aula, carteles en el aula, juegos de roles y las actividades correspondientes. Think First & Stay Safe™ permite a los estudiantes asumir un papel activo y necesario para protegerse del acoso, el secuestro, la intimidación, la explotación y diversas formas de abuso (físico, sexual y emocional). El Comité Asesor de Salud revisó y aprobó este programa y los componentes seleccionados se implementarán como parte del plan de estudios de primaria.
Debido a la importancia y sensibilidad de este tema, se le informa que este material se presentará a la clase de su hijo durante el segundo semestre del año escolar 2024-25. Comuníquese con la consejera escolar de su hijo, Shannon Reynolds, al 470-254-9456 o reynoldssn@fultonschools.org si tiene alguna pregunta. Los materiales pueden estar disponibles para una vista previa si es necesario. Se implementarán lecciones de prevención Think First & Stay Safe™ para todos los estudiantes K-5 de las escuelas del condado de Fulton, a menos que se envíe una respuesta de exclusión voluntaria a Shannon Reynolds.
También puede obtener más información sobre los planes de lecciones detallados y la investigación detrás de este programa en www.childluresprevention.com. Tenga en cuenta que en el sitio web se proporciona más información de la que realmente se utiliza en las escuelas del condado de Fulton. El plan para Fulton incluye: conceptos clave que se enseñan en todos los grados; cada grado revisa lo aprendido en los grados anteriores y luego desarrolla ese conocimiento.
Conceptos clave
Puede utilizar su computadora incorporada y tomar decisiones seguras.
Las personas son como el clima. La mayoría son seguras, pero pueden cambiar.
Los señuelos son trucos que se utilizan para alejar a los niños de los adultos seguros y de los lugares seguros.
Las leyes ayudan a proteger a los niños y hay adultos que pueden ayudarle.
Tus instintos te ayudan a mantenerte a salvo.
Un extraño es alguien que no conoces.
Alguien puede incluso utilizar amenazas para engañarte.
Nadie puede quitarte tu dignidad.
Si prefiere que su hijo NO participe en el programa, envíe un correo electrónico a la consejera escolar, Shannon Reynolds, a reynoldssn@fultonschools.org. A menos que se reciba la documentación de exclusión por escrito antes del 31 de enero de 2025, su hijo participará en el programa Think First & Stay Safe™ durante este semestre.
Como siempre, nuestra administración y nuestros consejeros están disponibles para discutir cualquier pregunta que pueda tener sobre el plan de estudios Think First & Stay Safe™.
Hembree's Got Talent
Pre K Lottery Information
The Hembree Springs 2025-2026 online GA Pre-K Lottery Application is now open and will close on March 5th. To be eligible for the lottery students must be 4 years old by 9/1/25 and must live in the Fulton County School attendance zone. Parents should use this link to complete the online lottery application https://tinyurl.com/preklottery2026.
Lisa Dossey, our data clerk/registrar, will email parents more information about the date and time of our lottery in mid March. The lottery will be live streamed online via Microsoft TEAMS at the end of March. For more information about the Fulton County Schools 2025-2026 GA Pre-K lottery click here https://www.fultonschools.org/all-departments/academics/learning-teaching/academic-programs/early-childhood-programs/pre-kindergarten-program
Canned Soup Drive
Ebenezer Church is hosting a CANNED SOUP DRIVE to support North Fulton Community Charities. Both organizations help Hembree Springs each year. Tag students are organizing a canned soup collection to bring as many cans of soup as possible. The grade level (students/ staff) bringing in the most cans will get to hold the desired SOUP DRIVE CHAMPION TROPHY along with bragging rights until next year. Students should bring cans to their homerooms. Mrs. Anderson will collect and deliver all cans. The LAST day to donate is Friday January 31st. Which grade level will become our 2025 SOUP DRIVE CHAMPION?
Math Night at Tres Hermanos 1/28
Assessments Workshop 2/11
Soaring to New Heights Learning Celebration 2/13
Spirit Night at Village Burger 2/19
Donate to Staff Appreciation raffle baskets!
There's no place like Hembree because our teachers and staff are Wicked OZ-some!
The theme of Teacher and Staff Appreciation this year is "Wicked" -- and our PTA is putting together an incredible lineup of food and treats each day that Glinda and Elphaba have put their stamp on! But we need YOUR help with some donations for raffle gift baskets we will be giving out Feb. 13. These baskets are the highlight of their week.
Here is the Sign Up Genius link with items we'd love to have to make these special gifts.
Please place donated items with the school's front desk or have your student bring them in. Write "Teacher Appreciation Giveaway" -- and we'll try to keep it a surprise! Please turn all items in prior to Feb. 1 so that we have time to organize the baskets.
No time to shop? Donate directly and we'll use these funds to support additional activities during the week -- inclusive of a luncheon, breakfast and more.
https://hembreespringselementary.memberhub.com/store and select Annual Campaign Donation.
Thank you! We appreciate YOU ALL for the support.
Grade-Level Baskets for Silent Auction
Our Together We Soar Silent Auction and Family Dance is coming up Feb. 28, and Hembree Springs PTA can't wait for everyone to sport their best neon colors and join in the fun for our Glow Party!
