Bobcat Bytes
During the month of February the State of Michigan will be tracking our 2-way contacts which will determine funding for each of our students. Please help us achieve our BVL goal of 100% 2-way contact completion.
BVL is currently in the planning process for April State Testing. We have not set up any specific dates or times, but be on the look out for more details.
Best Regards,
Kevin Keilitz
Make sure you are checking out the list of open scholarships that are available! The list is continuously updated as they come in.
LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS are NOW OPEN! Visit this page for all of the applications and supporting documents. Make sure that if a scholarship requires a teacher recommendation that they are filling out the online form. The link can be found on the local scholarship page. ALL scholarship applications and supporting documents are due to Ms. McBride in the counseling office NO LATER than Friday, February 24th at 3:15. For questions regarding these applications, please email Ms. McBride at or stop in the counseling office.
- Thank you to the 500+ seniors who have placed their cap & gown order.
- Please note - New gowns will need to be ordered for all seniors this year as our graduation gown has changed and older sibling gowns will not be able to be used!
- Link to Jostens Video introducing products available
- Link to Cap & Gown Ordering
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates
2/4 - Polar Plunge
2/17 - Professional Development (No School)
2/20 - Presidents Day (No School)
2/24 - Senior Scholarship Applications are Due
3/24 - End of 3rd Marking Period
3/27-31 - Spring Recess