Grow with Snow
October 7th, 2024
Fall is here!
Even though the temperatures may not feel like it yet, it's fall y'all. This first nine weeks has flown by. There are many things going on in October and November. Please mark everything on your calendars!
Calendar of Events:
Oct. 10- End of the Nine Weeks
Oct. 14- E Learning Day- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Oct. 17- K Field Trip to McWane
Oct. 18-50th Day of school-Sock Hop during PE
Oct. 21- PTA Boo Grams Order Form goes home
Oct. 22- Parent Chat (see flyer below)
Oct. 23- Makeup Fall Pictures; PreK Field Trip
Oct. 24- Boo Grams Forms are due
Oct. 25- E Learning Day
Oct. 28-Nov 1- Red Ribbon Week (see flyer below)
Oct. 29- PTA will pass out Boo Grams
Nov. 6- Thanksgiving Meal for PreK, 1, and 2
Nov. 7- Thanksgiving Meal for K and 5th
Nov. 8- Thanksgiving Meal for 3 and 4
Nov. 11- No School
Nov. 12- Veterans Day Program (3rd and 4th-6:00)
Nov. 19- PTA Mtg- 4:30-4:45; STEM Night, 4:45-6:00; Drama Production, 6:15 (see flyer below)
Nov. 22- 4th Field Trip to Montgomery
Nov. 25 Week- Thanksgiving Break
Students return Dec. 2
Thanksgiving Meals
The Thanksgiving meal cost $6.00 per visitor. Please do not prepay; bring exact cash or check. We do not accept credit cards. It cannot be pulled from the student's account. We will get an estimated headcount to help us plan the amount of food needed. That form will be sent home this week or next week. The menu is below.
Chicken Poppers or Ham
Sweet Potato Casserole
Green Beans
Help Needed!
If your child leaves something at home such as a water bottle, jacket, snack, etc., it would be very helpful if you didn't bring it to the child. None of those items are an emergency need. It disturbs your child's learning when called to the office to pick those items up. Also, because of the busyness of the office, sometimes your child isn't called until later on in the day to pick them up. One of the SNOW expectations that your child repeats each morning at school is S showing responsibility, and this is a great way for them to learn how to work towards this important behavior.