DJ Ronnel Blackmon will be spinning everyone's favorite tunes and our PTA will be hosting the silent auction in the lobby at the school. This is our largest fundraiser of the year, with support going to teacher grants, our giving closet, STEM and Star Nights, grocery store math night and keeping our events free of charge so all families can attend.
To help raise enough funds to meet our $10,000 goal, we would love parents to donate to Grade-Level Gift Baskets! These are some of the most popular auction items! To make this super easy, we've put together the themes and items we're looking for. All you have to do is "Add to Cart" and purchase. The list is already set to deliver items to our Parent Liaison Lucy Gilbert at the school. While the lists are divided by grade, you are welcome to donate to ANY of the grade levels.
We ask that you donate by Feb. 7 so we have time to assemble the baskets before the big event. Thank you so much for your support!
Backyard Fun
Movie Night
Water Fun
Pamper Yourself
Road Trip
In My Taylor Era
Volunteers Needed for our Glow Party
We need volunteers for our Glow Party on February 28th, 6 - 7:30 pm. Sign up here!
From PTA
Join us for our next General PTA meeting on February 6th at 6:30 pm on Microsoft Teams. Get an update from your PTA President and elect the nominating committee! The nominating committee will fill the slate of proposed PTA board officers for the 2025-2026 school year.
Join here:
Book Club Volunteers Needed
We are excited to offer our PTA sponsored book clubs again this January for third, fourth, and fifth graders! The sign-up below is by grade and class. We need (1-2) parent volunteers to facilitate in each classroom. Discussion questions will be provided. This is a wonderful classroom volunteer opportunity. We are looking forward to having some great conversations as well as encouraging our students to be lifelong readers.
*Please note that book club takes place during student lunch. Students will be in the classroom, eating lunch, during book club.
You must be registered as a Fulton county schools volunteer in order to moderate book club! More info here: https://www.fultonschools.org/volunteer
Sign up here:
PTA School of Excellence Update
In reviewing the data from our survey and listening sessions, we determined the YOU (our families) are interested in obtaining more information regarding assessments such as the Milestones. Please see the infographic below on accessing last year's Milestone scores for your student. Reach out to Lucy Gilbert, Title I Parent Liaison, gilbertl2@fultonschools.org with any questions.
We'll also be hosting (2) Assessments workshops next semester. The first is on 2/11 in person at 7:40am and the second will be online on 4/9 @ 6:30pm. Mark your calendars!
Beanstack Reading App
Have you heard your child mention anything about an app called Beanstack? It was introduced in the Media Center. Beanstack is a digital reading log that students can use to log the number of minutes they are reading. They can earn badges and rewards along the way. If your child is reading at school, home, daycare, etc. they can log their minutes and help us get closer to our goal. The following is a video explaining how to use Beanstack from home. You can always find your child's lunch number/student number in infinite campus or email Mrs. Soberanis: soberanis@fultonschools.org. Happy Reading!
How To Video: https://go.screenpal.com/watch/cZQTbzVSAkv
Yearbooks Are On Sale!
All Stars Wanted
Each week the PE department will choose 4 All Star Athletes (2 students & 2 staff members). If your student enjoys hiking, swimming, baseball, softball, football, biking, etc. Please email a picture to marzetti@fultonschools.org.
Ms. Marzetti
From Title I
Family Engagement Thursdays
Families! YOU are your child’s first and most influential teacher. As such you have so much to offer your student! To encourage family engagement at home, we are offering family engagement Thursdays. Each week there will be (1) activity to do at home to be completed prior to Friday. We’ll list the activities for the month in Hembree Highlights and offer reminders via social media. Your student will have the opportunity to receive a *bonus* Hawk’s ticket for participating (look out for more details from your teacher) We’ll include tips and tricks to get the conversation started and reinforce learning from the school day. Please spend anywhere from 10-20 minutes with your child engaging with them around their day at school and encouraging their social and emotional skills. We’ll also encourage you to practice other skills inclusive of Math and ELA. Please feel free to reach out to me Lucy Gilbert, Title I Parent Liaison (gilbertl2@fultonschools.org) with any questions.
Del Título I
Jueves de Participación Familiar
¡Familias! USTED es el primer y más influyente maestro de su hijo. Como tal, ¡tiene mucho que ofrecer a su estudiante! Para fomentar la participación familiar en casa, estamos ofreciendo participación familiar los jueves. Cada semana habrá (1) actividad para hacer en casa que se completará antes del viernes. Haremos una lista de las actividades del mes en Hembree Highlights y ofreceremos recordatorios a través de las redes sociales. Su estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de recibir un boleto * extra* de Hawk's por participar (esté atento a más detalles de su profesor). Incluiremos consejos y trucos para iniciar la conversación y reforzar el aprendizaje de la jornada escolar. Pase entre 10 y 20 minutos con su hijo, involucrarse con ellos durante su día en la escuela y fomentando sus habilidades sociales y emocionales. También te animaremos a que practiques otras habilidades, como las matemáticas y Arte del Lenguaje en Ingles. Por favor, siéntase libre de comunicarse conmigo Lucy Gilbert, Enlace de Padres del Título I (gilbertl2@fultonschools.org) con cualquier pregunta.
Bus Transportation Information
Lunch Visitor Sign Up
We will begin to welcome lunch visitors the week of September 9th. Due to limited capacity, we ask that you sign up using the links below. Please do not sign up for the year to allow the opportunity for many families to visit. Thanks for understanding.
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902