Do You Know the Difference Between These Support Systems?
Event Information
Parent Workshop
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Thu, Aug 25, 2022, 10:00 AM
In education, there seems to be an acronym for everything. Response to intervention (RTI) and Multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) are two of the most commonly used acronyms. Though often discussed together, the two are not the same.
It is important to understand the differences between RTI and MTSS in order to properly utilize both in creating successful interventions and paths to success.
Misti Pollaro
Parent Training Coordinator - PSN Program
Misti Pollaro, Parent Training Coordinator for the Parent Support Network Project (PSN) under Family Network on Disabilities (FND), where she covers 15 counties, training families, professionals, and self-advocates on Special Education (IDEA) laws and advocacy, connecting them to resources and options to help navigate the Special Education process. With decades of personal experience in Special Education and over a decade of experience in public speaking, presenting, and teaching on advocacy and IDEA. Misti is able to be more relatable to parents and caregivers sharing the knowledge and lived experiences that she has gained, both as a parent and a professional on her path.