Principal Zeman's Notes
August 30th, 2024
Welcome back- first day reminders
Reminder for Students:
Please make sure to charge your Chromebooks over the weekend in preparation for Tuesday. At a minimum, bring a notebook and a writing utensil, along with your Chromebook, to every class. We're excited to see all of you and kick off the school year!
Cell Phones
First Offense
Staff member will request that the student place the device in the backpack/locker..
Staff member will have a follow-up conversation with the student and will call or email home.
Second Offense
Staff member will request that the student place the device in the backpack/locker.
Staff member will have a follow-up conversation with the student and will call home.
Third Offense
Student will turn the device into the front office for the remainder of the day.
Assistant Principal will make a phone call home informing the family, and the following steps if further intervention is required.
Fourth Offense
Student will turn the device into the front office for the remainder of the day.
Assistant Principal will call home to inform the family that a restorative conference will be scheduled and the device will need to
be picked up.
Fifth Offense
Student will turn the device into the front office for the remainder of the day.
A conference with the Assistant Principal, family, and student will be scheduled and a device plan will be drafted. The device may be kept in the office or not allowed on site. The family will finalize the plan with the Assistant Principal and the student.
Football Game Reminders
We continue to modify our practices at events to ensure safe and welcoming environments for both learning and activities.
At ISD 728 football games, our young fans - from elementary through middle school, will not be allowed to attend without a parent, guardian or supervising adult in attendance.
Additionally, and as a reminder, once a spectator has left the stadium, they will not be allowed to re-enter.
ISD 728 also will not allow: bags, balls, outside beverages, pets, props, face paint, signs, flags, or other items that may create a disruption during the game.
Please note - due to liability, we will no longer be storing student bags at football games. Students must make plans to store their bags elsewhere prior to the game.
Student Passes
Students can scan a QR code at the stadium or gym to purchase a season pass through GoFan for $10 plus fees ($12.50).
Upcoming Events
If you did not make the new families presentation at open house, here is the presentation slides:
New ERHS Families- Open House.pdf
If school photos were taken at 9th grade Orientation or Housekeeping Your Photos are Ready! If your student still needs to get their photo taken, we have photographers in the building during all lunches Friday 9/6.
September 16- Senior Panoramic Photo
September 16-20- Homecoming Week
September 26- College Fair
Senior Photos and Recognition Ads
Class of 2025: REMINDER - It's time to submit your senior photo to be included in the yearbook!
Class of 2025 - Congratulations on entering your final year of high school! This will undoubtedly be a year like no other! As your yearbook staff, our goal is to make sure that you are well-represented in the yearbook. To help us reach that goal, we are asking you to do a couple of things.
We request that senior photos be submitted by NOVEMBER 15, 2024. In order for that to happen, appointments need to be made soon! The sooner you get your photos taken, the better. Photos received AFTER November 15, 2024, will NOT appear in the yearbook.
All portraits must be traditional HEAD AND SHOULDERS shots.
No props, pets, or hats, please!
You may choose a color or black & white portrait.
Photo Quality needs to be a minimum of 300 DPI or higher for actual image size. JPEG format is required. NO TIFF OR PNG FILES ARE ACCEPTED!
A high-resolution photo is important for publishing purposes.
Backgrounds are fine, as long as they are not distracting.
Photos need to be vertical (tall).
You MUST submit a digital portrait to https://images.jostens.com/0YRpowKiDY3Ho2W0BQNE-rQ
Go to the website https://images.jostens.com/0YRpowKiDY3Ho2W0BQNE-rQ
Choose your file before you go to the upload site.
Choose the photo to upload. Remember, each student may only submit ONE photo!
Provide parent or photographer contact info. (Person uploading the photo should enter their info)
Provide IMAGE information
Type the student's first and last name as you would like it to appear in the yearbook.
It is extremely important to spell the student's name correctly.
Select grade 12 from the dropdown menu.
In the description, type: senior portrait.
Click the box to agree to the terms and conditions.
Click "upload chosen images" in the gray box to complete the process.
You will see a confirmation page and should receive a confirmation email shortly after your submission.
Go to https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/ybAdDesigner/1062734/-/20240724151559440114/CATALOG_SHOP/ to create and pay for your senior's ad.
Honor your favorite senior with a Recognition Ad in the yearbook. These are ads that Parents/Guardians write a send off with a baby picture for seniors. For $35 (this is a special that lasts until September 20th.) Price will then go up to $40 in price until the due date. Family or friends can publish a photo of your senior as a child and a personalized message. Senior Ads must be received by NOVEMBER 15, 2024.
Questions: shane.netzinger@isd728.org
Athletic Calendar
Counseling Update
PSAT: Optional Test Opportunity for Class of 2026
The PSAT will be offered on October 30, 2024 at ERHS during the school day for any interested juniors (Class of 2026). Interested sophomores (Class of 2027) may also register for the PSAT for practice. Please review our counseling website for registration details and deadlines.
Celebrating Success
Jaelynn Mogren, Adrianna Hiltz, Taylor Steindl, Ella Hamilton, and Cole Lupien
This team spent the day networking with the General Mills Corporate Chefs and baking 500 cookies to hand out at the ERHS Open House. We are thankful for the donation of product and the leadership of Jaelynn for arranging this event during the summer.