Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

September 25, 2024
BVTV will be back Tomorrow!
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Dariu Mois – sub Julia Wickware
Daniel Touchard – sub Michelle Nott
Shawlene Pal – sub Angela Reed
Sally Fischel – sub Meridith Coenen
Tyler Sickler – sub Robert Podesta
Andrea Garman – sub Gregory Varozza
Wendy Carey – sub Kevin Bowlson
Garrett Lane – teacher subs
Sydney Smith (1 only) – teacher sub
Amanda Lopes (4 only) – sub Kevin Bowlson
Katie Sowa – no sub
Lauren Trainer – no sub
Lorraine Shurley – no sub
Hayden Hovis – no sub
Student Body
- TODAY LOCKDOWN DRILL during 4th period After overhead announcements.
- TODAY join us at Lunch in the large Quad to kick off Club Day! Stop by the different tables to get information on club dates and schedules along with meeting locations.
- Attention Seniors! Do you need help with the ins and outs of applying to college. The Library will be hosting several College Application Workshops. Workshop #1 will be held on Tuesday, October 1 during 5th & 6th period. Students who have a 5th/6th period need to see Mrs. Sloan in the library for a pass.
- Attention AP Students: All students interested in taking an AP Exam in May must sign up No Later than Wednesday, November 6 at 11:59pm. All exam registrations must be completed through Total Registration, cost is $105 per exam. If you have any financial concerns, please email Mrs. Sowa.
- San Juan Unified is hosting a variety of in person & on campus activities for College Week.
- Today- What To Be (Get in character & dress as your future career)
- Thur., Sept. 26 - College Night at Rio Americano High School
- Fri., Sept. 27 - Dress in your college gear for spirit day
- To learn more about College Week, visit www.sanjuan.edu/collegeweek
BV is competing against Del Campo for the Pink Link Fundraiser. Students can buy 1 link for $1 or 10 for $5. Students are encouraged to bring $1 to their 4th period this Friday where stud gov will collect donations. All money raised goes to the American Cancer Society. The paper chains from each campus will be measured against each other at the BV vs. DC Girls Flag Football Game on Thursday, 10/3. We will also have Venmo available that day and have Venmo codes in the halls. Teachers can donate also!
Upcoming Meetings
- Lockdown DRILL - Today during 4th period
- Club Launch Day - Today at Lunch in Large Quad
- STEAM Event - Today 10am - 1:00pm at the Aerospace Museum of CA
- College Night - Tomorrow night 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Rio American HS
- College Application Workshop #1- in Library 5th/6th period: Tuesday, October 1
- No School - Friday, October 4
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
Congratulations to JV Field Hockey on their 3-2 WIN against Davis High School!
Today Girls Water Polo head to CK McClatchy High School. Come show your support!
Wishing both Girls Volleyball & Flag Football Good Luck as they head to Woodcreek Today! Go Broncos!
Bella Vista Cross Country head to Phoenix Park Tomorrow for their first CVC Meet. Good Luck to all the Runners!
- Are you looking to challenge yourself, work with a team, and have a coach who sets achievable goals? Do you want to get in the best shape of your life? Then joining the BV Wrestling Team is for you. We have both Girls and Boys Wrestling Teams! For more information see Coach Lane in room i-6.
On going Reminders...
- Homecoming Guest Pass Applications for Non-BV students are now available in the front office. Completed applications are DUE Tuesday, October 8 by 3:30pm, NO EXCEPTIONS!
- SB Cards ($50), class t-shirts ($13 - limited sizes available) and student planners ($5 - quantities limited) are still available to purchase in the Finance office with Cash or check.
- Pre-order your yearbooks now while they are at the lowest price of $70. You can purchase them online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or in the finance office with Cash/Check.
- Student/Parent Volunteers are needed for BV Arts & Craft Fair! Help is needed the day before and the day of. See the flyer for signups at the office student bulletin board or see Mrs. Sloan in the Library.
- The CCC has a variety of College & University Representatives visiting BV. Stop by the CCC to sign up for these upcoming presentations. Juniors/Seniors have priority. Students must sign up at least 24 hours in advanced. No last-minute walk-ins permitted.
- Attention SENIORS! Don't forget to Schedule your Senior Portraits appointment with Bill Smith Photography ASAP! Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- Students wanting to play sports, including conditioning, tryouts and practicing, must be cleared through Sports Net before you can start! Forms/Instructions available in the front office.